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Am I the only one....


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That doesn't sit on public toilet seats? Everytime I am taking a shit at work and a dude pulls into the stall next to me, I hear them drop down onto the seat. Damn near everytime. I don't even touch the seat with my hand. I grab a huge wad of paper to put seat down. Foot to flush.


I damn near dry the bowl with all the paper I put in there so I dont get splashed....due to the high hoover.

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I fear no toilet.



So you're one of those guys..?



I almost hold them floating just over the seat, they keep their hands in their laps, don't touch nothin.


Awesome...lmao!! ahhahahaha!

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1. Wipe down seat

2. Use toilet seat cover (if available)

3. Flush paper used on step 1

4. Create an "anti-splash" pile of paper in bowl

5. Couple extra layers of paper on seat cover (or numerous layers if no seat cover)

6. Enjoy!

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me knees wiggle.








1. Wipe down seat

2. Use toilet seat cover (if available)

3. Flush paper used on step 1

4. Create an "anti-splash" pile of paper in bowl

5. Couple extra layers of paper on seat cover (or numerous layers if no seat cover)

6. Enjoy!


Good technique. I can dig it.

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Wipe down and say fuck it. I'm not going to get the aids and If I got to take a dump I got to take a dump


exactly, bunch of paranoid pussies. Now if I'm in a place that never gets cleaned or some nasty fuck has been in there, that's different.

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1. Wipe down seat

2. Use toilet seat cover (if available)

3. Flush paper used on step 1

4. Create an "anti-splash" pile of paper in bowl

5. Couple extra layers of paper on seat cover (or numerous layers if no seat cover)

6. Enjoy!


And here is my public toilet seat procedure

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Whats wrong with public toilets...?








id take a shit in there any day. I love dipping my balls in water like that.

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1. Wipe down seat

2. Use toilet seat cover (if available)

3. Flush paper used on step 1

4. Create an "anti-splash" pile of paper in bowl

5. Couple extra layers of paper on seat cover (or numerous layers if no seat cover)

6. Enjoy!



Similar to my own, but I also lay down layers of TP down the front of the toilet so the back of my pants don't touch everyone's misses.

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I try to hold it until I get home. The only place I'll poop in public is at work. There are only a handful of guys that use the office shitter, so I feel pretty safe. However, I do still use the method Jones described, just to be extra safe. And I call the "seat cover" a "paper ass gasket". The toilets at work have the automatic flusher thing, so there's no need to touch any handle.
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I fear no toilet.


You should carry a pack of clorox wipes with you.


Exactly....I think our way of behaving is because we travel so much. Laugh, but I carry a zip lock of Clorox wipes that I add a little bleach to as well in my computer bag because there's no way in hell I'm touching a toilet that's not been bleached.


My wife laughs as I've taught my kids how to use a public restroom without every really touching anything.


My son of course can stand to piss., but you have to teach them not to stand in piss at the urinal, not to drop shorts /pants to the floor, not to touch anything without bleaching it first and even then, cover with TP or use a paper towel to turn on faucets. Lastly, use the Paper towel after drying hands to open the door, prop it open with your foot and toss the towel in the trash from a distance.


Also, we don't wear shoes in the house, so as not to track in any funk that you may have stepped in throughout the day. besides, we have nearly white carpet in many of our rooms.


Yeah....I'm anal retentive about it all :)

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Not really, unless I have to. There are some nasty looking mother fuckers where I work. I'll be damned if I'm going to sit on the same seat they do.


That and IF and when I do, the seat is warm, ugh. I'd rather jump on a cold seat.

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What do you guys do when someone like me has pissed on the TP? I love to do that, I can only imagine how pissed you guys get. Especially when it's dried and just has that yellow tint to it, ever noticed that?
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haha i take pooos every day at work, same time usually too just get a wad up an wippppeeee it all down then i get to "paper ass gaskets" (haha didnt think any one else called it that) an layer them on eachother to make sure it covers alllll of it an then do my buisness


if im not in a rush ill put a piece of tp across the front where the wanker goes so it doesnt touce the bowl.



my problem is no matter what i do my nuts always seeem to touch the seat dammit. i need to get nut reduction or something

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