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Well fuck me.


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Man I am having one of those days.


So this morning at 8ish I wake up to a loud bang. I sit up in bed and the house is extra quiet. Look up and the ceiling fan is slowing to a stop. Think to myself well shit powers out. Get up go to the bathroom to piss and outta habit flip the light switch on and light works. HRMMM... finish up and go down stairs and every thing in the kitchen is dead but in the living room the cable box is showing power and the TV will turn on but no picture. OK guess a couple breaks got tripped somehow, I go downstairs and they are all fine nothing is tripped. Turn them all off and back on again and its the same half my house has power. So I call my step dad and ask him what he thinks and says it sounds like its either the main or a outside problem. Run out the the garage grab the ohm meter and pull the panel off the breaker box to look for signs of a burn breaker or magic smoke nothing turn the meter on and just like that everything comes back on. :wtf: give the house a walk through everything works and all is good again.



2 hours later I notice the house is kinda warm the the t-stat says the house is 80 but AC is on and I can hear the the fan blowing go outside to check the AC condenser and nothing. Back downstairs and I check the breaker its good go outside and check the AC breaker is good reset it for good measure and nothing . FUCK!!! Go upstairs to turn the AC off since the fan is just pushing warm air anyway and bam half the freaking house losses power again. You got to be fucking kidding me!??!??!?!?!?! so I call AEP they say they can have someone out to check outside today around 2:30ish OK. Call the company that wired the house went it was built, explain to them whats going on they say its sounds like a outside issue but if AEP checks that won't be out till Monday. So I go back downstairs pull the panel off the breaker box and check the power lines on line is good solid 120 v on the right side left is dead.


OK so it looks like a outside problem. But what I don't understand is why the AC condenser was not working after power came back on the breaker was never tripped inside or outside the house ? Any ideas??



Secondly if there is a inside issue is there anyone here that can look at it or help me fix/figure out where the problem is at?

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I had something odd like this happen to me the other night.. I came home and it was 82 in my house I keep it around 72 so I kinda start freaking out. after I reset the breaker to the blower and the out side until the outside unit still didn't kick on for a good 15 or 20 mins but has worked fine ever since... so it does take a little while for the heat pump or what ever to kick on
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Well AEP came out said it was a outside line issue and will have to run a new line will have it done in a couple hours I guess. There goes my yard. $100 says that take out my cable and phone lines. Hopefully they don't destroy my fence as well.
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^^Correct. Your AC uses 240, and needs both sides of your breaker box to be functional. If you look in your breaker box you will notice that the AC is two breakers. Anything else that has the same type of breaker would not have worked either, but I'm guessing you didn't try and use the oven right away.
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^^Correct. Your AC uses 240, and needs both sides of your breaker box to be functional. If you look in your breaker box you will notice that the AC is two breakers. Anything else that has the same type of breaker would not have worked either, but I'm guessing you didn't try and use the oven right away.


oven is gas. only other 220 item is the dryer and I never tested that.

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All is fixed guess last year when we put up the fence we "kicked" the power line with the auger they had to dig up the post move and repair the line but never secured the post back in the ground.now I have to let the ground settle and dig up around the post and cement it back. oh well could have been worse I guess.



oh and sorry Erik no homo.

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All is fixed guess last year when we put up the fence we "kicked" the power line with the auger they had to dig up the post move and repair the line but never secured the post back in the ground.now I have to let the ground settle and dig up around the post and cement it back. oh well could have been worse I guess.



oh and sorry Erik no homo.


Yea it could be worse, you could be dead from hitting that line last year.

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