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Looking for TV's, anyone selling a decent plasma?

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I haven't been able to find any kind of up-scaling in the cable box, BUT I did swap to AV cables, looks a hell of a lot better than the coaxial. I think I may be able to live with it.

I'm still not using the whole screen, though.

is your cable box HD? and you do know HD channels have sub-numbers? example: channel 4-1 is NBC in HD vs. just channel 4 which is non-HD

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I'm still not using the whole screen, though.


Get with the guys here who are with your provider..Thorne is a TW guy and Joe/Nitrousbird hooked me up on the WOW stuff. Knows his shit for sure.


Image wise, the aspect ratio and what you're seeing is normal on non HD programs. Just like a camera, the aspect ratio isn't something you can really effectively change. YOu can stretch it/fit it, but it will distort the images. I do it for the kids cartoons because it's not as noticable on them, but on a movie or news cast it is.

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I don't know why everyone is talking about LCD and Plasmas, LED's are the future. Has anyone seen the new Samsung LED tv's? They are as thin as an Ipod Touch and should last basically forever.
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I don't know why everyone is talking about LCD and Plasmas, LED's are the future. Has anyone seen the new Samsung LED tv's? They are as thin as an Ipod Touch and should last basically forever.


Because this is a thread about buying a reasonably priced home television, not next-gen tech that starts out at four times the cost of a standard LCD/plasma tv.


944, throw computer out the window, take up tennis.

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