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High school graduation cancelled


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How can you be able to do that, to hack like that, but not be able to get away with it? I mean, i don't like that kid doing that, but you'd think if he was bright enough to do that, he could get away with it. Idiot.....:nono:
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he almost did it! lol i imagine the IT guys face when he realized what happened. I bet the guy looks like the southpark character that destroys everyone in world of warcraft.



IT guy - "ohhh, i see what you did there........" *shoves another ho ho in his mouth*

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  Firehead Studios said:
How can you be able to do that, to hack like that, but not be able to get away with it? I mean, i don't like that kid doing that, but you'd think if he was bright enough to do that, he could get away with it. Idiot.....:nono:



The cheating scandal was unearthed Monday when a copy of a student-prepared video found on a computer lab PC made references to the cheating and "the biggest prank ever," the superintendent said.



"smart", but not smart

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  Hefty Jesus said:
High school is total bullshit anyway, who the fuck cares? The only people angry about there not being a graduation are the parents.


This was my reaction. I felt like my graduation ceremony was a waste of time, but family members felt otherwise.

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  Slimpsy said:
What a waste of thread space, lol.


No but really. . sucks for those not involved, but I couldn't agree more that high school is merely a taste of getting up early and select retention. . everything else in between is just bullshit drama and blurry memories.




This should be in Fucking Websters. Seriously.

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Some of you must have went to shitty high schools. We actually had to learn something at mine to pass. I didn't like HS (loved college though), and maybe the non college prep stuff was cake, but not any of the courses worth taking.


The graduation cancelling is bullshit. By their own admission, 47 of the 97 knew nothing about it. And they said a number of the other 50 knew of it but didn't cheat - when is it required of a student to be a narc for those cheating? So for all we know, 10-15 kids cheat, and the whole class doesn't get to graduate. Nice. :)

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The cheating seniors had enough credits and high-enough grades that most still would have graduated even if they received a zero for the world-studies class, Holden said.


lol dumbasses.


i had enough credits to graduate the end of my junior year, but the school wouldnt let me. i completely blew off my entire senior year and graduated :)

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  Tripleskate said:
My friend in Centerburg in collaboration with many of the other students there have set-up a pho-graduation today in a public park.

There was a mom on the news yesterday midday that said she was putting together something in a park, kids in the background were crying.

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  Nitrousbird said:
And they said a number of the other 50 knew of it but didn't cheat - when is it required of a student to be a narc for those cheating?


I think that is BS that the other kids were "supposed to narc". The school needs to police the kids, not the kids policing other kids. If the one that knew about the hack but did not cheat, snitched. They would have either got a major beat down, or they would be forever known as "the snitch". If I knew, I would not have said anything either. I hate a snitch.


Our State Board put a "snitch rule" in our laws. We are supposed to run and tell the board everything we see. I keep my mouth shut unless patients are in danger. Let the police be the police.

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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder
  dragknee66 said:
Those kids are our bright future, Im so excited.



I hope this lesson serves them well, best to learn while still (somewhat) young that there are consequences to dishonesty and cheating. Hopefully this curtails the megalomaniacal personality flaw now, just imagine what they could turn out to be...26, moronic and a blight on the general population.

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