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Engagement Ring Help


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I am looking at getting an engagement ring at the end of this month or beginning of next month. We found one she liked at Andrews so I wanted to see if anyone here worked there or at any other jewelry store that might have something similar. Thanks for the help


Shop around Andrew's I thought was kind of expensive when I went there. I found the exact same thing at Jared that was at Andrew's for a lot less and better service.

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don't be a cheapass and get her what she wants?



I am getting the style that she wants but a bigger diamond then she wants. She told me she doesn't need a lot but I am the kind of person who does things once so I am getting more. If you buy cheap you end up paying more in the long run

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My experience has been that Andrew's tends to have a little better quality stuff. I know it all comes out of the same hole in the ground and is probably all mostly from the same suppliers, but they just seem to have a higher percentage of better stuff in stock compared to Kay, Meyers, etc.


You can usually work the price down. I have paid asking price only once there and that's because what I was buying was already marked waaay down for a sale (my wedding ring). They also helped me to build-my-own engagement ring from a huge box of rings and setting pieces rather than just picking a stone and plopping it in any random ring.

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I know this is different then you guys but i actually got a ring off of http://www.faycullen.com/. They deal with antique rings and i guess thats just what my g/f is into.


http://www.faycullen.com/rings/800/e907r4ad.html yea i know only $500 but its what she picked out and loved. she still has no idea that i bought it and she thinks some one else has. ive gone around to different jewlers with her to see about having something made for like it to make he get the feeling like i dont have it.

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Guest tbutera2112

damn dude...you shoulda hit up IDG when they were closing down...im not gonna propose to my girl yet, but i did go ahead and buy a ring...got a 5k ring for $1500...IDG was almost giving their stuff away.... i would check around and see if any are still open, i saw a sign last week that the one by my house only had 2 days left, but it would be worth looking into



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dude, I went with an independant diamond seller, I can get you his name if interested.... I was able to get my wife EXACTLY what she wanted for half the price as alot of those places... BTW, don't buy into that 3 months salary bullshit.


I'm not doing 3 months salary, I am getting something that's nice but not too gaudy. She will be absolutely happy with what I am planning on getting. She is more worried about being with me so the ring isn't as important to her. I want to make sure that everything is covered warranty wise so I don't know how that would work out with an independent seller.

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Check out Bluenile.com - always a better than expected experience when I've bought there. I know a lot about diamonds, if you have questions lay them on me.



I used BlueNile to learn about diamonds, what grade stone and size I could get for xx price. The jeweler I went to could get anything off BlueNile so he would order stones for me that I picked out, then I'd get to look at them under the microscopes and all the different lights in order to make a final pick. Then he'd send back the one's I didn't want. I'm very happy with the stone I got for the price.

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I'm not doing 3 months salary, I am getting something that's nice but not too gaudy. She will be absolutely happy with what I am planning on getting. She is more worried about being with me so the ring isn't as important to her. I want to make sure that everything is covered warranty wise so I don't know how that would work out with an independent seller.

my wife's ring is covered under warranty.... we bought the stone from an independant guy and then setting from JB and got the warrently on it.... EVERYTHING's covered... good to go.

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I'm not doing 3 months salary, I am getting something that's nice but not too gaudy. She will be absolutely happy with what I am planning on getting. She is more worried about being with me so the ring isn't as important to her. I want to make sure that everything is covered warranty wise so I don't know how that would work out with an independent seller.


Warranty smwarranty.. You will put that under some kind of homeowners or renters insuarnce jewelry policy.


The only thing hte in store policyes are good for, is if you want the ring resized, cleaned, re-iodized/re-nickled.. whatever..which happens so rarely, you might as well pay out of pocket.

Does the warranty cover a lost diamond? (like if you cant find it.. they will replace it, and what effect?)


have you looked online to see if you can find a better deal?


http://www.Bluenile.com, http://www.pricescope.com/ and the strangest cheapest but REPUTABLE place to buy a diamond.. http://www.costco.com


Buying a diamond for the woman you love is a wonderful thing, but there is NO reason you should spend out the ass for it, i promse you any setting that you saw at andrews, can be had at just about ANY jewelry store.


Also, you can go in to ANY decent jewelry store and have your ring cleaned and inspected FOR FREE. (Jareds is REALLY good about this, and they have thier gemologist right there)

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damn dude...you shoulda hit up IDG when they were closing down...im not gonna propose to my girl yet, but i did go ahead and buy a ring...got a 5k ring for $1500...IDG was almost giving their stuff away.... i would check around and see if any are still open, i saw a sign last week that the one by my house only had 2 days left, but it would be worth looking into


I just went there a few days ago, and even their sales prices were ridiculously high. A solitaire 1 carat was $4,500:eek: What a joke. That same diamond at Jared is like 2-3k depending on color and clarity.


I have had nothing but excellent service and experiences at Jared. Buy the "metal plan" for $60 and its lifetime checkups, maint, cleaning and rhodium plating. Pays for itself in 2 visits.


I will be buying a loose diamond next year to replace what we originally bought, and am looking at the 1-1.5 carat variety.

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save a ton of money and buy online from a spot that offers free returns if you dont like what you see when you get it. another +1 for http://www.bluenile.com, or http://www.whiteflash.com is a close second. i would start there for a loose stone, and check here for a setting/band if you dont see what you want.







if you want, post up/pm me what shape diamond she is looking at, and your price range, i can put together a quick list of stones i would consider. this is all just my thoughts. there are a couple major things to think about when buying a diamond. Cut/Color/Clarity are the three that i would put priority on. Remember cut determines the sparkle/light in and out. Good cut her friends all say, "wow, i wish i fucked him first", bad cut her friends all say, "i feel bad for her" behind her back of course. Moving on to color, figure out what color setting (gold/platnium) it is going into. D-F are "colorless" meaning expensive, i wouldnt put anything worse than a G-H in a white gold/Plat setting. There are a ton of good looking G-H stones that will save you money, and still look clearish. If you are using yellow gold, you could go deeper into the yellow and get away with it. Clarity all depends on how often she takes it off and stares at in from about an inch away, black dots/cracks that are visable from a mile away arent best. With all that being said figure out what your girl thinks is important to her, and make it happen. I am guessing it will either be color or clarity. good luck, and oh yeah...congrats!!!



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I just went there a few days ago, and even their sales prices were ridiculously high. A solitaire 1 carat was $4,500:eek: What a joke. That same diamond at Jared is like 2-3k depending on color and clarity.


Uh, it depends on the shape, cut, color, and clarity, but for a good stone that's a decent price.

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good friend of mine is selling a Tiffany Ring if you're interested. he paid a shit-load for it and is still taking a big loss. been like 3 years so you may be able to get a super deal if she likes it.


Jason is a stand up guy, well know on the VW Boards. Many here can vouch for him too.


I'll post a link to his posts for ya.

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