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Ghost/spirit thread.


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Once when I was young, let's say 4th or 5th grade, a buddy was spending the night at my house. Him and I were always into ghosts and stuff, so I guess it's only fitting this happened with him. We were up really late (like 2:30am) playing video games. I could hear my mom snoring (sorry mom haha) in her room, and besides my buddy and I, she was the only other person in the house. Well we're sitting there playing Turok when all of a sudden I thought I heard something outside my door. I turned and looked just in time to see my door knob turn (it was latched) and the door opened probably 4 inches or so...and then nothing. I sat there just looking at the door and without looking back I asked my buddy if he saw it too. He said yes and we just sat there silent for a second. I told him I could hear my mom snoring, and so could he. So who opened the door?


After a few minutes I mustered up the courage to go out in the living room and look around. All the windows were locked, the door was locked, the deadbolt was locked. No sign of anyone coming in, or leaving the apartment. I went and woke up my mom just to make sure it wasn't her, but she was dead asleep. To this day I have no idea how my door opened itself.


Story two. When I was in middle school my grandmother had cancer. I would spend most weekends at her house with my dad who lives out of town, pretty much because we knew she wouldn't be around much longer. Well one weekend I was there and my uncle who is a doctor commented that he didn't imagine she would make it through the night. Well unfortunately he was right. I suppose it was nice that most of the family was there for her final moments, however I was downstairs in the basement sleeping. My dad came down and woke me up to tell me, and I was sad but relieved that she wouldn't be in pain any more. I got up and went upstairs where the rest of the family was gathered around in the kitchen. One of the first things they said to me was "Ryan, look at the clock." I commented that the time was off...well it was stopped. The clock had stopped at the exact time of her pronounced death. She loved preparing huge feasts for the family, and loved to help out with events for her church, she was in the kitchen constantly. Kind of freaky.


This last one I'm going to tell...well I highly doubt ANYONE will believe me. It's so cliche that I have a hard time even bringing it up. It sounds pretty much exactly like something you would read in a kids ghost story book.


One night in the fall when I was still in high school I was driving up route 3 from Westerville, going to Centerburg. As I was driving up route 3 I was just outside of Westerville when I saw a man walking on the side of the road. He was walking towards me, on my side of the road. No one was coming in the other lane, so as I passed him I got over a bit to give a bit of a cushion. As I got closer to him I noticed it seemed like he was wearing all white. As I got very close, as I was passing him, it was as if he was looking through the gleam of my headlights and directly into my eyes. It was a very eerie feeling. After I passed him I looked in my rearview mirror because I was very weirded out by how he looked directly at me....he wasn't there. I had only taken a quick glance when I noticed this, so I did a double take. Upon looking again I would swear to God that in my rearview mirror it looked like there was a pale white man sitting in the back seat of my car. I freaked out and jerked the wheel a bit just out of fright, and hit the brakes. When I looked back, there was nothing there. No one in the back seat of my car, no one on the side of the road. I know it sounds like I completely copied and pasted that story from one of hundreds of books, but good lord did it scare the piss out of me. I'm sure someone would explain this as me being drousy and driving at night, causing my eyes to play tricks on me. But I know what I saw.


There are a ton of other little stories I have, but those are three that have really stuck with me.

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Once when I was young, let's say 4th or 5th grade, a buddy was spending the night at my house. Him and I were always into ghosts and stuff, so I guess it's only fitting this happened with him. We were up really late (like 2:30am) playing video games. I could hear my mom snoring (sorry mom haha) in her room, and besides my buddy and I, she was the only other person in the house. Well we're sitting there playing Turok when all of a sudden I thought I heard something outside my door. I turned and looked just in time to see my door knob turn (it was latched) and the door opened probably 4 inches or so...and then nothing. I sat there just looking at the door and without looking back I asked my buddy if he saw it too. He said yes and we just sat there silent for a second. I told him I could hear my mom snoring, and so could he. So who opened the door?


