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Mac guys - Snow Leopard yet?


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I got mine.


They still haven't fixed SMB sharing :mad:. Bastards. How do they wish to succeed with a OS that won't work properly with a primary domain controller?


I'll have to try out the VPN client. I do like the improved snappiness of some of the relatively small things.

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I ordered it back on the 3rd of August from Amazon, but it hasn't arrived yet - which is a crock. I expected them to ship it early enough to get it to my house on release day, like Apple does.


The few people I've talked to about it so far have been pretty happy with the ease of upgrade and the huge amount of hard drive space they have gotten back.

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$29 and yes I updated on Fri, everything works except iStat menus on my MacBook Air, but that will be updated this week I hear. Oh also because Cisco is gay and so is clean agent I can't get on the wi-fi at CSCC. Some cool features for sure. Expose in the dock now is quite nice since I am still kinda used to windows. It makes finding open programs easier.
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I've had 0 issues. The thing shuts down in 3 seconds, you can time it every time, 3 seconds. Awesome.


Mine...is hanging at shutdown. I'm going to start looking through some of my background programs I run and check for any updates. Might just be one programs incompatibility causing all my trouble.


I had ZERO problems with Leopard, so it further reinforces one of my other hates.. Fuck snow.

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