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Cop gets pulled over

Alex L.

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Okay so I hate shit like this, was it that kids job to follow him? No. I'm not going to take sides here though. It wasnt right for him to be speeding like that without reason either. I just got off the phone with the ACCOMACK COUNTY sheriffs office and according to the bitch I talked to their official response is "no comment". I didnt tell them I wasn't local though.


I fucking hate cops and their corruption. My hatred escalated even more 6 months ago when Officer Ryan from GCPD told my wife he was going to rape her and shoot me for no reason then preceded to stalk me and make a gun motion with his hand every time he drove by my house. Those fucking pigs wouldnt even let me file an official complaint against him so I call CPD and they couldnt help so I called the DA and they gave me some number for the feds but they only take complaints in writing so I submitted it but they dont do anything on an individual bases.


If anyone else is bothered by this I encourage you to call in and let them know, (757) 787-1131.

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My hatred escalated even more 6 months ago when Officer Ryan from GCPD told my wife he was going to rape her and shoot me for no reason then preceded to stalk me and make a gun motion with his hand every time he drove by my house.


If anyone else is bothered by this I encourage you to call in and let them know, (757) 787-1131.


I would but I don't want to get harassed by the police. Video cameras my friend, in this day in age everyone has a camcorder built right into their cellphones. I'm just saying ...

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Okay so I hate shit like this, was it that kids job to follow him? No. I'm not going to take sides here though. It wasnt right for him to be speeding like that without reason either. I just got off the phone with the ACCOMACK COUNTY sheriffs office and according to the bitch I talked to their official response is "no comment". I didnt tell them I wasn't local though.


I fucking hate cops and their corruption. My hatred escalated even more 6 months ago when Officer Ryan from GCPD told my wife he was going to rape her and shoot me for no reason then preceded to stalk me and make a gun motion with his hand every time he drove by my house. Those fucking pigs wouldnt even let me file an official complaint against him so I call CPD and they couldnt help so I called the DA and they gave me some number for the feds but they only take complaints in writing so I submitted it but they dont do anything on an individual bases.


If anyone else is bothered by this I encourage you to call in and let them know, (757) 787-1131.


Wow that sucks.. I'm not even going to get into that mess but I will say that you have a point in there...



Anyway, I wonder what happened to the cop in the video. The kid filming didn't really handle it in a... ummm, professional? manner but it took some balls to do what he did and the cop didn’t even have an explanation. Shit he was honking at him for a while too, what if it was an emergence and he was trying to flag down the cop for help. The cop didn’t respond right either IMO, but whatever.

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Shit he was honking at him for a while too, what if it was an emergence and he was trying to flag down the cop for help.


That is the first thing that came to my mind too.


A civilian is chasing you at 90mph and the honking at you. You are a police officer....sure would appear someone needed help.


Guy should lose his job based on this fact alone. I could care less he was speeding, I probably would too if I had lights and a badge.

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Well, the guy taping is a bit of douchebag, but that cop was way out of line. I can't even think of how many times I've seen cops pulling illegal shit, though. However, let's not forget it's the individual who plays the role of cop that's the dick. They aren't dicks just because they're cops.
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Guest tbutera2112
i had a cop almost rear end me on the freeway once when i was taking my gf home...it was like 11 30 at night and i was doing 72ish and i was about to switch lanes, glanced back and it was clear for a good bit, waited a sec while i got closer to the car in front because i hate cruising in the fast lane, was about to merge and right as i check my mirror again a cop flys past me like im sitting still and then disappears...no lights or anything
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I attempted to race a sheriff on night. :lol: I was just out cursing looking for some fun probably around 11:00-12:00 at night. I had installed my cam the weekend before so I wanted to get a good bench mark. I was on 270 doing about 55 just waiting for something to pop up I’m just crusin there and I see a set of headlights coming up fast so I got on it a bit. The guy had to of been doing 85-90mph by my est. I was rollin at 55 he got maybe a car behind me before I started to pull on him I got up to about 115mph and saw that he wasn’t going to catch me so I slowed down to get side by side. I look over and see the big yellowish gold star on the side of the door. My stomach just dropped… I taped the breaks and just drifted on back until the cop was long gone. Hahaha :lol: Stupid I know, but where ever he was going had of been important because there was no doubt that my ass should have been stopped.
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Guest tbutera2112
I attempted to race a sheriff on night. :lol: I was just out cursing looking for some fun probably around 11:00-12:00 at night. I had installed my cam the weekend before so I wanted to get a good bench mark. I was on 270 doing about 55 just waiting for something to pop up I’m just crusin there and I see a set of headlights coming up fast so I got on it a bit. The guy had to of been doing 85-90mph by my est. I was rollin at 55 he got maybe a car behind me before I started to pull on him I got up to about 115mph and saw that he wasn’t going to catch me so I slowed down to get side by side. I look over and see the big yellowish gold star on the side of the door. My stomach just dropped… I taped the breaks and just drifted on back until the cop was long gone. Hahaha :lol: Stupid I know, but where ever he was going had of been important because there was no doubt that my ass should have been stopped.


hahaha..."he was scared"

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i want to punch that faggot ass in face. He has no right to be speeding like that and holding a camera in traffic. What a mental. Im more upset that HE was speeding to. It looked like a street race to me. Blowing through stop signs ect.
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I hope that moron was drunk. If not, someone needs to crack him right in the head. How much of a bad ass is that guy? "He's fuckin scared" Really? Kids lucky he didn't get out with his gun drawn. Let's see, driving out in the middle of nowhere and some ass is following you. What would you do? Best part is the kid is talking shit about driving 90 mph being the "scariest shit ever" How much of that video is the guy driving in the middle of the road and swerving all over the place? Too bad he didn't lose it and tape that.
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