After a few minutes I mustered up the courage to go out in the living room and look around. All the windows were locked, the door was locked, the deadbolt was locked. No sign of anyone coming in, or leaving the apartment. I went and woke up my mom just to make sure it wasn't her, but she was dead asleep. To this day I have no idea how my door opened itself.


Story two. When I was in middle school my grandmother had cancer. I would spend most weekends at her house with my dad who lives out of town, pretty much because we knew she wouldn't be around much longer. Well one weekend I was there and my uncle who is a doctor commented that he didn't imagine she would make it through the night. Well unfortunately he was right. I suppose it was nice that most of the family was there for her final moments, however I was downstairs in the basement sleeping. My dad came down and woke me up to tell me, and I was sad but relieved that she wouldn't be in pain any more. I got up and went upstairs where the rest of the family was gathered around in the kitchen. One of the first things they said to me was "Ryan, look at the clock." I commented that the time was off...well it was stopped. The clock had stopped at the exact time of her pronounced death. She loved preparing huge feasts for the family, and loved to help out with events for her church, she was in the kitchen constantly. Kind of freaky.


This last one I'm going to tell...well I highly doubt ANYONE will believe me. It's so cliche that I have a hard time even bringing it up. It sounds pretty much exactly like something you would read in a kids ghost story book.


One night in the fall when I was still in high school I was driving up route 3 from Westerville, going to Centerburg. As I was driving up route 3 I was just outside of Westerville when I saw a man walking on the side of the road. He was walking towards me, on my side of the road. No one was coming in the other lane, so as I passed him I got over a bit to give a bit of a cushion. As I got closer to him I noticed it seemed like he was wearing all white. As I got very close, as I was passing him, it was as if he was looking through the gleam of my headlights and directly into my eyes. It was a very eerie feeling. After I passed him I looked in my rearview mirror because I was very weirded out by how he looked directly at me....he wasn't there. I had only taken a quick glance when I noticed this, so I did a double take. Upon looking again I would swear to God that in my rearview mirror it looked like there was a pale white man sitting in the back seat of my car. I freaked out and jerked the wheel a bit just out of fright, and hit the brakes. When I looked back, there was nothing there. No one in the back seat of my car, no one on the side of the road. I know it sounds like I completely copied and pasted that story from one of hundreds of books, but good lord did it scare the piss out of me. I'm sure someone would explain this as me being drousy and driving at night, causing my eyes to play tricks on me. But I know what I saw.


There are a ton of other little stories I have, but those are three that have really stuck with me.


I know how you feel , sometimes when I think about it myself I think there is no way this happend to me. Just like you said about the door I had somthing happen real similar and I had 6 other witness to this. This was in the same house my friend who passed away complained of ghost and seeing his own reflection . Still to this day I do not know what happen that night but we herd what sounded like someone walking up or down stairs in this big open house. We kept thinking a buddy was trying to set us up and have someone run up on us and scare us, because he kept texting someone that night. I myself checked the locks on this house and everyone was closed and locked and everyone of us was in the loft in this house. We all were watching stupid videos on the internet I was the closest to the door. It all happend so fast that all I did was jump up with my fist in the air ready to swing at anything. I myself did not see the door knob turn, but I did hear it. It sounded like if someone opens a door knob and just lets go , then the door opened about 2-3 feet and slammed shut. I mean with alot of force....... The whole weird thing about it was it did it with super fast fast fast speed and was so silent after wards, it took us all about 20 seconds before someone screamed "what the fuck"

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Once when I was young, let's say 4th or 5th grade, a buddy was spending the night at my house. Him and I were always into ghosts and stuff, so I guess it's only fitting this happened with him. We were up really late (like 2:30am) playing video games. I could hear my mom snoring (sorry mom haha) in her room, and besides my buddy and I, she was the only other person in the house. Well we're sitting there playing Turok when all of a sudden I thought I heard something outside my door. I turned and looked just in time to see my door knob turn (it was latched) and the door opened probably 4 inches or so...and then nothing. I sat there just looking at the door and without looking back I asked my buddy if he saw it too. He said yes and we just sat there silent for a second. I told him I could hear my mom snoring, and so could he. So who opened the door?


