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Illegal search and seziure on bethel tonight

Trouble Maker

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How is that an illegal search and seizure?


Are you kidding me? An officer stops you just to check you out? hey how about he search's your home "just in case" or checks your computer because "you kinda look like you MIGHT like kiddie porn". Hell why not just sign away all your rights? right?


Hey everyone hates a drunk driver but that doesnt give Officer's the right to stop every single car on the road trying to find the bad ones.

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Of all of these checkpoints I have been through I have been "selected" once or twice.

Both times it was a quick hello, just doing a sobriety checkpoint, have you been drinking, and then zoom on my way. It took about 60 seconds of my time, and hopefully snagged a few drunk drivers in the process.

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They're looking for people drinking and driving. I dont see a problem with it. They cant just randomly search your car.


You think not? Hey I love cops just like everyone else here but the law gives officers ALOT of discretion (which can be both a good and bad thing). Say you dont look him in the eye when he asks if you've been drinking? or your tired and your speech is slurred a bit? Then you get asked to step out of the car and that 60 seconds you were so happy to give up turns into a half an hour of trying to prove your innocense to a bunch of ticket writing cowboys out on a witchhunt. (refering to the Dublin PD of course)


Again, I love cops and hate drunk drivers. I live and drive around Bethel/Sawmill rd everyday and know this is one of the worst area's int he city for both. I cant tell you how many idiots i know who have been busted for DUI's (and rightfully so), I just never thought this was the right way to go about catching the few who actually break the law.

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You think not? Hey I love cops just like everyone else here but the law gives officers ALOT of discretion (which can be both a good and bad thing). Say you dont look him in the eye when he asks if you've been drinking? or your tired and your speech is slurred a bit? Then you get asked to step out of the car and that 60 seconds you were so happy to give up turns into a half an hour of trying to prove your innocense to a bunch of ticket writing cowboys out on a witchhunt. (refering to the Dublin PD of course)


Again, I love cops and hate drunk drivers. I live and drive around Bethel/Sawmill rd everyday and know this is one of the worst area's int he city for both. I cant tell you how many idiots i know who have been busted for DUI's (and rightfully so), I just never thought this was the right way to go about catching the few who actually break the law.



Dont get me wrong. I cant stand the fucking police or correction officers. I have been pulled many many times in my life and asked if they can look around the car. My answer is always nope, call the k-9. I have no problem letting the police waste their fucking time on me. I give them as much shit as I possibly can. Check my record...


I still have no problem with a simple DUI checkpoint. Its something that I think the police need to do more often because at least a that point their doing something thats good for the community...

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The 2 checkpoints ive ever driven through (One on new years and one on st pattys day) they just look at me and wave, ive never asked them for me to roll my window down or anything, (Granted its always down), but i just roll up, they look at me and i drive away. Pretty sure ive never said a word at all to anyone at a checkpoint.
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Are you kidding me? An officer stops you just to check you out? hey how about he search's your home "just in case" or checks your computer because "you kinda look like you MIGHT like kiddie porn". Hell why not just sign away all your rights? right?


Hey everyone hates a drunk driver but that doesnt give Officer's the right to stop every single car on the road trying to find the bad ones.

It's gastupo shit

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Back a month or so ago when they had the one on Stringtown Rd., a van in front of me read the sign about the sobriety checkpoint and made a left at the intersection to avoid it. I went through it, but I wasn't one of the selected cars so I had to drive around. Too bad a couldn't nark out the person in the van. That's just the type of person I am. ;)
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I went through there last night around 11 and the people were going through the line like nothing... It wasn't taking much time at all. But around that time they did have about 4 or 5 cars pulled over in the parking lot with people standing outside of them that looked wasted. Maybe not, but if they were im pretty happy they're off the street and not putting peoples lives in danger.
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Are you kidding me? An officer stops you just to check you out? hey how about he search's your home "just in case" or checks your computer because "you kinda look like you MIGHT like kiddie porn". Hell why not just sign away all your rights? right?


Hey everyone hates a drunk driver but that doesn't give Officer's the right to stop every single car on the road trying to find the bad ones.


I don't see a violation of rights if your stopped at a checkpoint? What "right" is being violated? Your right to drive? Oh, wait...that's a privilege. It's no different than being clocked by radar as you tool-by him as he "checks" your speed to see if you're breaking the law or simply exercising the privilege of using the roads. The only difference here is they are making you stop.


Look, I see the point you're trying to make, but a cop has the right to stop you, say hello and do a quick scan to see if there's a chance you've been drinking. Given the danger and tons of folks who endanger everyone around them by doing so, it's the one thing I welcome.


During the final-four a few years back, I was in Indy and got stopped at both a seat belt checkpoint and a DUI checkpoint. Let's just say I drove 65mph the whole way home as I wasn't feeling real lucky that week.

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I don't see a violation of rights if your stopped at a checkpoint? What "right" is being violated? Your right to drive? Oh, wait...that's a privilege. It's no different than being clocked by radar as you tool-by him as he "checks" your speed to see if you're breaking the law or simply exercising the privilege of using the roads. The only difference here is they are making you stop.


