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Yes but it is truly using the GPS and mapping you within 3 meters? If not and it is like google maps app then it does it by phone triangulation. Google maps shows me within 1200-1500 meters, and that is not GPS contrary to popular belief. Using my external GPS google maps shows me within 3 meters.


But another thing that pisses me off I have to use another GPS tracking program just to get the external GPS to talk to my phone. Seriously I have to jump through flaming hoops to get this shit to work.


I just of just veto my wife's request to also get a blackberry. I couldn't afford 2 storms at the time. I should of bought 1 and bought her a cheaper non blackberry phone. Would of saved me the headache since I REALLY wanted a storm before I bought this curve.

no idea man, all I know is I have to click menu and turn on GPS before it will work... so my guess is it's actually using the GPS function.

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Boy I sure can not wait until my contract is up. I will not renew. Let me tell you how 1 thing snow balled into pure hate for the company.


GPS is in my blackberry along with every other blackberry device on the planet. It comes from RIM that way. Verizon is very stingy and they say "oh you can only use the gps for blackberry maps and/or the VZW navigator program which happens to cost $10 a month. If you have VZW navigator then any other 3rd party program can use the GPS". This is utter bullshit. I don't need to pay $10 to use a GPS chip. My phone came with it for free.


SO what do I have to do to use my 3rd party programs? I buy an external GPS bluetooth device. For the most part this works ok but the thing is pretty large for what it is worth. I don't feel I should carry my phone plus this other device just to use GPS. On top of that the sync time takes at least 60 seconds if there is not one cloud in the sky. That doesn't sound that bad but on a cloudy day it takes 2-3 minutes this with me being outside not inside anything.


People say to me "you don't need GPS". While that is true I still feel I shouldn't be charged to use something that my phone was built with. That is like saying "here is your new car. it has a sunroof installed for free from the factory but if you want to open it we will charge you $10 a month."


The reasons why I like to use GPS first would be for GPS navigation. Now I don't use this often but if I am driving a long distance to visit someone I like to have it running. I already know where I am going I just like to see how many miles are left. And why not my phone came with the ability. Also I sometimes do geocaching. I have a free program on my phone for that as well. Input lat and long coordinates and I get a nice looking compass that always points toward where I want to go. Also tells me how many feet are left to get there. Pretty neat if you ask me.


But the program that I use the most happens to be the car location program. Ever go to a large parking lot like the mall or maybe the zoo and have to walk 10 minutes just to get in the building? Yeah that happens a lot. Usually I take a picture of the area where my car is or text myself with notes so I don't forget. Well how about having a program that you can tag your GPS location and forget about where you parked? Then when you leave you ask your phone to locate your car and guess what you get? You get an arrow pointing to your car and the feet away you are. Very helpful when it is 100F outside and you have been walking all day and just want to get in your car and turn on the A/C.


The iphone probably already has these apps but you have to pay for them. Guess what the blackberry has them for free. NO CHARGE at all if you know where to look. Seriously next year I am getting sprint they don't charge you to use the GPS if you get the unlimited plan. Plus they have their own navigator program that is free no extra $10 a month charge.


Fuck verizon








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If people only knew all the things phones could do that are dormant in the programming from ALL carriers. Chris your HTC doesnt have everything its able to do unlocked... Some of software for the HTC that will be coming out next is already in your phone... now all they have to do is put new plastic around it and make more money off of the same phone claiming it has more features
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ok, installed (downloaded from verizonwireless.com)


The GPS option is now available in Blackberry maps. I'll test it on my way home to verify that it works. (option wasn't listed before upgrade of OS)


That's fine but I want it to work with 3rd party applications. Go download amaze it is a turn by turn gps program and it is free. See if it gets a satellite lock and let me know.

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First of all i said go to crackberry.com

Second, i didn't tell him to do anything, i was simply stating that mine was unlocked and i was using such n such. There are official non-ota releases on crackberry.com , and i have YET to encounter a problem with the BB Desktop Manager and ive been using hybrid software since dec 08 when i got the phone.