After a few minutes I mustered up the courage to go out in the living room and look around. All the windows were locked, the door was locked, the deadbolt was locked. No sign of anyone coming in, or leaving the apartment. I went and woke up my mom just to make sure it wasn't her, but she was dead asleep. To this day I have no idea how my door opened itself.


Story two. When I was in middle school my grandmother had cancer. I would spend most weekends at her house with my dad who lives out of town, pretty much because we knew she wouldn't be around much longer. Well one weekend I was there and my uncle who is a doctor commented that he didn't imagine she would make it through the night. Well unfortunately he was right. I suppose it was nice that most of the family was there for her final moments, however I was downstairs in the basement sleeping. My dad came down and woke me up to tell me, and I was sad but relieved that she wouldn't be in pain any more. I got up and went upstairs where the rest of the family was gathered around in the kitchen. One of the first things they said to me was "Ryan, look at the clock." I commented that the time was off...well it was stopped. The clock had stopped at the exact time of her pronounced death. She loved preparing huge feasts for the family, and loved to help out with events for her church, she was in the kitchen constantly. Kind of freaky.


This last one I'm going to tell...well I highly doubt ANYONE will believe me. It's so cliche that I have a hard time even bringing it up. It sounds pretty much exactly like something you would read in a kids ghost story book.


One night in the fall when I was still in high school I was driving up route 3 from Westerville, going to Centerburg. As I was driving up route 3 I was just outside of Westerville when I saw a man walking on the side of the road. He was walking towards me, on my side of the road. No one was coming in the other lane, so as I passed him I got over a bit to give a bit of a cushion. As I got closer to him I noticed it seemed like he was wearing all white. As I got very close, as I was passing him, it was as if he was looking through the gleam of my headlights and directly into my eyes. It was a very eerie feeling. After I passed him I looked in my rearview mirror because I was very weirded out by how he looked directly at me....he wasn't there. I had only taken a quick glance when I noticed this, so I did a double take. Upon looking again I would swear to God that in my rearview mirror it looked like there was a pale white man sitting in the back seat of my car. I freaked out and jerked the wheel a bit just out of fright, and hit the brakes. When I looked back, there was nothing there. No one in the back seat of my car, no one on the side of the road. I know it sounds like I completely copied and pasted that story from one of hundreds of books, but good lord did it scare the piss out of me. I'm sure someone would explain this as me being drousy and driving at night, causing my eyes to play tricks on me. But I know what I saw.


There are a ton of other little stories I have, but those are three that have really stuck with me.


One more thing about that story you said seeing some guy on the side of the road. A member on here I use to go over and hang out at his house almost everyweekend. His father told me he was woke up in the middle of the night to what he said sounded like " bloody murder screams" from a girl , he said he jumped out of bed and looked out the window and seen a girl running down the sr4. He jumped up because he either thought there was a bad wreck or someone was hurting her. As he ran out the door he said he swears nothing was out there when he herd and seen the person.

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I tend to think I am almost up to being able to write a book. LOL. My wife and I have ran a paranormal investigation group for the past 5+ years. Lately we mainly focus our efforts at the old Mansfield reformatory and for the past 2 years, have been volunteers for the over night ghost hunts.


In the past, Jason has contacted me and my group about his experiences at his house. We have given him some ideas of ways try to remove or stop what is going on there.


As for demonic, yes I have. There is one we call "Mr. Bad" seems to stay at Mansfield. He normally stays in the attic, but he comes out and pretty much all hell breaks loose. We also believe there is a 2nd one that will show up there a couple times a year. Again, very bad things seem to happen when they are out and about.


I figured I should at least type out one story. Back when my group of friends started this, we were visiting an old cemetary in eastern Licking County. It was very old family cemetary, and was located on property that no one lived on anymore. There was a very evil being that lived in the old abadoned house. It never seemed to come out until we went past the house heading to the cemetary. Normally we were safe inside the cemetary, but almost every time we were chased back to our cars by this evil thing. One night about 4 25-30 foot trees feel down behind us as we were chased out. No wind or anything that night to cause that to happen. Also all the trees were not even close to one another, so they were being knocked down by another one falling. We have also had crosses ripped off from around our necks.


