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Gonna meet Collective Soul on Saturday...


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Congrats! The first CD I ever bought was a Collective Soul cd (back in '95, the first album they ever released IIRC). I've loved them ever since and still listen to them. I have a few of their later albums as well.


PS, every single track on their 1st cd was awesome

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Played the shit outta their self titled CD when i was a teenager. Now it seems a little soft, seeing as how I'm constantly angry anymore, but still good stuff.


Yeah I was only like 9 when I got it, but I listened to it so much it eventually wore out and scratched and shit, and I ended up buying it again when I was in high school and still listen to it every now and then. Nice chill, relaxing music

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LOL, I wondered when you'd be in here Adam. You need to hook me up one of these days to meet those guys as I still havn't seen them in concert yet.


Anthony, you'll have a blast from the dvd's I've seen of their concerts, they put on a good show.

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LOL, I wondered when you'd be in here Adam. You need to hook me up one of these days to meet those guys as I still havn't seen them in concert yet.


Anthony, you'll have a blast from the dvd's I've seen of their concerts, they put on a good show.


Wanna go in August?

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and the LC is a waste of time. I doubt I will ever go back.


why do you say that?? and sorry i didn't catch back up with you there, my phone was turning itself off whenever i tried to do anything with it.. and today its fine. tried looking for you but didn't see ya anywhere. we were standing about 4-5 rows back dead center.

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They're nice guys, and the LC is a waste of time. I doubt I will ever go back.


Like I said, I hate going there for that reason. They lost me as an attendee at any of their future shows for that reason. I don't give a shit who is playing there.

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also very good show overall i thought


opening band not too bad(i've seen a hell of alot worse in the 75+shows I've been to)


gavin degraw wasn't too bad when he actually played and didn't talk for 10 mins at a time. oh and didnt anyone else notice he was stuffin?


collective soul. good as always this is the 4th time I've seen them, still wish they had the older guitarist though he was shit tons better.

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