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Who has experience with custody battles?


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So this whole shared custody shit isn't really cutting it anymore with my baby's momma.


We don't have anything officially through the courts, its just kinda like we split the kids joint bills,and pay for whatever she needs when she's with us.


I have her Wednesday afternoon-Friday afternoon, and every other weekend, and her mom vice versa.


But she's just a bitch and tries to use my timewith my daughter against me, life if she wants me to do something or she wants something she'll threaten me with taking her away etc.


And I live in a better school district, 1 block from the school, own a house, am about to be married,and I feel offer my daughter a more stable life.


her on the other hand lives in her sister's apartment, shares 1 bedroom w/ my daughter, meets different guys all the time, lives in the columbus/worthington area,so i think its columbus schools and she'd be bused, and she works odd hours/like 3 part time jobs, and sometimes takes my daughter with her on her 3rd job, which i don't think is appropriate/fair to her.


Anyways,my daughter just turned 4, and we have been split for about 2 years.


I want to take my ex to court and fight for residential custody as well as majority custody, although I'm fine with my ex having her some days etc,


But I'm scared about the consequences if i lose, like as in child support etc etc.


When we did the mediation thing like a year and a half ago through the courts, they estimated I would have to pay like $300+/month to my ex for child support,even though I would have my daughter half of the week, like 3-4 days. Which I dont think that is fair, nor can I afford it.


I mean I already pay for everything my daughter needs when she's with me,plus some,then I pay half for her activities, like she does ballet/swimming lessons/ and isgoing to start soccer camp this summer, so another $300+ a month is rediculous and impossible I think.


sorry for the long rant, I'm just at a loss of what to do and am really frustrated.


thanks for any input

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Im going through the same thing right now. Been going through it since august of 2008. Best bet is to get a lawyer and just go get shared parenting rights through the court system. Its gonna cost a little bit of money but its gonna be worth it in the end.
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You better document everything. Including any money you ever spend. She can fight for back child support(might not win) and say you have never payed a dime. Document anything the mom does you dont feel is right. Document every conversation you ever have. Put times dates, witness names. You have to prove you really care mor ethan the next person. I cant stress enough to document everything everything everything. Edited by wnaplay
spellcheck myself
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Well I dont know if the law in Ohio is differnet but most states if there is shared custody you wouldnt pay anything. Also, with all the stuff you pay now isnt it more then 300? The formulas are online to calculate it. If you have to pay support it just a flat amount not 300.00 and half of her other expenses etc. Becarefull because any money you pay her now is considered a gift and they could jack you and back date it.
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So this whole shared custody shit isn't really cutting it anymore with my baby's momma.


We don't have anything officially through the courts, its just kinda like we split the kids joint bills,and pay for whatever she needs when she's with us.


I have her Wednesday afternoon-Friday afternoon, and every other weekend, and her mom vice versa.


But she's just a bitch and tries to use my timewith my daughter against me, life if she wants me to do something or she wants something she'll threaten me with taking her away etc.


And I live in a better school district, 1 block from the school, own a house, am about to be married,and I feel offer my daughter a more stable life.


her on the other hand lives in her sister's apartment, shares 1 bedroom w/ my daughter, meets different guys all the time, lives in the columbus/worthington area,so i think its columbus schools and she'd be bused, and she works odd hours/like 3 part time jobs, and sometimes takes my daughter with her on her 3rd job, which i don't think is appropriate/fair to her.


Anyways,my daughter just turned 4, and we have been split for about 2 years.


I want to take my ex to court and fight for residential custody as well as majority custody, although I'm fine with my ex having her some days etc,


But I'm scared about the consequences if i lose, like as in child support etc etc.


When we did the mediation thing like a year and a half ago through the courts, they estimated I would have to pay like $300+/month to my ex for child support,even though I would have my daughter half of the week, like 3-4 days. Which I dont think that is fair, nor can I afford it.


I mean I already pay for everything my daughter needs when she's with me,plus some,then I pay half for her activities, like she does ballet/swimming lessons/ and isgoing to start soccer camp this summer, so another $300+ a month is rediculous and impossible I think.


sorry for the long rant, I'm just at a loss of what to do and am really frustrated.


thanks for any input


Get a lawyer. Whether you want to hear the good and the bad, bottom line is ignoring it and handling it on your own isn't going to do you any favors.


You have PM BTW.

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laywer up, but the mother always has first right before the man, and they want to do what is best for the child



so plant drugs on her, and get her arrested! j/k




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and you are getting married again? J/k.


This will not go well, you will lose. You do need to document everything tho, and i mean everything. The court will want somebody to pay child support so they get a piece of it. You better be on your best behavior and dont give her any idea that you will take this to court.

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