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Roomamte Issues

Dr. Apex

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Once again my roommate is not paying the bills on time, my cable has been shut off and the electric is probably not far behind. The utilities are in his name because when we moved in he was way behind and couldn't transfer anything to me(thankfully) which he neglected to tell me when we moved in. Other than just getting released from the lease I have little legal ground like eviction yet.


It sucks when you can even trust a friend you grew up with, with even the most basic things. My lease is up in September but I'm trying to get out now before I get really screwed.


Anyone looking for a reliable roommate currently? It's hard to live with someone that can eat out almost everyday yet doesn't have the money to pay the cable bill until thursday!!

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that sucks. is this the guy we went snowboarding with? goodluck man. does he know your looking to move out before the lease is up? this might put him in a bigger bind with out the second person paying bills...so threatening him with this might make him pay his shit on time an straighten up.. just a thought
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that blows, but i fail to see how you will get "really screwed" if you don't move out before your lease is up?


Your lease has nothing to do with his utility bills being unpaid.


It's the middle of July, you've got less than 2 months before your lease is up, which I'm assuming your name is on, unlike the utility bills, so I'd stay there and make sure the place is paid and anything is taken care of when the lease ends...


just my .02

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Paul, different guy.


Adam, not the intention as I need to move fast on this.


The thing is we went through this before in Feburary but he straightened up for a short bit, obviously he didn't learn anything. While I can't be held responsible for the utilities he can still cause plenty of problems and I don't have documentation of the payments I've given to him that's been my mistake that I won't make again.


The other issue is to get out of the lease early he has to sign a "Letter of assignment", if he doesn't sign it I don't get out of the lease. He is also the type that would try to take me to court over the money he says I didn't pay him for the cable bill, while he has nothing to stand on it's shit I don't need.

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