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Anyone on the east side good with woodworking?


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so I noticed the other day that the stairs going to my patio are sagging... I take a look at it and it looks like a mix of the sagging and kids hanging off of it, something needs to be done. Anyone willing to lend a hand to either rebuild or figure out a way to secure the stairs and fix the sagging?


BTW I pay with beer and pizza.

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I might be able to help. But it souns simple to replace whats bad with good. Do you not have the tools needed and just need someone with them and some know-how? Or do you literally want someone to come do it?

looking for someone to help... I have a table saw and mitre saw... I couldn't imaging needing anything other than that except nails and hammer which I have those as well :)


I honestly don't know how to build one I'm sure I could figure out, but figured if someone knew how to do it and was willing to lend a hand, it would make it go alot smoother.

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how high up is the patio? something like 4 steps or a whole story?


KillJoy's got it right on if there is no center stringer...


pics could help, if its really bad..

it's like 4 steps... pretty much you walk out, there's a 4x4 landing, then 4 steps to the right that go out on the patio...



and WTF is a stinger?

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ya,I don't think it has stringers....


here's the problem...


the landing on one side is bolted to the house, the outter side of the landing is held up by 2 4x4's... the 4x4's have sunk causing the landing to no longer be level... funny part is, the steps still appear to be level....


I was thinking about putting a jack under the sagging side and raising it back up and then trying to find some way to fill in dirt under the 4x4's to allow it to be straight again and then replace bad wood and add nails to re-enforce the steps...

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If you dont know how to cut the wood to make a proper stringer, go to lowes and buy the precut stringer. I have always used 3 on a typical step.





Just buy the pre-cut ones and save a lot of setup and work.... ESPECIALLY if it is something new....



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so you're suggesting to actually get concret supports that a 4x4 sits in, jack up the deck and then put an additional 4x4 or 2 under it? I will try to draw something in Paint when I get hom since photobucket does not work at work.
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im good at working with my wood.....







gezz 15 responses an no one said this yet lol



Fuck, you returned. I was hoping the plane would accidently fall from the sky.


So... .how's your asshole feel after a week in Frisco! ?



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