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Good reason not to street race


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Thats sad stuff... but that shit can happen anywhere even on a track.. not justifying street racing just saying that shit can go wrong any where... Saddest part is the passenger. We all know our risk when we race... but the passenger may not want it. I wish they posted the speeds... thats pretty bad
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Thats sad stuff... but that shit can happen anywhere even on a track.. not justifying street racing just saying that shit can go wrong any where... Saddest part is the passenger. We all know our risk when we race... but the passenger may not want it. I wish they posted the speeds... thats pretty bad


i know


or why little kids shouldn't drive vets.......

i assume you mean "little kids" by mental capacity common sense and maturity because

i got mine when i was 20.

i've seen a 14 year old that can out drive most of the people on this board.

lewis hamilton is 23

it's all about experience.


i wish our driving tests were like Finlands

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I was thinking the same thing. Very sad to see someone die but why was such and inexperienced kid driving something like that


i think GM should make it so you can change the tune depending on which FOB you were using so if you let your kid drive it you give him the other set of keys and it leaves the traction control on enables a lower top speed and maybe reduces the rev limiter. i know it's possible the car already detects the fob and changes the seats, radio, environmental controls, and other personalized settings. and of course this is also the key you give the valet or the dealership when you take it in.

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or why little kids shouldn't drive vets.......


i know



i assume you mean "little kids" by mental capacity common sense and maturity because

i got mine when i was 20.

i've seen a 14 year old that can out drive most of the people on this board.

lewis hamilton is 23

it's all about experience.


i wish our driving tests were like Finlands


No 20yr old should be driving a Vette on the street. I don't care if you can drive on the track. I don't care how good a driver you are. At 20yrs old, you're much more easily influenced by friends, etc, and much more likely to make a bad decision.

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i think GM should make it so you can change the tune depending on which FOB you were using so if you let your kid drive it you give him the other set of keys and it leaves the traction control on enables a lower top speed and maybe reduces the rev limiter. i know it's possible the car already detects the fob and changes the seats, radio, environmental controls, and other personalized settings. and of course this is also the key you give the valet or the dealership when you take it in.





Sucks that kid was a dumbass and took/hurt innocent people with him.

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No 20yr old should be driving a Vette on the street. I don't care if you can drive on the track. I don't care how good a driver you are. At 20yrs old, you're much more easily influenced by friends, etc, and much more likely to make a bad decision.


so you can die for your country at 18 but you can't drive a corvette at 20 WTF.

so if you were 18 and in a fox hole being shot at and your friend says i bet you wont stick your head up are you going to do it, NO, your not. you know better you know what the consequences are. the same goes for everyone everytime they get in a car. it doesn't matter what kind of car what matters is your experience with the car and your ability to handle it. a friends influence is usually just an excuse to do something you already wanted to do but knew you shouldn't.


i seriously hope thats not the mentality you have when you raise your children, hiding everything from them, not letting them do anything that might hurt them or doing it for them, they are going to be a lazy spoiled brat that expects everything handed to them. and they are not going to have any skills or decision making abilities. people are not born with common sense it's a developmental process from all your past experiences.


hiding it doesn't solve the problem. humans by nature are risk takers, they are the ones that survive. you can't always make the right decision but you can learn from your mistakes. the worst thing about human nature is their inability to learn from other peoples mistakes.

choice and influences are a part of life what you learn from them is what makes you, you.

never being presented with the choice is the worst thing that could happen.

human beings were not meant to live in bubbles their entire life.


the younger you start the better you will be.

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i seriously hope thats not the mentality you have when you raise your children, hiding everything from them, not letting them do anything that might hurt them or doing it for them, they are going to be a lazy spoiled brat that expects everything handed to them.


I think a pretty clear point here is that this kid was not mature enough to handle what he was allowed to have. At age 18-20 most kids aren't smart enough nor skilled enough to handle what they may by law be allowed to do.


Your military example can be looked at one way, but then consider the training young soldiers are put there before they go into battle vs a young guy just going out and mis-spending money on such a car so young with likely little to no experience handling one and obviously not enough common sense to not drag race and compounded that stupidity with having a young passenger on board and this is what you get.


I can't keep my son or daughter in a bubble nor do I want to, but I hope to show him that buying an expensive and powerful car like that right out of high school isn't likely the wisest of moves. The problem with kids today is they feel they are "entitled" to do such things just because they are "free" to do so. That may be fine for some, but not for my kids. That common sense and understanding does come with experience, but also with upbringing.

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I was 19 when I bought my 98' Z28. I can admidt to doing stupid things with it and all, but it's also all on the person. I think the only bad thing my car got me was 2 speeding tickets overall, and that's it. Look back at the old timers with the 396 Novas, Cobra Jet Mustangs, 389 Tri-powered GTO's from back in the day they speak of having as kids. Not to mention those cars wouldn't handle their way out a paper box too boot.
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I think a pretty clear point here is that this kid was not mature enough to handle what he was allowed to have. At age 18-20 most kids aren't smart enough nor skilled enough to handle what they may by law be allowed to do.


