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Beaut or Cute? My new Viewt


Beaut Or Cute  

64 members have voted

  1. 1. Beaut Or Cute

    • Beaut
    • Cute
    • No Comment

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I've always loved the look of the classic Jags, especially Mk II and Mk III's. However, I have no patience for the expense and unreliability of British cars from that era.


Enter Mitsuoka, a Japanese car company that rebodied (mostly) Nissans with classic and neoclassic style. Some of their creations are to my eye hideous, while others I admire.


I fell in love upon first seeing their Viewt, a Nissan "March" rebodied in the Jaguar Mark II style. For months I've been threatening to buy one of these, and today my car broker informed me that I had the winning bid on this 1994:






The Japanese inspectors have promised that the car is in the same condition as my Toyota Century was when I bought it at the same auction, with only minor paint work to do. It will take me about two months to get this car into North America and to jump through all the hoops to get it legally titled and registered to me in the U.S.


I admit, I'm taken by this car. But it seems not everyone is so smitten ........


A certain CR member, who will remain anonymous (but who is known for a certain ridiculous oil cooler sticking out in front of his 1980 Corolla with lines routed through a headlight shell) is, of course, envious, and wants to rain on my parade, saying that everyone will call this car "cute" :nono:


I retort that any enthusiast with even an once of discernment will instantly recognize the classic style and beauty of this retro.


So, I put it to you: is she a classic beaut or just cute?


Mods: is it worth a poll?


:thumbup: Flame suit: check

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when you buy british cars you buy them in pairs so when one is in the shop you still have one to drive :)


the only person wh needs to like that car is you, its not a car I would buy, but it does look clean. if you pick up a couple more rare ones you can open a museum I think :)

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You already splooge on the passenger seat?


I'm thinking that's a shadow, not a stain. The inspection seat showed a fabric scratch on the driver's seat, no other problems.


I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read the word "splooge" in your post. :D

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For a small price, I can shift the poll towards beaut.






Cute has jumped to an impressive early lead, I must admit.


Well, at least your wives and gf's will talk to me at the meets, seeings how I have such a cute car. :p I promise to park it away from the real cars.


(And, I still really love the looks.)

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What's the "March" in the States? I can't remember Nissan models from back then very well, and I don't recognize the door frames or interior. Stanza?


I dunno, I have to say that the first thing that popped into my mind was those kits to make your Fox T-Bird or Cougar into a 1950 Ford. The styling and shape of the middle third of the car just doesn't WORK with the ends.

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wheres the option for neither? :p


Good point. Perhaps that option can be added. I guess I count "cute" votes as negatives.


And I totally agree about the interior. :barf:


But I have a plan ...... a plan for a few MODIFICATIONS! ;)

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dear unkle doc, i would like a 1969 camaro for x-mas. i have been really good this year with proof being i haven't killed ashley.


your pal, AJ



Awww, aren't you just the cutest little guy?


Come and sit on Uncle Marty's lap and let's talk about what we can work out for you ..... ;)

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Awww, aren't you just the cutest little guy?


Come and sit on Uncle Marty's lap and let's talk about what we can work out for you ..... ;)



That's no fair, If AJ gets a Camaro, I want a gently used Gallardo or a DB9.



PS: Added "No Comment" as an option.


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