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Amp stolen, Is there anything I can do?


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So 5 weeks ago today I totaled my truck. I was sent to the hospital and was laid up for about 3 weeks. So after talking to my insurance company, they allowed me to go to my truck lask monday (6/27/09) to take my after market salvagable stuff off. About 2 weeks before I wrecked I had Columbus Car Audio install an amp under my drivers seat. After getting to it I notice the amp had been stolen. Shammrock towed the vehicle, and it sits at Insuranse Auto Auctions. Ive heard fishy shit about Shammrock so I figured its someone there that did it. I paid $200 for the amp. Is there anything I can do, or is it a lost cause? It just felt like a very low blow. Any imput?
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I don't know. That sucks. I would at least grab my amp receipts and so on and call Shamrock and make an appt to speak with the owner. I definitely wouldn't just roll over and take it. Try something. Maybe someone will come in with a similar experience.
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i would say since you cant prove they took it it is a loss... also are you sure it was still in the car after the crash? it could have came out and then only god knows where it is now


It was bolted to the floor board, and everything was strategically unplugged and the 4 bolts were in the cab, so I'd say it didn't "fly out"


set shamrock on fire.


lol, yea no shit.... The day of my Dad went in there to retrieve some of my belongings i.e. cell phone, ipod ect, and they charged him $100 to just go to my truck. A buddy of mine who has alot of friends in that bussiness said he got a call (not directly) that a cummins with alot of bolt-ons just pulled into Shammrocks lot. I dont want to talk shit about a bussiness, but.... Someone there has a big mouth and feels the need to spread shit about others property

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Similar thing happend to my Dad's car after an accident at a local car dealership. He had a set of subs and an amp in the back of his car. A truck decided to try to drive over my Dad's 96 Neon. Car was either in a locked, fenced in area or in the bays getting repaired. He picked up the car and drove home. He drove it to my place after noticing there was little bass and figured something needed adjusting or the power needed hooked back up to the battery. I popped the truck to find just wires. He called the dealership and they said no way it happened. He requested the security tapes for the time his car was there and they started asking him how much to replace. Needless to say he ended up with a much nicer system.
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FUCK Shamrock. Bastards towed my beater when I first moved into my complex 5 years ago. I had to go to the other side of town to get the car and I forgot my damn keys. They left it outside for me to come back and get and when I got back up there the window was down and the door was open. It was pouring rain that day. Needless to say my car was soaked and some of my notes from school were ruined. Not too happy about the way they tried to screw me around either. When I called to see how much it was to get it out they said $125. I got there and the guy told me $103. I wasn't mad about that, but it almost seemed like the guy that told me $125 was going to pocket the extra $20. Thieves can rot in hell.
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So is there any tactics at all I can use to try and scare them. I dont have any proof other than knowing between the accident and the auction yard it went missing. I'd like shamrock to pay for this rather than my insurance, because I know its them.
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So is there any tactics at all I can use to try and scare them. I dont have any proof other than knowing between the accident and the auction yard it went missing. I'd like shamrock to pay for this rather than my insurance, because I know its them.



Go to Shamrock and call the police and have them come out and file a report...


They should have video cameras on their lot.

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From a business perspective. I would recommend that you....


Burn the mother fucker down.


On a serious note. Depending on what the insurance practices are I think by law you have a certain amount of days to get your personal possessions out of the vehicle. If something was stolen before the time allotted then you should call the police.

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Go to Shamrock and call the police and have them come out and file a report...


They should have video cameras on their lot.

X2 CALL six on your side you are not the only person they have screwed over.make sure you call the cops from there.
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Sorry too hear about your truck. Hopefully you are well though.


On a side note what bolt on parts do you have on there? I am about to get another Cummins and might needs some parts if you feel like selling any. Also are any of your body panels salvagable? I really really need the back passenger side door so that I can paint my truck.

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It will be difficult to get your insurance company to pay out if you don't have a receipt from a store. Trust me I have been down that road before and just took it as a loss. Some people have said "if you have a computer and a printer you can make your own" but that is insurance fraud. If my employer found out that I did insurance fraud I would be shit canned in 2 seconds.
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set shamrock on fire.


QFT!!! The company I work for gets a discount through Shamrock, therefore any time I need a tow I could theoretically get this discount. However, after all the stories I've heard, I REFUSE to use their shitty service. I once had a buddy (Keith aka Turbospec29 on here) call them to get a discounted tow, they treated his car like shit and I'm pretty sure fucked up some stuff on his bumper/intercooler piping. STAY AWAY from them.

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