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Why in the hell does the President want to talk to my kids?

V8 Beast

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Sad to say it boils down to this for some people, if your not mad that your candidate lost, your mad because you have a half black president. Reagan gave a similar speech when he was president, I remember it, and I dont remember ANY B.S. surrounding it.

Let the man screw up first, then you will have legit reasons to be undercover prejudice assholes.

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I read most of V8Beast/Brians comments and must say am on his side. Dublin sent us a form to authorize my son to watch and I said, no that I'd rather have him be a kid and not partake in the event.


My reasons are in line with Brian's. Kids should be kids and there's a time and place for everything and at age 6, I'll determine what he watches.


Personally, I don't like watching Obama and wish someone would look out for me in that respect. That fucker drives me nuts with his spreading the wealth and socialistic spending.

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Sad to say it boils down to this for some people, if your not mad that your candidate lost, your mad because you have a half black president. Reagan gave a similar speech when he was president, I remember it, and I dont remember ANY B.S. surrounding it.

Let the man screw up first, then you will have legit reasons to be undercover prejudice assholes.



So.... are you saying he is just "white" enough to get elected, but "too black" to speak to the School Kids?


He is the damn President everyone. It does not matter what color he is. What matters is that, as a whole, the country elected HIM as the Leader. That needs to be respected. I remember seeing previous Presidents when I was in school. Why should he be any difference?




PS - Why do so many "news anchors" refer to President Obama as "Mr. Obama"? This was not done for any other President that I remember. Show some fucking respect.....

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They watch Britney Spears, Miley Cirus on a stripper pole, violent video games etc, etc.... but we shouldn't let them watch the president because he might sway their views?


Nikki Ward




This about covers it.



He is our fucking president people-whether you voted for him or not, he deserves your respect. If your keeping your kid out of school, or telling them to not listen to what is being said- all your telling them is the President is a bad person, and or not to be respected.


If that makes any kind of sense to you-then just to us all a favor and off yourself.

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Reagan gave a similar speech when he was president, I remember it, and I dont remember ANY B.S. surrounding it.


Obama is not at all in the same league as Reagan IMO. For me it has zero to do with race. I don't at all think of him as black or white, etc. For me I just plain don't agree with Obama's "plan" or many of his political views.


I think most that don't want their kids to see him talk are against his policies vs him as a person.

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I read most of V8Beast/Brians comments and must say am on his side. Dublin sent us a form to authorize my son to watch and I said, no that I'd rather have him be a kid and not partake in the event.


My reasons are in line with Brian's. Kids should be kids and there's a time and place for everything and at age 6, I'll determine what he watches.


Personally, I don't like watching Obama and wish someone would look out for me in that respect. That fucker drives me nuts with his spreading the wealth and socialistic spending.


What I posted was some of the views of a woman that found out her kids had to watch it today after she had already sent them to school. She didnt feel she had a choice and was very upset. I wanted to see how CR would react. Mudcrutches post summed it up when he said its her (my) fault for not watching the news and staying up to date on current events.


I personally think if the president wants to tell my kids to stay in school there is nothing wrong with it at all. If he wants to talk to them about health care reform that would be a different story. I dont see anything wrong with my kids seeing his face and hearing a stay in school message. Its really no different than one of the actors on the disney channel saying the same thing.

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So.... are you saying he is just "white" enough to get elected, but "too black" to speak to the School Kids?


He is the damn President everyone. It does not matter what color he is. What matters is that, as a whole, the country elected HIM as the Leader. That needs to be respected. I remember seeing previous Presidents when I was in school. Why should he be any difference?




PS - Why do so many "news anchors" refer to President Obama as "Mr. Obama"? This was not done for any other President that I remember. Show some fucking respect.....


I mentioned the color thing because for SOME people this is what it boils down to, and "they" will use any action this man does to create drama. It is unbelievable that anyone would have to make this much of a fuss over the president speaking to your kids. Would you keep them home from school if he decided to pop up for a visit too? Ignorant ass's period. Presidnets have been speaking to the young since there have been presidents, and this is the first time in my life, that I have ever heard the word "brainwashing" associated with a speech from one.

Killjoy, I agree with your statements %100.

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Once upon a time it was a real event to watch the president on TV in school (Ask your parents, or theirs) It wasn't a big fucking deal, and no one got brainwashed because of it (Again, ask your parents) The big fuss being made about all this is really disappointing on whole as a society.


I don't think the president was on the TV EVERY SINGLE DAY during our parents time.

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I mentioned the color thing because for SOME people this is what it boils down to, and "they" will use any action this man does to create drama. It is unbelievable that anyone would have to make this much of a fuss over the president speaking to your kids. Would you keep them home from school if he decided to pop up for a visit too? Ignorant ass's period. Presidnets have been speaking to the young since there have been presidents, and this is the first time in my life, that I have ever heard the word "brainwashing" associated with a speech from one.

Killjoy, I agree with your statements %100.


Thinking back on past presidents its always been like this. People build drama on select things. I bet you could go back and find a few things the past presidents did that got a lot of publicity and people bitching for no reason at all. The main difference with Obama is that since he is mixed people have a different card they can play. I feel the color does have some to do with it.. but the majority do it with him for the same reason they did it with past presidents... they didnt vote for him so their mindset is "He's not my president".


