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Sweet new (to me) straight razor


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I love a good shave and I HATE disposables!

Check out this bad-ass new straight I just got:


Anyone out there go the extra mile to get that perfect, hardcore shave??

No! Always been interested though...just scared I was going to slice my face up.. :eek:

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what a strange thread, haha

i dont like a close shave, i like having a short beard, and instead of trimming it, i just start over by taking clippers to it.

however, when i used to shave, i used a straight razor similar to that, loved it! just dont slip, haha

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no. but i would use it to cut a bitch if she didnt have my money.:D

But really, is it an antique?

I don't think so - don't know the actual year of manufacture. I'll have to see if I can id the date but its so clean and the blade in such good shape I can't believe it'd be very old.

I also shave with a '62 Gillette Super Speed Flare Tip double edge safety razor. Great shave and far more forgiving than a straight :)

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I don't think so - don't know the actual year of manufacture. I'll have to see if I can id the date but its so clean and the blade in such good shape I can't believe it'd be very old.

I also shave with a '62 Gillette Super Speed Flare Tip double edge safety razor. Great shave and far more forgiving than a straight :)

Thats dedication mang.

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I've used disposables for years. I had a fusion as my most recent disposable but got sick of paying $25 for 8 cartridges, having to go over the same areas many many times to get a close shave.

Had a Fromm straight years ago and dropped it in the sink right on the blade. Well, once that happens you've really got to have a guy that knows how to hone the blade well fix it. I decided to trash it. So now I've come full circle again and I'm done with disposables.

If you've ever shaved with a cheapie single blade disposable with a non-adjustable head you know how to shave with a safety razor and enough to learn on a straights. Its all about face prep and blade angle.

Nothing like showering then stepping out and lathering up with some nice quality glycerine based shave soap and brush - then taking a true razor and popping the hair off. Its a lost art among men. My father, my grandfather, and my grandfather's father all shaved with straights and safety razors.

Less skin irritation, fewer ingrown hairs, healthier skin and less waste make the safety razors and straights an excellent/fun option. Just like most things - anything worth doing doesn't come easily. Its a hobby - and its fun!

checkout: http://www.badgerandblade.com for lots of info. Also I think they're going to bring a shave show here to columbus in May - should be pretty good!

Also check: http://www.theshaveden.com both sites have classified sections with great deals and lots of info on how to get started.

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I purchase all my Mach 3 Turbo blades there by the bulk. They are CHEAP!! 8 for $17.99. I always by the 16 pack though.

How often do you trash a blade? You probably throw them out too soon. Also, why are you so obsessed with the perfect shave? Why not get your face waxed then? In my opinion it's just a very strange obsession you have. :wtf:

Edited by NinjaNick
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wow...what a thread...last thing i would think to see on here. It's interesting though. I use the fusion but hate the expensiveness. I have to shave everyday or at least every other day and find that to get a close shave with either the mach 3 or the fusion i have to go over it at least twice or three times. I dont think its the razor, more that my facial hair grows very fast and feels like it grows in different directions, although when i have a beard it looks good. Any suggestions...I Guess?

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I love a good shave and I HATE disposables!

Check out this bad-ass new straight I just got (Wester Bros. 5/8" Fraternity):


Anyone out there go the extra mile to get that perfect, hardcore shave??

Nice. I've thought about getting a straight razor myself since I shave my head and face every other day. Alot closer and smoother finish

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Psh, all you disposable- and straight-razor girly men have too much time on your hands. Do you also have time to put on mascara in the morning?

Real men with stuff to do use an electric shaver and get on with the day :badgerrock:

I'm a bum though, with nothing to do all day except watch T.V. and browse the net:cool:

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