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my car is stealthy


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i was driving home from going out to pick up a few things and reynoldsburg thought it was a good idea to lower the speed limit from 45 to 35 going out of the city. just as a reminder of that fact they put up one of those speed trailers that tell you how fast your going and flash at you when you are 3-4 mph over the limit.


i set my cruise at 41mph so i could see how off the speedo is (per GPS the car is 1mph faster than the speedo says). there are a few cars ahead of me at a good distance and i could see the sign working and showing there speeds, as i come up on the sign it goes blank and doesn't show my speed. i thought for a min and the only thing i could come up with is my car is so low and a very small size when comming head on that the trailer couldn't pick me up.


now i know laser could pick up the car but now i'm wondering if radar can, maybe thats why you don't see many corvettes being pulled over. i'm going to have to try it out on some more of those signs next time i see one.

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Usually cops target plates on the front of a car when they're running gun because it's a flat surface and they can get a quick, accurate reading off of it. With a car with so many curves and generally a low body, it can be harder for a radar to recieve signal from a flat surface.
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Usually cops target plates on the front of a car when they're running gun because it's a flat surface and they can get a quick, accurate reading off of it. With a car with so many curves and generally a low body, it can be harder for a radar to recieve signal from a flat surface.


thats a myth, read how radar works and you'll see why plates have nothing to do with it.


that or your car is just that slow that it didnt even register.... :)


it doesn't say neon on the back so thats not it.:p

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A friend of mine who was a police officer noticed that when he ran radar (keep in mind this was 10 years ago) Corvettes were hard to pick up, as were crotch rockets. He said he could nail a Harley from waaaaay back, but a crotch rocket would maybe read from 50-100 yards at best. Just some anecdotes, I dunno.
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A friend of mine who was a police officer noticed that when he ran radar (keep in mind this was 10 years ago) Corvettes were hard to pick up, as were crotch rockets. He said he could nail a Harley from waaaaay back, but a crotch rocket would maybe read from 50-100 yards at best. Just some anecdotes, I dunno.


Well, one the shared similarities here then would be both the vette and the crotch rocket have a lot nonmetallic surfaces.

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Some of it is going to be all the plastic surfaces, they just don't reflect RADAR as well as metal does. To laser, which works on infrared frequencies, the material won't make a bit of difference. And officers are trained to aim at the license plate with both radar and laser for the same reason they are trained to aim pistols for center-of-mass: better probability of getting a reading/hit. On a car 5-600 feet away, the license plate makes a nice white dot is the center of the darker mass of the rest of the car.


And knowing Reynoldsburg, the stupid thing is probably mis-calibrated and mis-aimed. Was there anyone behind you at the time? Betcha the last speed read was for you if there wasn't.

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