On the worst night, we believe the evil thing posessed our one friend that was with us that night. When we made it back to the car that night, she almost fell asleep getting into the car. From that point on she started talking, but it wasn't her voice. She was also answering questions we asked her. She said she was one of the people buryed in the cemetary and she was trying to kill my wife and her sister. We tried putting a necklace with a cross around her neck and as it hit her skin, she screamed and tore the necklace from my wife's hands. When we went to pick it up, it was broke and retached in 4 different pieces. We went to a church and got some holy water and added it to her bottle of water she was drinking. She took one drink and shot up saying she was going to be sick. We pulled over the car and she thew up for about 30 minutes, every time after she drank the water. We recorded this all on a tape recorder as this was happening. It is a very crazy thing to listen to, even all these years later.

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I tend to think I am almost up to being able to write a book. LOL. My wife and I have ran a paranormal investigation group for the past 5+ years. Lately we mainly focus our efforts at the old Mansfield reformatory and for the past 2 years, have been volunteers for the over night ghost hunts.


In the past, Jason has contacted me and my group about his experiences at his house. We have given him some ideas of ways try to remove or stop what is going on there.


As for demonic, yes I have. There is one we call "Mr. Bad" seems to stay at Mansfield. He normally stays in the attic, but he comes out and pretty much all hell breaks loose. We also believe there is a 2nd one that will show up there a couple times a year. Again, very bad things seem to happen when they are out and about.


I figured I should at least type out one story. Back when my group of friends started this, we were visiting an old cemetary in eastern Licking County. It was very old family cemetary, and was located on property that no one lived on anymore. There was a very evil being that lived in the old abadoned house. It never seemed to come out until we went past the house heading to the cemetary. Normally we were safe inside the cemetary, but almost every time we were chased back to our cars by this evil thing. One night about 4 25-30 foot trees feel down behind us as we were chased out. No wind or anything that night to cause that to happen. Also all the trees were not even close to one another, so they were being knocked down by another one falling. We have also had crosses ripped off from around our necks.


On the worst night, we believe the evil thing posessed our one friend that was with us that night. When we made it back to the car that night, she almost fell asleep getting into the car. From that point on she started talking, but it wasn't her voice. She was also answering questions we asked her. She said she was one of the people buryed in the cemetary and she was trying to kill my wife and her sister. We tried putting a necklace with a cross around her neck and as it hit her skin, she screamed and tore the necklace from my wife's hands. When we went to pick it up, it was broke and retached in 4 different pieces. We went to a church and got some holy water and added it to her bottle of water she was drinking. She took one drink and shot up saying she was going to be sick. We pulled over the car and she thew up for about 30 minutes, every time after she drank the water. We recorded this all on a tape recorder as this was happening. It is a very crazy thing to listen to, even all these years later.





anyway to post that recording?




I dont have much in the ways of stories, i've had tv's turn on by themselves, toilets flush themselves, but most of that can be explained scientifically. The only real story I have is second hand from my friends mother.


I was in 8th grade and my friend was a freshman. He died in what was labeled as an accidental hanging. Overall it hit everyone very hard as he was very well liked, it was especially hard on the parents and his brother. His dad went from having black hair to having white hair almost overnight. One night his mom had fallen asleep on the couch in the living room when she was awoken to the sound of a music box that was sitting on the end table at the end of the couch. It was one of those that had to be cranked at the bottom with the key in order to play. It was also the same music box that she had played for my friend when he was a baby to help him go to sleep.


So she believes it was his way of letting her know that he was going to be ok.

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I tend to think I am almost up to being able to write a book. LOL. My wife and I have ran a paranormal investigation group for the past 5+ years. Lately we mainly focus our efforts at the old Mansfield reformatory and for the past 2 years, have been volunteers for the over night ghost hunts.


