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Road Trip Annoyances


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ok, lets say it shows a flashing arrow about 500yards up saying merge into right lane. Of course there will be 2 lanes open til you get up to that arrow but anybody with a speck of respect for other drivers wouldn't stay in the closing left lane til almost getting to the arrow and try to cut in front of somebody. Thats not how shit works. So next time you try and pull that ignorant shit just remember that theres ppl out there like me who will run ur ass off the road for being a fucking prick


Pull it back dude. I'm not saying to do something that dangerous. I don't do that. Nobody should. What I'm saying is why should people sit in four miles of traffic when there's a lane open to use. Use both lanes, keep moving and let people merge together. It's really not that complicated.

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You failed at defensive driving. Proceed to the next driving 101 class to start your training over again.


Protip: Even though other drivers are asses that doesn't give you an excuse to force someone to not pass you. Next time let off the gas, turn off cruise control, tap your brake and let them pass you.


I didn't fail at anything. I'm just not gonna give in and let dickheads get away with cutting ppl off.

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So next time you try and pull that ignorant shit just remember that theres ppl out there like me who will run ur ass off the road for being a fucking prick


And until you show proof, you've never done this before, and won't do it when "he" does dive in front of you.


Instead, you'll just piss and moan, yelling at your windshield about how big of a dick he is, all the while looking like the fuck-bag.

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