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Why in the hell does the President want to talk to my kids?

V8 Beast

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They can try all they want... people are not giving up their guns.


You think this because we are still on the brink of our original democratic-republic. Wait until we slip in to a socialistic-republic. It may not be under Obama's watch, but with every President, we lose more freedoms. The America today is not as free as the past America.

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You think this because we are still on the brink of our original democratic-republic. Wait until we slip in to a socialistic-republic. It may not be under Obama's watch, but with every President, we lose more freedoms. The America today is not as free as the past America.


I know what you mean but I see more people hiding their guns and buying them on the black market that freely giving them away. I cant say whats going to happen in the next 10-15 years with all these emo's getting older.. but right now the America I know would put up a fight.

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It has already happened. Americans have sat back and allowed our constitution to be trampled on for the last 100 years. People need to listen to what this guy says. Dont be blinded by his charisma, charm, looks etc. Take him at his word. He has proven so far to be true to his word. I warned people about him last year, but liberals are blinded by charm like the pied piper with mindless mice.


America set up the perfect storm last year. We had a candidate that was a socialist, and a socialist/democrat controlled congress, we have no checks and balance right now.


It is not impossible to change the soils of America from a republic of free people to a land of virtual enslavement with in a term. Who would have ever thought it would be possible to spend more than all the President combined within a few short weeks in office? Never say something cant be done.


As some of you know, I have a cousin on death row in Arizona. This past August, I went to Phoenix to visit him and while sitting in the waiting area I heard an amazing conversation. A Hispanic lady was sitting about 5 feet from me and she was talking to another lady that happened to be from Great Britain. The Hispanic lady was telling the other she was moving to Mexico because she had more freedom there. She went on to talk about how the government here has embedded itself into our lives to the point she was willing to move to the city in Mexico where her father is from. She said she sold her home and business and was just waiting on the close of the sale of the house and they were heading south. To hear that from the lady floored me. A US citizen saying she had more freedom in Mexico than here was confirmation to me that we have finally reached a point where the Land of the Free is no more.:(


Well I guess it time to roll out the gulags, and the concentration camps. This country is done, V8KILR I guess I'll see you in Mexico....Meh...................

Some of you people are really laughably paranoid. Bush runs the country into the ground, and you say Obama is the next coming of Hitler in under a year, amazing.

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Well I guess it time to roll out the gulags, and the concentration camps. This country is done, V8KILR I guess I'll see you in Mexico....Meh...................

Some of you people are really laughably paranoid. Bush runs the country into the ground, and you say Obama is the next coming of Hitler in under a year, amazing.


We already have over 1 % of our population in prisons. We already have concentration camp, the public schools an universities are doing a great job of "educating" the kids with liberal ideals.


If you go back and look ate what I said the problems are about 100 years old. Much of what you see today can be traced back to the Hover Presidency. These issues did not start with Bush or Obama. Obama is by far the most Radical president we have ever had. We may as well shred the Constitution now, we are not using it.

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... but right now the America I know would put up a fight.

So why are we not fighting now? Easy answer to that. Americans now like the idea of something for nothing. We have had an entitlement attitude since the 1930's. Each generation gets worse as a whole.

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So why are we not fighting now? Easy answer to that. Americans now like the idea of something for nothing. We have had an entitlement attitude since the 1930's. Each generation gets worse as a whole.


Sometimes you come across as someone that has a tin foil hat and a bomb shelter for when the aliens come to take over the planet. Calm down... the world will blow up or zombies will take over before Obama has a chance to strip us of all of our freedoms.

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Sometimes you come across as someone that has a tin foil hat and a bomb shelter for when the aliens come to take over the planet. Calm down... the world will blow up or zombies will take over before Obama has a chance to strip us of all of our freedoms.


And that is the exact reason why little by little our freedoms are removed. To many people think, "they will never take our freedoms away." Do you think we are as free as we were in 1909?

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Bush runs the country into the ground, and you say Obama is the next coming of Hitler in under a year, amazing.


Typical liberal response. Always goes back to "Well, Bush was worse." when you don't realize a large number of real conservatives are pretty displeased with his terms as well. For instance, the Patriot Act sure sounds nice and cozy and secure for a lot of people, but in the wrong hands it can turn in to a tool for tyranny.


Dr. Rick has it right when he says Obama is the most radical of all Presidents; even the most liberal Presidents have ruled from the middle. Look at his whole damn cabinet: a majority of them are tax frauds and/or radicals. Most of his czars, who now have executive capabilities without even being appointed by congress, are super-radicals. His regulatory czar hates the 2nd Amendment; THE 2ND AMENDMENT!! - this is the guy who can control regulating ammunition, gun manufacturinbg and supplies! If that doesn't cause concern then I don't know what else to say.

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Heres the deal.. Technology has allowed the government to see and hear more. The freedoms are going away because people keep inventing things that make it easier and easier to take them away without even trying.


We could choose to live in a log cabin in the middle of a forest and be as free as people were in 1909... but instead we choose to get online, link ourselves to the world, live by credit scores, wierd laws, etc etc. Its what the worlds evolving too. People live in fear and the only way to not be afraid is to know whats going on at all times. If fear didnt control us then there would be no reason to give up freedoms or the goverment to try and take them. The more scared we become as a country the more we are going to give away...

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Heres the deal.. Technology has allowed the government to see and hear more. The freedoms are going away because people keep inventing things that make it easier and easier to take them away without even trying.



I agree with that statement

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I doubt you'll read this truthful document, but for the record, this is proof.


In case you do not know, the CRS does not provide these reports to the public, but members of Congress upon request. The link I posted is the exact report given to a member of Congress after proposal. A member of the press obtained it somehow.


Since you will not read it, I'll sum it up for you: HR3200 makes no requirements for illegals to get healthcare, which is what democrats and the President are promoting. However, the bill does NOTHING to prevent illegals from obtaining federal aid.

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I think you may have misread your 'proof'


that document contradicts your statement is two ways:


HR3200 makes no requirements for illegals to get healthcare


it would appear that unauthorized aliens who meet the substantial presence test would be required under H.R. 3200 to have health insurance.


the bill does NOTHING to prevent illegals from obtaining federal aid.

§246 would bar unauthorized aliens from receiving any premium or cost-sharing credit.

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I think you may have misread your 'proof'


that document contradicts your statement is two ways:


It must have went over your head then. From page 4:


H.R. 3200 does not contain any restrictions on noncitzens—whether

legally or illegally present, or in the United States temporarily or permanently—participating in

the Exchange.27 However, as discussed above, H.R. 3200 would only mandate that resident aliens

would be required to have health insurance.

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Ithat document contradicts your statement is two ways:



Originally Posted by mikehaze

HR3200 makes no requirements for illegals to get healthcare



That is not "my" statement. That is the common democrats' statement that I was simply relaying. So yes, you are correct that the bill contradicts their own statements.

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