In the past, Jason has contacted me and my group about his experiences at his house. We have given him some ideas of ways try to remove or stop what is going on there.


As for demonic, yes I have. There is one we call "Mr. Bad" seems to stay at Mansfield. He normally stays in the attic, but he comes out and pretty much all hell breaks loose. We also believe there is a 2nd one that will show up there a couple times a year. Again, very bad things seem to happen when they are out and about.


I figured I should at least type out one story. Back when my group of friends started this, we were visiting an old cemetary in eastern Licking County. It was very old family cemetary, and was located on property that no one lived on anymore. There was a very evil being that lived in the old abadoned house. It never seemed to come out until we went past the house heading to the cemetary. Normally we were safe inside the cemetary, but almost every time we were chased back to our cars by this evil thing. One night about 4 25-30 foot trees feel down behind us as we were chased out. No wind or anything that night to cause that to happen. Also all the trees were not even close to one another, so they were being knocked down by another one falling. We have also had crosses ripped off from around our necks.


On the worst night, we believe the evil thing posessed our one friend that was with us that night. When we made it back to the car that night, she almost fell asleep getting into the car. From that point on she started talking, but it wasn't her voice. She was also answering questions we asked her. She said she was one of the people buryed in the cemetary and she was trying to kill my wife and her sister. We tried putting a necklace with a cross around her neck and as it hit her skin, she screamed and tore the necklace from my wife's hands. When we went to pick it up, it was broke and retached in 4 different pieces. We went to a church and got some holy water and added it to her bottle of water she was drinking. She took one drink and shot up saying she was going to be sick. We pulled over the car and she thew up for about 30 minutes, every time after she drank the water. We recorded this all on a tape recorder as this was happening. It is a very crazy thing to listen to, even all these years later.



Yeah ive contacted brad a few times, when I felt unsafe or needed help. The best bet for me was to leave the house and it seemed to stop. Brad thanks for sharing that story, I know you have more.........please share some more.

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You are going to like this. True story. It was the end of 8th grade, and my best friend threw a little party because his parents were away for a couple days. What kind of party can a 8th grader throw, you know? So only about 7 people showed up. 6 dudes...1 girl.


Just as you would expect, some crazy shit happened. This girl was a freak, but hot as hell. She would always have that seductive look on her face... the kind that gets you aroused just by looking at her. We were all good friends in school, but never really chilled outside of it. We were all about 14, and really sexually inexperienced. This girl however, has fucked at least 20 different guys. From the moment she walked in the house, we could tell what she wanted.


Lost in her desire, she began to grind up on the host. They made out for about 10 mins, but this girl wanted more. She made us all go into the host's room, and play a modified version of spin the bottle. Basically, instead of just making out, she would decide what to do with the guy. At first we were shy, but pretty soon we all started to jack off while the girl did whatever she pleased.


The situation quickly escalated. She was getting fucked in turns, by 3 different guys, fighting over her pussy like the kids that they were. I would've joined them, but then she waved me to come over. My dick was probably the hardest its ever been. Sticking straight out, and pulsating; I felt like it was gonna explode. To my surprise, she grabbed it and just stuck it in her mouth without warning. I had never had my dick sucked before, but let me tell you, it was amazing.


Game as it was, I was ready to cum in seconds. I didn't know what to do, so I asked her where I should blow my load. And at that moment, she said something I will never forget. She turned to me and said, "read the first word of each paragraph."

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I went to a military school in Millersburg Kentucky my father went there as well, it had been a school for a long time, it was a Methodist church ran school before it became a military school that dated back to just before the civil war IIRC. The grounds were made up of about 20 acres or so maybe a few more with a large fence surrounding the property and a large plantation style house (oldest building on the property) that sat on top the hill in the center of the main complex. http://members.iglou.com/perkins/newkpf/2004_04/6885.jpghttp://www.kykinfolk.com/bourbon/files/MillersburgInst.jpg


That is a pic of the main building that housed the Commanding officers quarters as well as the school's offices, the infirmary, the school BX, conference room, and a few other offices.

