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A Good Reason...


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So I have been shopping for a new handgun but my wife doesn't want a firearm in the house. I have given her the household safety/personal protection speech and also I would like to carry with me while I'm out working cause unfortunately I work in some not so good areas from time to time and given the state of the economy I am unfortunately afraid of possibly getting attack and robbed if not worse. I enjoy shooting, I have shot many handguns before and understand and practice safe gun control but I have never had a handgun of my own. Can anyone think of a logical reason I could give my wife about the need for a handgun?
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ask her how would she feel if someone broke into the house and hurt/raped one of you????? My G/f sleeps right beside a .38 and she has shot it prob 1000 times if and when someone decides to break in she will know what to do. Just my .02
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Thats what I have tried to tell her but she thinks we live in a safe neighborhood. We actually live 150 yds from 71. I told her if anyone wanted to do anything they could come, break in rob us, do god knows what and flee right to freeway and get away easily. I have wanted to try and get her to the range and have her shoot and it would hopefully change her mind but she doesn't want to have anything to do with it. She grew up with firearms in her house because her dad was in the military. I just don't understand. I understand her concerns about "accidents" but "accidents" only happen if you don't exercise and understand proper gun control and keep your firearms in a safe and secure place when they are not being used. She uses the excuse of...what happens when someday we have a kid and they accidentally get a hold of it and hurt themselves. I have just about ran out of reasons and was wondering if any of you avid gun collectors had any stellar reasons. My friends told me a should stage a break in but I definitely don't wanna get one off of a cruel joke.
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My friends told me a should stage a break in but I definitely don't wanna get one off of a cruel joke.


Get new friends.


Now that that's out of the way, there may be no changing her mind. When people have their mind set as to whether or not to have a gun in the house you never REALLY change their mind 100%. I would suggest explaining to her that accidents can happen to you, her, or future children each and everytime you get into a car, but none of you are going to stop driving. I'll bet she eats fast food. Guess what? It causes obesity and heart disease, but I'll bet she doesn't worry about that.


Check this site for some facts.




Guns don't kill people, stupid people with guns kill people. If you're smart about them they are no more dangerous than anything else.

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Search online about people who lived in nice neighborhoods and been invated and killed and raped. I'm sure there are plenty of stories. I carry everywhere and when my baby's mommy would say "Do you really need to carry your gun just to go to Wal-Mart?" I say, "Oh, I didn't know you scheduled my mugging and murder for tomorrow. I'll put it back." My sarcasm has eventually made her not even question me anymore.


You have to be the protector of your home, b/c in an emergency when seconds can determine life or death, police are only minutes away.


Or dump her. She may just be a sheep for life.

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Go buy a handgun safe that has light up buttons for the combination and opens automatically. This way there will be no issue with kids unless they find out the combination. Put it very close to your bed. Type in 4 numbers in the dark and it opens ready to be used.


Remind her about that serial rapist all around columbus and grove city. The one they couldn't catch. Here use this http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/local_news/stories/2008/10/29/serial.ART_ART_10-29-08_A1_REBNVD4.html

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Take her to the range with you so that she can see how a firearm performs and is when properly handled.


I never had that situation with my wife as she was a gun owner prior to us getting together years ago, but most that don't want guns in the house quite simply have zero understanding of them outside TV and movies.


Tell her too that a guy on the board in a very nice area of Dublin has had two break-in's in 12 years within his community. Bad guys go where the money and opportunity is. I live by the motto that it's just a matter of when, not if.


Also share that when sitting at home if two guys wanted to, they could very easily kick the door in, gain entry and you'll simply be there with dick in hand, likely at gun point, watching them do what ever they want to your home and family.


Me, I have one on every level of the house, two kids running all over and they are not only well protected from the guns in a easy access safe, but are also well educated on what these tools can do and are used for. I've had zero...zero anything related to them and the guns. My son is 6 and is smarter on guns than all but one other kid in his class....I shoot with his father.


BTW....perhaps start with a shotgun for home safety. Get her used to it and having it and firing it. Peace of mind that can be kept in the bedroom/master bath closet, etc........seriously. Once that is in place, protect the main floor and get something a bit more wielding for when you want to target shoot, etc.......you see where I'm going with this.


Good luck.

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It's probably been said... But it is better to have it and not need it than vice-versa.


Also, an FBI statistic is that one in four people will be a victim of a violent crime in their life, or know someone that is.... And crime grows 90% faster than the population.



Also, as economic times get rougher so do the desperate measures people go through in order to survive (or get money). Get a firearm, get trained and make sure your wife is, too. It is one of the best investments money can buy. If she still can't see the benefit, ask her what she is supposed to do when the man kicks the door in at 3am and you've got a baseball bat and he's starring back at you with a shot gun or a hand gun? Average response time for a law enforcement official is 12 minutes. If I recall correctly that's if an alarm company forwards the call to the police station. People use the excuse my neighbor is a cop, too. I can wholeheartedly tell you that I would never want one to try to defend my life. I am not saying there are not good ones out there, but the majority that I have trained have had better use as a shield for me from incoming fire.