I am already registered on crackberry and they couldn't tell me how to hack it. I even asked on howard forums no dice. I don't think anyone knows how you can hexedit program on the phone to change it. It has to be possible though. :(

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I'm equally upset with verizon. I had to do some serious tweeking to my phone (xv6800) to get the GPS working. But mostly I'm tired of not having service at work, or service at Lowe's, or service at Meijer, Target, pretty much any warehouse building like those. I'm planning on switching to AT&T within the month.
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I'm equally upset with verizon. I had to do some serious tweeking to my phone (xv6800) to get the GPS working. But mostly I'm tired of not having service at work, or service at Lowe's, or service at Meijer, Target, pretty much any warehouse building like those. I'm planning on switching to AT&T within the month.


f a i l

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I'm equally upset with verizon. I had to do some serious tweeking to my phone (xv6800) to get the GPS working. But mostly I'm tired of not having service at work, or service at Lowe's, or service at Meijer, Target, pretty much any warehouse building like those. I'm planning on switching to AT&T within the month.


I have service in meijer target etc. The only place I don't have it is at work. It gets almost 0 signal. It jumps from 1x with 1 bar to no connection.

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ok, blackberry maps hooked up in 10 seconds to 9 satellites.

Amaze kept saying it couldn't connect.


I'll see if I can find another free one to try.


Here try a program called GPSed. It is a tracking program but I have to run it just to get amaze to talk to my external GPS. See if that works.


Otherwise try a program called Telmap Navigator it is a beta free turn by turn gps. You have to sign up with your e-mail and then they send you a link to download it. Lie and say you are not in the USA otherwise they won't let you do it. I said I was from Italy and entered in my blackberry e-mail address and it worked.


I highly doubt it will work. I am not surprised that Blackberry maps is the only program that works.

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Here try a program called GPSed. It is a tracking program but I have to run it just to get amaze to talk to my external GPS. See if that works.


Otherwise try a program called Telmap Navigator it is a beta free turn by turn gps. You have to sign up with your e-mail and then they send you a link to download it. Lie and say you are not in the USA otherwise they won't let you do it. I said I was from Italy and entered in my blackberry e-mail address and it worked.


I highly doubt it will work. I am not surprised that Blackberry maps is the only program that works.


Tried GPSed and it wouldn't connect either. also tried another app and it said no GPS.


Did some searching and its either the CHIP, or the GPS has to auth. to verison before initializing so 3rd party apps won't work. even if you pay for their nav service.

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Tried GPSed and it wouldn't connect either. also tried another app and it said no GPS.


Did some searching and its either the CHIP, or the GPS has to auth. to verison before initializing so 3rd party apps won't work. even if you pay for their nav service.


No surprises here. MORAL of the story, verizon lies and sucks a fat dick.

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The iphone probably already has these apps but you have to pay for them. Guess what the blackberry has them for free. NO CHARGE at all if you know where to look.


I have a program like that and it is free. It will give you a google maps based map inside of the program of where your car is and where you are right now. Press the directions button and it kicks you into the built in google maps 'program'. You don't have to 'look' anywhere, it's in the app store.


I've paid for 2 apps. $.99 for a National parks map application (was out in the RMNP on Saturday, you can d/l any national park map). Then $5 for a gas/car maintenance tracker because I'm a dork about tracking stuff like this and this one spits out every piece of info you could possibly want (probably could have found something cheaper/free, but was already using the free version, went to get gas and the free version ran out).

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I have a program like that and it is free. It will give you a google maps based map inside of the program of where your car is and where you are right now. Press the directions button and it kicks you into the built in google maps 'program'. You don't have to 'look' anywhere, it's in the app store.


I've paid for 2 apps. $.99 for a National parks map application (was out in the RMNP on Saturday, you can d/l any national park map). Then $5 for a gas/car maintenance tracker because I'm a dork about tracking stuff like this and this one spits out every piece of info you could possibly want (probably could have found something cheaper/free, but was already using the free version, went to get gas and the free version ran out).


Yeah but is it a 3D turn by turn with animation and voice? That is what I am using. It looks just like a stand alone car gps.

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