Now on the third floor where Col.'s quarters were (there was some what of an apartment set up for him encase he chose to say at the school which he never did.) Any ways not only did I have more than one encounter I would like to forget this one is not so bad so I chose to share it with you. I lived in one of the two barracks buildings (one for high school one for middle) which was made up of a long hallway with rooms adjacent to each other and a set of stairs at both ends with the head (shitter) in the middle. I held rank and was lucky enough to have one of the four large rooms that are at the end on both sides of the hallway before the stairs. My friend Teddy Green how ever had a smaller room with a perfect shot of the side of the house out his window. Any ways the Allen house has candle lib re's in all of the windows as it was an old place and they kept it in it's historical fashion. (many of the lights were still gas) and the curtains and shades and what naught were always drawn in the same order never changed. One night we were up past hours smoking cigarettes out the window which was a favorite pass time for us nothing out of the ordinary until I look at the window facing directly at us and see a woman in gown in this third story window looking at us from the distance an estimated 30 to 50 yards, we could not see much so of course we shot out of our rooms and down the steps before house mom could even catch us by the time we hit the formation area which separated these two buildings my stomach was upside down because I thought we had a rival school breaking in to steal our school flag (military schools do things like this) any ways I round the house to the other side and bang on Col. Halls door ( a teacher there who's apartment was built onto the back side of this building ) to have him let us in to search the house. Needless to say Col. Hall was in his 70's then and moved slowly so by the time we got in nothing was going on. We searched the first and second floor to no avail and I asked to go up to the third floor and he asked why I explained what had happened and he just laughed and told me that I had seen one of the ghost's of the school. So we go up the steps (think gone with the wind) and when we get to the top he points out a rubbing on the banister rail. (you should be able to tell where this is going now) He also points out a few OLD OLD pictures heavily faded on the wall of some soldiers (dressed in civil war garb) and another picture of a very good looking girl. The story was he went off as a cavalry soldier to be a Johnny Reb and didn't make it back, upon receiving the letter of his death she hung her self in the Allen house. There were rumors that she had been the then head of the schools daughter but I did not have access to any information proving this though at that time it would have been very possible because it was not a military school yet. There was how ever a graveyard on the property with a girl that died at 16 of a "tragedy" 1863-4 can't remember.

any who that is one of the 4 encounters I had there the other 3 were not pleasant and I do not wish to recall on them right now as it makes my eyes water and gives me goose bumps just thinking of it.


here is a link to some school info http://www.abandonedonline.net/index.php?catid=326

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I tend to think I am almost up to being able to write a book. LOL. My wife and I have ran a paranormal investigation group for the past 5+ years. Lately we mainly focus our efforts at the old Mansfield reformatory and for the past 2 years, have been volunteers for the over night ghost hunts.


In the past, Jason has contacted me and my group about his experiences at his house. We have given him some ideas of ways try to remove or stop what is going on there.


As for demonic, yes I have. There is one we call "Mr. Bad" seems to stay at Mansfield. He normally stays in the attic, but he comes out and pretty much all hell breaks loose. We also believe there is a 2nd one that will show up there a couple times a year. Again, very bad things seem to happen when they are out and about.


I figured I should at least type out one story. Back when my group of friends started this, we were visiting an old cemetary in eastern Licking County. It was very old family cemetary, and was located on property that no one lived on anymore. There was a very evil being that lived in the old abadoned house. It never seemed to come out until we went past the house heading to the cemetary. Normally we were safe inside the cemetary, but almost every time we were chased back to our cars by this evil thing. One night about 4 25-30 foot trees feel down behind us as we were chased out. No wind or anything that night to cause that to happen. Also all the trees were not even close to one another, so they were being knocked down by another one falling. We have also had crosses ripped off from around our necks.


