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Comments on the 02/09/09 Presidential News Conferance.


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I watched a bit of it, and it was exactly what I expected; a lot of nothing was said.

But I don't fault him for that. It's not like the President can come out and unveil surprises left and right like it's Macworld or something. At best, he can recap and sum-up all the stuff we already know about.

My biggest gripe was his sugar-coating of the stimulus package. He needs to be really tough with that thing, but it probably won't happen.

In all...I'm just pissed that the damn thing pushed back How I Met Your Mother :mad:

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I had some old guy try to talk to me about it. I was like... "No, I didn't see it... But uhm... I gotta get going... uhm... I got things I gotta do." He was pro Obama. He was just trash talking the other party. I didn't want to argue and didn't want to hear it. So I just punched out.

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Wait a minute... were you talking about this?


GARRETT: Mr. President, at a speech Friday that many of us covered, Vice President Biden said the following thing about a conversation the two of you had in the Oval Office about a subject he didn't disclose.

"If we do everything right, if we do it with absolute certainty, if we stand up there and we really make the tough decisions, there's still a 30 percent chance we're going to get it wrong."

Since the vice president brought it up, can you tell the American people, sir, what you were talking about? And if not, can you at least reassure them it wasn't the stimulus bill or the bank rescue plan and if, in general, you agree with that ratio of success, 30 percent failure, 70 percent success?

OBAMA: You know, I don't remember exactly what Joe was referring to...

(LAUGHTER) ...not surprisingly.

But let me try this out. (MORE LAUGHTER)

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