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Dumb move..

V8 Beast

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I have a question.


My mother's lease on her murano is up in a few months and she is about 12000+ miles over on her lease. Shes contemplating buying the truck when the lease is up, so how would this effect the charges? Do they wave them if you finance the car? Can she just roll them into the finance package?


She's knows nothing about cars, financing or leasing, and isn't the brightest bulb in the box.


IS YOUR MOM A TARD? 12 thousand miles over? lol do you know how many cents over for every mile she signed for?


edit: that might of been mean/truthfull sorry

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.15 I believe. And her lease is not up yet either. She drives to and from work every day, and then drives my bro to whatever sports practice etc. Groceries etc. My dad has an escalade they use for long trips but other than that its all on her wheels. She drove to FL and back once too I believe.


I told her she should just purchase the car and see if they will wave the milage, worst case just roll the charges into the bottom line of the finance package. Not sure if that was good advice or not, I just don't want to see her fork over $4000 for no good reason.

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Its a digital ODO, so rolling it back wouldn't be an option. I just got off the phone with a car dealer buddy and he said just purchase the truck at the end of the lease and they will waive the over milage fees. He said you can also haggle down the residual value a little bit and she MIGHT end up with the same, or slightly higher, monthly payment.


Basically, she just got into a lease to buy agreement with nissan.

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IS YOUR MOM A TARD? 12 thousand miles over? lol do you know how many cents over for every mile she signed for?


edit: that might of been mean/truthfull sorry



Yea, jesus man, my mom is a lovely lady. I have been told she's quite attractive and my old roommate once pitched a tent when she walked in a room... she noticed. I'm sure they can afford any fees they incur, I just wish they could've afforded my college education haha.

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Yea, jesus man, my mom is a lovely lady. I have been told she's quite attractive and my old roommate once pitched a tent when she walked in a room... she noticed. I'm sure they can afford any fees they incur, I just wish they could've afforded my college education haha.


PICS of said mom?:leghump:

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Called the dealership.. They told me I could buy it for ONLY $23,000. I said no thank you. I'll just turn it in and buy it back from you for $13k. The guy wasnt happy with me :lol:


So.. Looking for a daily for under $13k for them to keep an eye out for that can tow a trans am (note:I typed "for" four times in one sentence). Open to ideas. I'm going to give them a list Sunday and have them call me when they get trade ins matching what I want.

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Called the dealership.. They told me I could buy it for ONLY $23,000. I said no thank you. I'll just turn it in and buy it back from you for $13k. The guy wasnt happy with me :lol:


So.. Looking for a daily for under $13k for them to keep an eye out for that can tow a trans am (note:I typed "for" four times in one sentence). Open to ideas. I'm going to give them a list Sunday and have them call me when they get trade ins matching what I want.


Seriously, do it. Let them take the car back, and agree to finance the over milage fees. Wait two weeks, come back and buy the car. Theres no law/ rules against that.

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Called the dealership.. They told me I could buy it for ONLY $23,000. I said no thank you. I'll just turn it in and buy it back from you for $13k. The guy wasnt happy with me :lol:


So.. Looking for a daily for under $13k for them to keep an eye out for that can tow a trans am (note:I typed "for" four times in one sentence). Open to ideas. I'm going to give them a list Sunday and have them call me when they get trade ins matching what I want.


Tow it with a ford :ninja:

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I have a vehicle with 48692 miles. The lease allows for 48000 miles before I start getting charged 20 cents for every mile. I still have 6 months left on the lease. I'm going to end up giving them about $900 extra when its all said and done fml.


FML depending on how you look at the transaction. You are not paying $20 mile penalty. It's more like $.05. The other $.15 is what you would have been charged if you payed for the miles in advance, thus it's for the additional use you're putting on the vehicle above and beyond what you contracted for.


I'm not knocking your situation, I'm just saying that you're paying a small penalty and the rest is just your overuse of the vehicle.

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Miles on the lease suck! then they cahrge you out the ass for them. I drive 50 miles round trip to work each day, which I don't think is great.. but not horrible either. If I just drove my car to work and back 5 days a week, I'd put 13K miles on it a year. Most lease offers only go up to 15K then you're better off buying the car... Oh well, good luck. time to start planning your next one.


