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Ever been awake during a medical procedure?

V8 Beast

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I had surgery a few weeks ago where I had to get put to sleep at Riverside. Waking up during it or being able to feel the pain was one of my biggest fears. They had me sign a paper saying that it was possible it could occur but extremely unlikely since they hook up to all these monitors that supposedly indicate your level of conscious while under anesthesia. I still was worried about it.
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When I was born I had a spotch on my eye that looked like a bloodblister, I had it all the way up to the 6th grade they told me it was a birth mark and that they needed to check for it to be cancer. Either way I had a huge needle shoved into my eye 3 times to numb it up, was the worst pain ive ever had to this day, and ive broke my wrist over 8 times growing up skateboarding. They then cut it off my eye then stitched it up with stuff that looked like fishing line. For a week everytime I blinked I could feel the stitches till they melted away.
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When I was born I had a spotch on my eye that looked like a bloodblister, I had it all the way up to the 6th grade they told me it was a birth mark and that they needed to check for it to be cancer. Either way I had a huge needle shoved into my eye 3 times to numb it up, was the worst pain ive ever had to this day, and ive broke my wrist over 8 times growing up skateboarding. They then cut it off my eye then stitched it up with stuff that looked like fishing line. For a week everytime I blinked I could feel the stitches till they melted away.


oh snap.. my eye is twitching just from reading that.

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When I was born I had a spotch on my eye that looked like a bloodblister, I had it all the way up to the 6th grade they told me it was a birth mark and that they needed to check for it to be cancer. Either way I had a huge needle shoved into my eye 3 times to numb it up, was the worst pain ive ever had to this day, and ive broke my wrist over 8 times growing up skateboarding. They then cut it off my eye then stitched it up with stuff that looked like fishing line. For a week everytime I blinked I could feel the stitches till they melted away.


That is pretty crazy.

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I had an endoscopy.....they gave me gas......counted backwards from 100, got to about 99, and then woke up. Went home, not even a sore throat.


Wonder why yours was so bad?


I have a high tolerence for certain meds. When I count backwards from 100 I get to 0 and have to start over.

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It happened to me once.


I've had a heart condition since I was born. I met this one girl; best girl in the world. Well, it turns out that she was in tight with this doctor who I thought was my friend. Well, I went in for my heart transplant and that scamming doctor and girl, injected my donor heart with some substance that killed it off and made it useless to me. The scary part about the whole thing is that I was awake throughout the entire procedure and couldn't do a thing about it.. Ends up, my mom killed herself so I could have her heart.


Sad shit.

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When I was born I had a spotch on my eye that looked like a bloodblister, I had it all the way up to the 6th grade they told me it was a birth mark and that they needed to check for it to be cancer. Either way I had a huge needle shoved into my eye 3 times to numb it up, was the worst pain ive ever had to this day, and ive broke my wrist over 8 times growing up skateboarding. They then cut it off my eye then stitched it up with stuff that looked like fishing line. For a week everytime I blinked I could feel the stitches till they melted away.

God that makes me cringe just thinking about that.

Lets see. Wisdom Teeth in the Navy. Lower GI. Ingrown toe-nail. Vasectomy. Lasik.


Yup. Did I mention that I don't react to normal amounts of novocaine?


ENDO fuck that Try colon. Crohns Dieses is a bitch.


Verced does not phase me nor does demoral.

Last time I started screaming it hurt so fucking bad.


I woke up while they were pulling my wisdom teeth, woke up said cool are we done and he pulled out the other two. Oh well that wasn't so bad listening to you guys.

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Yeah still to this day ,that was prolly the worst thing thats ever happen to me. The second and third shot did not even come close to the first shot because of the med's starting to numb, but I remember having a metal clamp in my eye that stretched my asian almond eye so far open it hurt. After the 1 1/2 hour surgery I remember looking at that stupid bloodblister thing in this little plastic thing, it looked like a mole floating but it had small root things that went into my eye ball. Then my dad still made me go back to school that day I was so pissed , I had this huge patch on my eye was horrible. Still to this day if I look into the mirror at a angle I can see a huge flat spot on my eyeball
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It happened to me once.


I've had a heart condition since I was born. I met this one girl; best girl in the world. Well, it turns out that she was in tight with this doctor who I thought was my friend. Well, I went in for my heart transplant and that scamming doctor and girl, injected my donor heart with some substance that killed it off and made it useless to me. The scary part about the whole thing is that I was awake throughout the entire procedure and couldn't do a thing about it.. Ends up, my mom killed herself so I could have her heart.


Sad shit.




are you serious, or trolling, because that's crazy

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