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Reusing plastic bottles, cups and the such


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Just curious what people have heard, read, or researched on the use of reusing plastic bottles or cups. I drink a lot of water a day out of a water bottle or cup from taco bell that I refill. I am not the only one. I have seen other people reusing their containers. Why not if you drink a lot of tap water a day right?


I researched a few places and most people say that disposable plastic beverage holders are made for a one time use. Over time the chemicals from the plastic will start to leech into the liquid. This could cause many health problems.


What do you guys and girls think about that?

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There's a stamp on recycleable plastics and such that denote stuff like this. Apparently the recycleable symbol with the number 7 inside is said to cause such contaminants.. but that hasn't stopped me from using my nalgene bottle.
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another reason is because the reuse of bottles promotes infection in people with altered immune systems, or so ive been told. something about bacteria growing in the residual fluid. there was prolly some lawsuit where an aids patient died or something. heard the carcinogen theory, too. much more realistic. probably just the company covering their asses.
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  V8 Beast said:
Cheap ass, get a dishwasher safe water bottle :p


I've been very tempted to take in my glass mug from the movie tavern to work but not sure if I should. It is normally filled up with beer and I am sure my boss knows that ;)


Plastic sucks I want glass.

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ill take a single bottle of water to work and refill it for a day or three with the water cooler... i usually put packets of gatorade or something in.


I just pitch it when i remember to bring in another bottle


a girl who worked here was a paranoid about that.... always drank water from coffee cups or a mason jar lol

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The real culprits for the safety of reusing any water bottle are the bacteria and fungi that can grow in damp or partially full bottles once they have been opened. These bacteria generally come from your hands and mouth, or any dirt that comes in contact with the mouth of the bottle.
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Try to reuse all that stuff and when it is time to pitch it, I recycle it. I try not to drink much bottled water. I have a nice insulated mug I have at work that I fill up out of the water cooler every day. On fridays I take it home to be washed and bring it back on Monday.
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Guest tbutera2112
what is the bottle has an A inside the recycle symbol? ive been using the same gatorade bottle for work for a few weeks lol...i have plenty of them, just never switch it out since i didnt realize it was bad to reuse
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We reuse the small 11oz cute bottles of water for our kids milk/juice in their lunches. It's way easier in case he leaves it at school, loses it, ect....To keep them clean we hand wash them and like when I was a bartender we disinfect them with a mild bleach/water mix too...final rinse and good to go.


However, now for work and in my car, i reuse large Sobe Glass bottles. Little heavier, but they are like 20oz, stable and easy to carry around in the car or at work. I see nothing wrong in it. My way of recycling and saving money really. I can fill it with my Arizona Tea that I buy in concentrate form at Kroger.


1 Gal Pre-Mix is like $3.49

1 20oz Bottle pre-mix is like $1.50-$2.00

My way, it's $2.49 for 2 gals and goes into my bottles for around $.12 per 20oz bottle.


That's a huge savings for as much of this shit that I tend to consume. Call me cheap, I don't care. :bangbang:

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  cred05 said:
I heard not to reuse them ESPECIALLY after they have been sitting inside your car or anywhere where they get warm because it releases unhealthy shit from the plastic.


Ah crap I guess I'm gonna die then. I reuse just about every plastic bottle I get at least once. Not only am I still alive, but I'm young and healthy. I'm not sure how a bottle can endure heat, vibration, and months of fluid exposure... but as soon as you take the cap off and refill, it's dangerous. I'm not convinced. If I get sick, I'll sue the dogshit outta the bottling company.

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Guest tbutera2112
  cred05 said:
I heard not to reuse them ESPECIALLY after they have been sitting inside your car or anywhere where they get warm because it releases unhealthy shit from the plastic.


mine never leaves my truck except when i go into my job, which is about 300 degrees celsius inside the building...nobody answered about other plastic bottles? someone mentioned these have a 7 inside the recylce symbol, what about ones with an A?

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  RymerC said:
Ah crap I guess I'm gonna die then. I reuse just about every plastic bottle I get at least once. Not only am I still alive, but I'm young and healthy. I'm not sure how a bottle can endure heat, vibration, and months of fluid exposure... but as soon as you take the cap off and refill, it's dangerous. I'm not convinced. If I get sick, I'll sue the dogshit outta the bottling company.




Studies have indicated that food and drinks stored in such containers—including those ubiquitous clear Nalgene water bottles hanging from just about every hiker’s backpack—can contain trace amount of Bisphenol A (BPA), a synthetic chemical that interferes with the body’s natural hormonal messaging system...................



According to the Environment California Research & Policy Center, which reviewed 130 studies on the topic, BPA has been linked to breast and uterine cancer, an increased risk of miscarriage, and decreased testosterone levels.


I've been noticing your man boobs getting bigger and your voice getting a little more high pitched, i wasnt going to say anything...

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Yes Bisphenol A (BPA) is what I have read everywhere. Every document I have read has said trace amounts of this leech out into the water when you reuse the container. I am not sure why they don't leech out in a bottle that hasn't been opened yet?


The stamps at the bottom of plastic bottles I think are only used to identify what chemicals are used in making the plastic. If I remember correctly if you have a 7 in the symbol then it has Bisphenol A in it.


Seriously plastic is made from oil. Oil is harmful if you consume it. Just another reason everything tastes better in glass. :)

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