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Our Favorite Crazy Neighbor: North Korea

El Karacho1647545492

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Wow, I hadn't realized that they'd gone quite so batshit insane.




To sum up the past few events in a few bullets;

-North Korea launches satellite Taepodong(keekles)-2 rocket into space, reports its transmitting a signal.

-Rest of the world totally calls Korea out--and for the first time realize the futility in this--when they point out the rocket fell into the Pacific. Sadly, this was not the first time this had happened ('98, '03, '06).

-In a historic act of international "Up-Yoursism", North Korea conducts nuclear test.

-Rest of the world considers response, decides on "you're a bad child but hey, you've got a gun now so we're just gonna chill over here and lock Japan and South Korea in a room with you to see what happens." Problem solved.

-Days ago Japanese media reports the N Korea is ready for 2 things; first, Kim Jong Il's younger son has been deemed his successor, a claim it seems is based on his paternally inherited interest in being a psychotic dictator. Secondly, they are interested in firing rockets at Hawaii.

-The U.S. responds by reinforcing Hawaii's defenses and saying "Fuck you, we're ready. Bring it"


Anyone else paying attention to this story yet? Its pretty interesting how we're just treating these guys as a fly on our national ass. This guy's got some big fucking balls though. The U.S. pretty much proved it still knows how to whoop ass in Iraq and Afghanistan; we still know how to make a deposed leader cower in a shithole in fear.



edit: for your time


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Somewhat following things. I'm not the international politic guru due to so many other things in my life, but in the end, I'd like to know WTF they want with the world? Seems like they are trying to make a statement but for what?
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Somewhat following things. I'm not the international politic guru due to so many other things in my life, but in the end, I'd like to know WTF they want with the world? Seems like they are trying to make a statement but for what?


Same thoughts here. I really dont understand.


I think they are trying to get the world to recognize them as a superpower but for what?

I think The Jong Family just has small mans disease.

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Somewhat following things. I'm not the international politic guru due to so many other things in my life, but in the end, I'd like to know WTF they want with the world? Seems like they are trying to make a statement but for what?


I feel like Kim Jong Il is this bastard child of a traditional Eastern upbringing and was always denied the Western lifestyle he admires so much. Now that he's a dictator, he is completely obsessed with surrounding himself with the products of western culture. So why would he loathe the U.S. so much? Who the hell knows. I think he's just fucking bonkers.

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kim bong ill pretty much knows obama is spineless and wont do anything, except ofcoarse issue stern warning...

heck even bush for that matter didnt really do anything except issue stern warnings.

though at least bush boosted missile defense, while obama is cutting it.

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I think they are trying to test and see how strong Obama's pimp hand is.


They knew W would push the button and blast them back to the sword and horse days if Chenny would have let him.


It looks like they are trying to play the percentages and hope nothing happens.

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I just don't see why assassination is considered immoral, while sending in tens of thousands of soldiers and causing hundreds or even thousands of military AND civilian casualties is OK. No fucking sense.


"But if you kill him, someone else will just step in and take his place. Possibly someone.. CRAZIER! OOooh!"


Bullshit. The very people that "might just step into his shoes" are where they are because of their ambition. There's NO FUCKING WAY just one guy will step forward. Eliminating the crazy at the head of the government will create chaos as all the second-stringers fight and squabble for power. This will paralyze their military and let us do what's necessary to eliminate their offensive power.


And ultimately, if someone else does rise above the infighting, if he turns out to be just as much of a idiot as the last guy, wash/rinse/repeat until they get a fucking clue.


BTW, does Kim Jong Il remind anyone else of Cartman, or is it just me?

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I think they are trying to test and see how strong Obama's pimp hand is.


They knew W would push the button and blast them back to the sword and horse days if Chenny would have let him.


It looks like they are trying to play the percentages and hope nothing happens.

Wow, are you stupid? W. watched N. Korea openly build and initiate its nuclear program for 8 fucking years...and went to Iraq over aluminum tubes and truck parks.

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Wow, are you stupid? W. watched N. Korea openly build and initiate its nuclear program for 8 fucking years...and went to Iraq over aluminum tubes and truck parks.



W. didn't do anything get over him, the UN let it happen...(Which is a pointless organization that should have been dissolved after WWII)


W. went after direct threats, and im certain a few other reasons, political and personal.


Now no one nation just *watches* as another build W.M.A's...


All I can say is I believe it is disappointing Obama would openly sit at a table an negotiate with N. Korea, Iran, and other nations who threaten this country, that is not the solution, that is spineless liberalism. Obama's international policie to this point has been anemic, and poorly executed.

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W. didn't do anything


He sat by and watched as a hostile country who we are STILL technically at war with(truce, not treaty) OPENLY BRAGGED about their development of a nuclear weapons program, yet decided to go to Iraq over unverified REPORTS of equipment that COULD be used to produce WMAs.

His decisions then mean that right now, we don't have military resources to prosecute the major conflict the fat little man with the funny shades is pushing the world towards.



All I can say is I believe it is disappointing Obama would openly sit at a table an negotiate with N. Korea, Iran, and other nations who threaten this country, that is not the solution, that is spineless liberalism. Obama's international policie to this point has been anemic, and poorly executed.

So it's spineless liberalism to try to reach some kind of resolution other than complete capitulation(not gonna happen) or all-out war with half the world? I won't say I'm happy with a lot of shit that Obama is doing, but his foreign policy is fucking 100x superior to anything Bush, Cheney, or (God/Allah/Buddha/Cthulhu/FSM/WTFE forfend) McCain/Palin ever did/would've given us.


Do you think half the Iranian people would be protesting the results of an election that went AGAINST a pro-West candidate if McCain was POTUS?


Understand here, N. Korea and Iran are the BIGGEST reasons I voted for Obama. McCain would have had as at war with Iran by now, and probably wrapped up in Pakistan, too, while still entrenched in Iraq. Not to mention that the natural result of all THAT would have the condemnation of the countries that are somehow still on our side in the whole Middle-Eastern fucksoup.

Right now, Iran is split over Ahmedinijads attitude towards us, Pakistan is at least half-heartedly fighting the Taliban, and the Israelis are talking with the Palestinians instead of bombing the fuck out of em. And China is at least staying out of our way over N. Korea.


Hypothetical situation; VP Palin goes to the table with Pakistan to talk about their oppostion to the Taliban...yeah, not something I want to think about.

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