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Sorry boys, I was screaming and yelling for OSU tonight.


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He's 84 and 20? That's almost 80%!


Good enough for Gov't work :rolleyes: Bring me a win against the big boys already!!


In sales you're paid to make 100% of Quota, not 80%. 80% will get you fired at most places, especially today and especially at jobs that pay the big bucks. JT makes some HUGE bucks too.

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He's 84 and 20? That's almost 80%!


Uh huh... so if you did your job well 80% of the time, yet screwed up your biggest most important, most challenging projects by making the same mistakes and not learning from them, would you still have your job?


Yes or No

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I agree fully. At least they proved that USC is just like any other team and makes mistakes with that safety. They were starting to seem like they never made any big mistakes until that safety happened.


Sure, USC makes mistakes...everyone does. They even had a nice mid-field turnover, but we didn't do shit with it :mad:


I don't think USC played a good game at all really. If I were their coach, I'd be happy we won, and that they put it together when it counted, but overall, they didn't play like expected them to. However, at the end of the night, I bet their Quarterback gets laid.

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Comes down to this:

1. Pryor is ok but not great. His technique is horrible.

2. Defense played great until the last 7min. You could tell they were winded. Instead of waiting

until they were at the 20 give them a T.O. and let them regroup.

3. Tressel has proved that he cannot be depended on in crucial situations.

4. Conservative play calling will get you nowhere.


I believe that as long as tressel is running the show, they will always come up short. I mean you score a TD from a play, great!! Do not get back down to the goal and run that play again twice WTF? Your QB is 6"6 235 a sneak is in order. If you have a team on the ropes go for the submission. Get in kill mode an grow a pair and take them out, not up the middle 2 plays and a weak azz pass play?

Edited by Big Steve
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we could lose every game all season, but as long as we beat michigan, ill be happy.


I was impressed with Michigan's rookie qb today. He's gonna be good. He played alot better than my team's qb. He's quite a bit better than what he played today against OSU, but I will say OSU played pretty good D most of the game. I was genuinely worried for a bit there.

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They should have went for a touchdown and not a field goal in the first half when it was 4th and goal. I mean come on, you are playing USC, field goals arent going to do it.

But I think they played much better than last year and proved they are a threat. The D looked good.


Forcier and Michigan looked great. If they can just keep it up. They will give Ohio State's defense some headaches.

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^x2. I've said it before and I'll say it again, you don't beat the big boys with field goals. When you're playing a team as deep as USC you need touchdowns, just go for it, and even if you miss you're pinning them deep. The D was doing so well I felt bad for them cause our offense couldn't take advantage.


Tressel lost us this game, and he will continue to lose outside of the conference against quality teams until he can learn to be a little more dynamic in his play-calling, we might as well start with 2nd and 9 every set. Our lack of adjustments is disheartening.

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The team played great...



Tressel needs to go


Wow it's like that?


I think I'm starting to agree... Tressel was good at first because he brought structure and organization. But now it's starting to show that he may be too, vanilla and bland to win big games. Sometimes you have to play against the odds and make some ballsy calls. It doesn’t matter how well the players played if your coach can’t coach them and use their talent then who cares how good of a player they are?

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Oh! And Pryor was the #1 recruit in the world because he could throw AND run. Why recruit a player with that tallent if all you want him to do is hand off and pass!? That 4th & goal had his name all over it. Instead of that bullshit field goal you get in the I formation and have Pryor run it to the corner of the end zone!!!


Drunk, hung over rant /

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Uh huh... so if you did your job well 80% of the time, yet screwed up your biggest most important, most challenging projects by making the same mistakes and not learning from them, would you still have your job?


Yes or No


Preach on.....Tress needs to go in a big way. "omg how can ohio state fans say that shit after he won a NC!!!" I will tell you why because he is terrible against big teams. Sweet we can beat the other little conference teams. We can beat up on other teams in our conference. But we can not seem to hang with the best.....again. Our D cord might be the biggest problem. It was the end of the Texas game all over again. We cant stop anything at the end. Tress doesnt seem to play to win the games he seems to try not to make mistakes. We need bigger plays more effective and creative ways of getting the ball down the field. Our last punt we should have tried to kick a field goal.

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