Your military example can be looked at one way, but then consider the training young soldiers are put there before they go into battle vs a young guy just going out and mis-spending money on such a car so young with likely little to no experience handling one and obviously not enough common sense to not drag race and compounded that stupidity with having a young passenger on board and this is what you get.


I can't keep my son or daughter in a bubble nor do I want to, but I hope to show him that buying an expensive and powerful car like that right out of high school isn't likely the wisest of moves. The problem with kids today is they feel they are "entitled" to do such things just because they are "free" to do so. That may be fine for some, but not for my kids. That common sense and understanding does come with experience, but also with upbringing.


agreed, experience/training responsibility common sence all my key points age has nothing to do with it on average it takes 5 years before you can become a good driver wether you start at 14 or 20. the problem is everyone is handed a drivers license for practically nothing and EVERYONE thinks they are a good driver when they are not even close. i think we need to teach people to drive and we need to start blaming people and stop blaming objects (guns, cars.)


watch what the Fins have to go threw to get there license. thats what we need



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i got my sti at 17 and i remember my brother saying i'm so immature i'm going to wreck it and be stupid... he's been in 3 accidents since, me 0. People just need to know how not to be stupid... its not your age it's how your raised.
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so you can die for your country at 18 but you can't drive a corvette at 20 WTF.

so if you were 18 and in a fox hole being shot at and your friend says i bet you wont stick your head up are you going to do it, NO, your not. you know better you know what the consequences are. the same goes for everyone everytime they get in a car. it doesn't matter what kind of car what matters is your experience with the car and your ability to handle it. a friends influence is usually just an excuse to do something you already wanted to do but knew you shouldn't.


i seriously hope thats not the mentality you have when you raise your children, hiding everything from them, not letting them do anything that might hurt them or doing it for them, they are going to be a lazy spoiled brat that expects everything handed to them. and they are not going to have any skills or decision making abilities. people are not born with common sense it's a developmental process from all your past experiences.


hiding it doesn't solve the problem. humans by nature are risk takers, they are the ones that survive. you can't always make the right decision but you can learn from your mistakes. the worst thing about human nature is their inability to learn from other peoples mistakes.

choice and influences are a part of life what you learn from them is what makes you, you.

never being presented with the choice is the worst thing that could happen.

human beings were not meant to live in bubbles their entire life.


the younger you start the better you will be.


It has been proven that males drive more aggressive and take more chances then women. So it isn't far off to say a young kid in general should not drive a high horsepower car. Furthermore bringing up the military is kind of a moot point. You get training before you are put into a gun fight. If you buy a corvette there is no training you must take before they give you the keys. Maybe there should be other then a license test or maybe not.


And further more there are other things you can't do until you are 21. Buy alcohol and buy guns. I don't know about the last 1 but alcohol laws are that way because of MADD and the federal govt saying they will withhold federal highway funding. I am not saying that is right or wrong but if it reduces deaths then these groups are going to keep enforcing it.


IMO there should be 1 age for everything not just certain things. You have to be 21 to do anything including joining the military among other things. I myself was more mature when I was 21 then 18. Getting right out of high school you are not ready for everything the real world throws at you. If you wait a couple years then yes you could have enough experience to be ready.

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Idiots kill themselves by whatever means they have available, don't ride with them.




You just contradicted yourself. ;)


no i didn't i just didn't spell out his history for everyone he started racing when he was 8.


or are you trying to be funny because your not a lewis hamilton fan ;)

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It has been proven that males drive more aggressive and take more chances then women. So it isn't far off to say a young kid in general should not drive a high horsepower car. Furthermore bringing up the military is kind of a moot point. You get training before you are put into a gun fight. If you buy a corvette there is no training you must take before they give you the keys. Maybe there should be other then a license test or maybe not.


And further more there are other things you can't do until you are 21. Buy alcohol and buy guns. I don't know about the last 1 but alcohol laws are that way because of MADD and the federal govt saying they will withhold federal highway funding. I am not saying that is right or wrong but if it reduces deaths then these groups are going to keep enforcing it.


IMO there should be 1 age for everything not just certain things. You have to be 21 to do anything including joining the military among other things. I myself was more mature when I was 21 then 18. Getting right out of high school you are not ready for everything the real world throws at you. If you wait a couple years then yes you could have enough experience to be ready.


thats why i mentioned that they need to teach people to drive stuff.

and you have to take a racing class if you buy a ZR1 :)

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thats why i mentioned that they need to teach people to drive stuff.

and you have to take a racing class if you buy a ZR1 :)


People need to take a PC repair course before buying one as well.

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x2 on the military being a poor analogy.


At 18, you can fight for your country's freedom, but not buy beer. I don't have a problem with 16-20 yrs olds driving cars, just like I don't have a problem with 18-20 yrs olds being in the military. But just like beer, don't let them drive cars designed for more experienced/mature people.

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