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Sit down over dinner and ask her why she doesn't want a gun in the house, and really listen to her. Don't approach her with all the reasons you want the gun first, she will only turn you off in her head and won't hear anything you're saying (It's like when the wife starts telling you why the grass needs mowed, or the car washed, or the trash taken out... cause how much of that do you really listen to?) See my point?


Then, consider her reason why and go from there.


Is she afraid of the recoil? Take her out shooting with a .22lr. Not a big 12g.

Is she afraid of it being unsafe? This can be tricky to get someone to over come, but take them out shooting and really explain and demonstrate how safety's work. How chamber checks are done. How to properly hold the gun to reduce damage to wrist/shoulder/etc.


Take her side of the reasoning and focus on that issue. You're not trying to convince yourself you need the gun, you're trying to convince her.

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I showed her both of the info from these two websites. The fact that there were over 500 crimes within a 2 mile radius in the past 3 months swayed her. I guess she had to have factual information. Her deal is if I turn on the alarm to the house I can get a gun and I have to go shooting with her dad (ex-army special forces) before it can come in the house. No big deal cause her dad is cool as hell and we always have a blast together. Thanks for the input guys, really appreciate it.

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I showed her both of the info from these two websites. The fact that there were over 500 crimes within a 2 mile radius in the past 3 months swayed her. I guess she had to have factual information. Her deal is if I turn on the alarm to the house I can get a gun and I have to go shooting with her dad (ex-army special forces) before it can come in the house. No big deal cause her dad is cool as hell and we always have a blast together. Thanks for the input guys, really appreciate it.


Aside from you begging permission (which I'll never agree with but hey its your life) shes now putting stipulations on you on how you can own a firearm?! whatever.... Remind her that your buying the firearm for your FAMILIES protection not just your own. If she wants you to shoot with her dad tell her she's going with you. If you need recommendations on which gun to buy, buy a glock. If your getting a shotgun (highly recommended for home defense) buy a Remmington 870 or a Mossberg 500. Both cheap and dead reliable.


I keep my Glock on my nightstand and my Mossberg under my bed. Ive been in situations when I had to wake up from a dead sleep and defend myself, its NOT fun and you quickly realize there's no one coming to help.

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Aside from you begging permission (which I'll never agree with but hey its your life) shes now putting stipulations on you on how you can own a firearm?! whatever.... Remind her that your buying the firearm for your FAMILIES protection not just your own. If she wants you to shoot with her dad tell her she's going with you.


Actually, I LIKE those stipulations. The alarm is something you should have anyway, as it's one more layer of safety, and can warn you when someone has actually broken in. If you're not a light sleeper, even someone breaking a window in another room probably won't wake you immediately.

Two, having someone to go to the range with who has had REAL firearms training and can pass some of it on...well, I sure as fuck wouldn't turn it down...


Finally, as somebody always suggests(correctly), before you buy, go up to the New Albany indoor range and shoot a selection of stuff. I like the Springfield XD line, a lot of guys like Glock or M&P. Alost everyone can agree on 1911s. And of course, shotguns are always good, just don't think that they're a guaranteed hit...practice, practice, practice.

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Actually, I LIKE those stipulations. The alarm is something you should have anyway, as it's one more layer of safety, and can warn you when someone has actually broken in. If you're not a light sleeper, even someone breaking a window in another room probably won't wake you immediately.

Two, having someone to go to the range with who has had REAL firearms training and can pass some of it on...well, I sure as fuck wouldn't turn it down...


Finally, as somebody always suggests(correctly), before you buy, go up to the New Albany indoor range and shoot a selection of stuff. I like the Springfield XD line, a lot of guys like Glock or M&P. Alost everyone can agree on 1911s. And of course, shotguns are always good, just don't think that they're a guaranteed hit...practice, practice, practice.


The point I was trying to make was that she made stipulations on HIM to learn how to use a gun. If theres a gun in the household every adult should know how to use it, thats all. Yes, if your new to firearms you should learn/practice with someone who is very familiar with them (ie, his father in law) but it should be something they BOTH take part in.


Yes go shoot as many different firearms as possible. But MOST people will recommend a Glock as a first gun. They're simple use fire, and very easy to break down. While 1911's are accurate and great to shoot they're not the easiest to break down and clean (from what I hear, i personally have never owned one).

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Glocks are indeed great guns. They are indeed very simple to operate, break down and clean. However, I as well tend to prefer the XD line as well since it incorporates the grip safety with the trigger safety, and its just as easy as the Glock to break down and do a field cleaning on. Plus, for me (and if you search you'll hear it quite a bit) Glocks just don't fit my hand very well. You'll realize what fits good and what doesn't when you go rent a few guns and try them out. My personal list in order of preference would be


XD .40s&w

M&P .40s&w

1911 .45ACP (many brands to choose from!)

Glock .40s&w

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