Again, miles on a lease are no different than miles on a buy. The vehicle depreciates the same regardless if you buy or lease or get a loan from uncle ed or pay the thing off out right. The mileage charges are standard based on depreciation and they aren't charging you out the ass. Everyone here has bought and sold a car and can figure out the per mile cost to own it.


Leases actually hold several huge advantages over buys unless you're the type of person who buys new and keeps them forever. Best thing however is to buy 1-2 years old, pay cash and drive it forever. Otherwise, if you are a loan / payment buyer and trade your ride in ever 3-5 years, you're better off leasing.

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I have a question.


My mother's lease on her murano is up in a few months and she is about 12000+ miles over on her lease. Shes contemplating buying the truck when the lease is up, so how would this effect the charges? Do they wave them if you finance the car? Can she just roll them into the finance package?


She's knows nothing about cars, financing or leasing, and isn't the brightest bulb in the box.


The only time overages on leases matter really is when you simply return the car aka drop it off for them to take back. Now, the miles still come into play of course as if you go to trade or sell it, miles factor into the trade or resale value. Again though, it's not a bad thing, just a case where she over-used the car for 12,000 miles and has to make up the difference.


If she's going to buy a new car, and the trade value is less than her lease buyout, if she's ending it early, then she eats the difference. Most companies won't lease more than 110% of the cars value and in today's world, she might not be able to do that on a lease or even a finance, so look into the details.


Bottom line, there is negotiating room, but with the market today, especially on SUV's, she may be best off just paying the addition mileage charges.


PM me with any other Q's if you wish. I grew up in a GM Family who owned three dealerships and spent a fair amount of time in sales and in the F&I office. I"m out now thankfully and haven't looked back.

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FML depending on how you look at the transaction. You are not paying $20 mile penalty. It's more like $.05. The other $.15 is what you would have been charged if you payed for the miles in advance, thus it's for the additional use you're putting on the vehicle above and beyond what you contracted for.


I'm not knocking your situation, I'm just saying that you're paying a small penalty and the rest is just your overuse of the vehicle.


Anything I pay extra that could have been avoided is fml. I could easily be at 40k if I would have used any of my other 3 cars more over the years.

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Anything I pay extra that could have been avoided is fml. I could easily be at 40k if I would have used any of my other 3 cars more over the years.


True....owing the money sucks. I'm not sure how GMAC works nowadays, but at one point you were able to pre-buy miles and if you didn't use them all were given credit for those unused miles if you re-leased with them. My gut says they probably won't do that any more, but you can still structure a lease with more than the typical 12 or 15k per year. 20k-25k is common nowadays.

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True....owing the money sucks. I'm not sure how GMAC works nowadays, but at one point you were able to pre-buy miles and if you didn't use them all were given credit for those unused miles if you re-leased with them. My gut says they probably won't do that any more, but you can still structure a lease with more than the typical 12 or 15k per year. 20k-25k is common nowadays.


I'm going to take advantage of the messed up economy and see what deals they can make for me. I should be in a very nice car for a very good price in the next 3 months. Or I'll pay $15k for an $18k car and sell it in 3 years... who knows.

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I'm going to take advantage of the messed up economy and see what deals they can make for me. I should be in a very nice car for a very good price in the next 3 months. Or I'll pay $15k for an $18k car and sell it in 3 years... who knows.


You can find TrailVoys with the 5.3 and leather for about 15k. The best one of the platform is the Saab 9-7X 5.3 which can be had with around 40k miles for 15k as well. They sell for over 50k new and look very good. I almost picked one up a few months ago but they all have a sunroof and it ate up too much headroom for me.

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Wait until you have less than 6 months left. they will call you and ask you what you intend to do. Tell them you are going to drop it off and walk. When they ask you how many miles say about 45000 - under the allowable miles. When they ask what condition it is in say perfect - nothing to worry about charges wise. See the bank does not want it back unless they can hit you up for some serious fees. I used this method recently and bought out my Suburban for less than half of what the lease buyout was.
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