And this is way off topic.. but our country is all kinds of fucked up and I dont see a happy ending in sight. The world is advancing past us and since we were the bullys in the past we have a big bullseye on our back. In the end people should worry more about what hes doing for the country as a whole and stop caring about a bs 35 minute speech (no matter what side of the argument you are on). Bottom line is a stay in school message doesnt hurt anyone.

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I mentioned the color thing because for SOME people this is what it boils down to, and "they" will use any action this man does to create drama. It is unbelievable that anyone would have to make this much of a fuss over the president speaking to your kids. Would you keep them home from school if he decided to pop up for a visit too? Ignorant ass's period. Presidnets have been speaking to the young since there have been presidents, and this is the first time in my life, that I have ever heard the word "brainwashing" associated with a speech from one.

Killjoy, I agree with your statements %100.


I dont care what color a socialist is, I dislike them all.

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I pride myself in being a

historian. Once upon a time another guy enlisted the civilian forces to keep order. All the while looking toward the young people in school to inspire them to greatness. Seems like it did not work out well.


"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."- B. Hussein Obama
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Sad to say it boils down to this for some people, if your not mad that your candidate lost, your mad because you have a half black president. Reagan gave a similar speech when he was president, I remember it, and I dont remember ANY B.S. surrounding it.

Let the man screw up first, then you will have legit reasons to be undercover prejudice assholes.


There no problem with Reagan giving the speech because, Reagan did not send out "educational" materials like this. http://www.ed.gov/teachers/how/lessons/7-12.pdf


The time will come when the students are given books with Obama quotes for memorization. Those who oppose will be labeled traitors. This guy is the most divisive president we have ever had. Leading our country into the shadows of socialism first, then to communism. History repeats itself.

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Leading our country into the shadows of socialism first, then to communism. History repeats itself.


You're reaching... Do you really think Americans would sit back and watch while something like that happened. You forget the president is only one person in a big government system that has checks and balances all over the place. It would be impossible to get enough things passed and changed for that to ever happen in 1 term in office.


What I want to know is why of all the presidents his name is mentioned with communism???? I have heard the socialist thing millions of time but with him he gets socialism and communism.... why?

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You're reaching... Do you really think Americans would sit back and watch while something like that happened. You forget the president is only one person in a big government system that has checks and balances all over the place. It would be impossible to get enough things passed and changed for that to ever happen in 1 term in office.


What I want to know is why of all the presidents his name is mentioned with communism???? I have heard the socialist thing millions of time but with him he gets socialism and communism.... why?


It has already happened. Americans have sat back and allowed our constitution to be trampled on for the last 100 years. People need to listen to what this guy says. Dont be blinded by his charisma, charm, looks etc. Take him at his word. He has proven so far to be true to his word. I warned people about him last year, but liberals are blinded by charm like the pied piper with mindless mice.


America set up the perfect storm last year. We had a candidate that was a socialist, and a socialist/democrat controlled congress, we have no checks and balance right now.


It is not impossible to change the soils of America from a republic of free people to a land of virtual enslavement with in a term. Who would have ever thought it would be possible to spend more than all the President combined within a few short weeks in office? Never say something cant be done.


As some of you know, I have a cousin on death row in Arizona. This past August, I went to Phoenix to visit him and while sitting in the waiting area I heard an amazing conversation. A Hispanic lady was sitting about 5 feet from me and she was talking to another lady that happened to be from Great Britain. The Hispanic lady was telling the other she was moving to Mexico because she had more freedom there. She went on to talk about how the government here has embedded itself into our lives to the point she was willing to move to the city in Mexico where her father is from. She said she sold her home and business and was just waiting on the close of the sale of the house and they were heading south. To hear that from the lady floored me. A US citizen saying she had more freedom in Mexico than here was confirmation to me that we have finally reached a point where the Land of the Free is no more.:(

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So both Bush's and Clinton set up Obama so that he could finish what they started... the end result being a communist America.


Sorry, but I cant put together any scenario in my head that ends that way in the next few years.


But here is a quote I found from a random person posting on another website...

"don't start bringing facts and rational thought into the argument..*.Americans only embrace fear, revenge and greed. No one listens to reason and logic any longer, friend. The masses will decry your and my efforts of reform, enlightenment and veritas. We are the enemy. We hold a mirror to the Republic and they don't much like what they see...a nation of cry-babies and whiners...dumb ones at that! And in the small hours of the day, they recognize that...and it churns in their collective stomachs because they have no idea what to do about it. They cling to their fairy tales and believe perception is reality. So say they all..."


This pretty much sums up 97% of Americans.

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So both Bush's and Clinton set up Obama so that he could finish what they started... the end result being a communist America.


Sorry, but I cant put together any scenario in my head that ends that way in the next few years.


I would look back toward Hebert Hover as to the start of the policies that we see today.


Here is a scenario. Laws are being put into place now that will allow total control by the government of the citizen in case of civil disturbance, medical emergencies etc. Marshall law could be declared vary easily, then no elections. Dems have control over congress, the push through a bill giving broader power to the president then boom we are now communist. Long shot but history has seen it done in the past.


BTW... Health care reform will be the vehicle to push through other reforms to grow government and intrude on your personal and financial business. my .02

Edited by HAOLE
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