On the worst night, we believe the evil thing posessed our one friend that was with us that night. When we made it back to the car that night, she almost fell asleep getting into the car. From that point on she started talking, but it wasn't her voice. She was also answering questions we asked her. She said she was one of the people buryed in the cemetary and she was trying to kill my wife and her sister. We tried putting a necklace with a cross around her neck and as it hit her skin, she screamed and tore the necklace from my wife's hands. When we went to pick it up, it was broke and retached in 4 different pieces. We went to a church and got some holy water and added it to her bottle of water she was drinking. She took one drink and shot up saying she was going to be sick. We pulled over the car and she thew up for about 30 minutes, every time after she drank the water. We recorded this all on a tape recorder as this was happening. It is a very crazy thing to listen to, even all these years later.



Maybe I need to have you listen to something I got on my recorder. Idk what its saying or if its even saying anything but it sounds like a little kid

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Maybe I need to have you listen to something I got on my recorder. Idk what its saying or if its even saying anything but it sounds like a little kid


Not a problem, I have some sound editing software I run stuff through to see if I can clear it up or find anything out of the normal.

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Yeah ive contacted brad a few times, when I felt unsafe or needed help. The best bet for me was to leave the house and it seemed to stop. Brad thanks for sharing that story, I know you have more.........please share some more.


Triple Post!!!


Hey it was never a problem, that is why I gave you my number. And I didn't mind the calls in the middle of the night. LOL


Lets see, really the rest of the good ones were at the old Mansfield prison. It is crazy how active that place can be at times. I have been shoved againist walls, seen balls of light flying across the room, shadow people looking around corners and walking into cells. On some of our equipment, we have heard singing, people calling us names, calling out our name, etc... Somenights we take an old night stick that the guards used and walk along the cells dragging the night stick on the bars. Sometimes you can look back and see flashes. Those are the pieces of mirrors the prisoners used to see down the cell blocks. One of the good ones that happened as we were unlocking the building for the night. I was in the central guard room which has been remodeled and sealed with glass wall with a couple doors on each side. I was standing in the central guard room as the glass door from the East cell block opened, then I heard foot steps as it crossed the 50+ feet to the other side and the room, the glass door to the West cell block open and the foot steps headed out with the door closing behind it. My jaw was on the floor when that happened.

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Triple Post!!!


Hey it was never a problem, that is why I gave you my number. And I didn't mind the calls in the middle of the night. LOL


Lets see, really the rest of the good ones were at the old Mansfield prison. It is crazy how active that place can be at times. I have been shoved againist walls, seen balls of light flying across the room, shadow people looking around corners and walking into cells. On some of our equipment, we have heard singing, people calling us names, calling out our name, etc... Somenights we take an old night stick that the guards used and walk along the cells dragging the night stick on the bars. Sometimes you can look back and see flashes. Those are the pieces of mirrors the prisoners used to see down the cell blocks. One of the good ones that happened as we were unlocking the building for the night. I was in the central guard room which has been remodeled and sealed with glass wall with a couple doors on each side. I was standing in the central guard room as the glass door from the East cell block opened, then I heard foot steps as it crossed the 50+ feet to the other side and the room, the glass door to the West cell block open and the foot steps headed out with the door closing behind it. My jaw was on the floor when that happened.


Wow, I've wanted to get in that place since I seen it on ghosthunters.


I would send you the recording but I dont know how to upload it to the computer. I keep the recorder in my car though at all times:D

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One more thing about that story you said seeing some guy on the side of the road. A member on here I use to go over and hang out at his house almost everyweekend. His father told me he was woke up in the middle of the night to what he said sounded like " bloody murder screams" from a girl , he said he jumped out of bed and looked out the window and seen a girl running down the sr4. He jumped up because he either thought there was a bad wreck or someone was hurting her. As he ran out the door he said he swears nothing was out there when he herd and seen the person.


Dude the wierd thing I had seen last night I was telling you about. I was at buca di bepo's downtown eating ane we where sitting outside. We sat there for like 30min and I lookedat this dish cart thing that had been sitting there the whole time and it started to move quickly across the floor lol. It moved about 7 or 8 feet and just stoped. No one had touched it or anything, it wasnt even breezy out lol. It was just wierd looking.

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