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Elderly woman tasered ...


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Don't they carry pepper spray or mace anymore or hand cuffs? I know the lady was being a pain in the ass, but at 72 years old he could have killed her. :nono:


I think he went a bit overboard. Right or wrong in terms of rules, the fucker should just grabbed her hand, cuffed her and rolled on. Instead he decided to power-trip a grandma to make some news. Pussy move.


On the flip side, that's once bitch of a women who needs slapped around a bit. She prolly likes it though.

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that was AWEESOMEEEEEEE . not to be a douche but 15 25 50 80 100 years old i dont care treet em the same. im sure he turned down the power( if you can) . all she had to do 2was sign a dam ticket an if she didnt seem she should of gotten it ..fight the ticket. dont be a dumb ass. ahhh
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i see absolutely no problem with the officers actions and he responded appropriately to the situation. who cares how old she is, the only way i see she would have "died" is if she had a pace maker
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This is a gray area for me. I don't think he necessarily did "the wrong thing", but once she agreed to sign the ticket, he could've probably let her be on her way, and avoided the whole "tasing the old lady" mess.
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This is a gray area for me. I don't think he necessarily did "the wrong thing", but once she agreed to sign the ticket, he could've probably let her be on her way, and avoided the whole "tasing the old lady" mess.


Even though she was being a bitch he could have chosen to let her sign it when she said she would and just let her remarks go in one ear and out the other...


That's the problem. He told her to sign it, she refused. He then told her if she did not sign it that she would have to go to jail. She then asked to be taken to jail. At this point she fully understands the consequences of her actions. She is trying to call his bluff. When she realizes he is not bluffing she agrees to sign the ticket. By that time it is to late. The Officer did everything correctly in my book. He stated a request, stated the consequences of not complying and most importantly he followed through with the results as chosen by the perpetrator.

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