Look, I see the point you're trying to make, but a cop has the right to stop you, say hello and do a quick scan to see if there's a chance you've been drinking. Given the danger and tons of folks who endanger everyone around them by doing so, it's the one thing I welcome.


During the final-four a few years back, I was in Indy and got stopped at both a seat belt checkpoint and a DUI checkpoint. Let's just say I drove 65mph the whole way home as I wasn't feeling real lucky that week.


How about the right not to illegal search and seizure or at the very least having probable cause to do so Tim? You cant simply pick a car and say "im going to check and make sure they're not breaking the law" you have to have a ligitamate reason to do so. And no an officer does not have the 'right' to simply stop you just to check and make sure everything is kosher.


A simple for instance, a few months ago I drove a co-worker home late one night (after 1am) he happens to live in a shady part of town. After i drop off my friend, I make my way out of the neighborhood a Columbus Police officer pulls a U-turn to follow me. Now I am of course a law abiding citizen so I have nothing to worry about. He follows me for a few blocks then pulls me over. As always, I act kindly and cordially give him my information letting him do his job. Then I asked him, in a completely non-confrontation way, what his reason was for pulling me over. "well there's alot of dope running around this area". Are you fucking kidding me? And thats my problem how? Because I happen to be driving late at night? The only reason I didnt say anything more about the subject was, as it turns out, he was a member of my sister's church growing up and I actually knew the guy way back in the day.


AGAIN, I have no problem with cops and for the most part most of them do their job admirably but I just dont agree with this tactic thats all. Oh and tristanlee, dont mistake my viewpoint as a defense of drunk drivers, i am far from it. If you drink and drive you deserve the consequence's.

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The only people who care about cops being able to search your car are the people who are hiding something. Me, I don't give a fuck. Thank-you for doing your job, officer and keeping asshole drunks off the road for me and my kids... :)
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How about the right not to illegal search and seizure or at the very least having probable cause to do so Tim? You cant simply pick a car and say "im going to check and make sure they're not breaking the law" you have to have a ligitamate reason to do so. And no an officer does not have the 'right' to simply stop you just to check and make sure everything is kosher.


First, it's not illegal. In all but 11 states, officers are legally permitted to stop drivers in DUI Checkpoints. The US Supreme Court ruled years ago that the stops are not unreasonable. Specifically Chief Justice Rehnquist argued heavily for the law and sated that the interest in reducing drunk driving outweighed any infringement. Second, the search doesn't occur unless there's probable cause. If you happen to be at a checkpoint and have a gun or weed in plain sight, or smell of beer even from one innocent sip of one, then you're going to get searched and that is completely legal.


My wife has been on both sides of this topic in court and the bottom line is that in Ohio, the law won't likely ever be changed. Personally, I agree with it. The greater good of protecting the majority of us on the road when the crime is so dangerous and the problem growing takes priority in my eyes. Especially when these instances are relative infrequent and usually only during peak times of likelihood.


The bullshit in this country is that we worry too much about the rights of the criminals and piss and moan too much about little shit like this and how it "impacts" the innocent. It's not more invasive than being stopped for speeding and usually goes way faster. For the record, I agree with the law, "interest in reducing drunk driving outweighed any infringement the rest of us incur."

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How about the right not to illegal search and seizure or at the very least having probable cause to do so Tim? You cant simply pick a car and say "im going to check and make sure they're not breaking the law" you have to have a ligitamate reason to do so. And no an officer does not have the 'right' to simply stop you just to check and make sure everything is kosher.


A simple for instance, a few months ago I drove a co-worker home late one night (after 1am) he happens to live in a shady part of town. After i drop off my friend, I make my way out of the neighborhood a Columbus Police officer pulls a U-turn to follow me. Now I am of course a law abiding citizen so I have nothing to worry about. He follows me for a few blocks then pulls me over. As always, I act kindly and cordially give him my information letting him do his job. Then I asked him, in a completely non-confrontation way, what his reason was for pulling me over. "well there's alot of dope running around this area". Are you fucking kidding me? And thats my problem how? Because I happen to be driving late at night? The only reason I didnt say anything more about the subject was, as it turns out, he was a member of my sister's church growing up and I actually knew the guy way back in the day.


AGAIN, I have no problem with cops and for the most part most of them do their job admirably but I just dont agree with this tactic thats all. Oh and tristanlee, dont mistake my viewpoint as a defense of drunk drivers, i am far from it. If you drink and drive you deserve the consequence's.


Not that checkpoints are right or wrong, but I agree with you... This happens all the time, weather your in a "bad neighborhood", driving a "fast" car, or being around a "booze" establishment at "certian" hours. I can't begin to tell you how many time I've been pulled over completely sober (or even being a DD), not doing a damn thing wrong, having the cops be complete dicks, just because I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. This pisses me off. And to top it off the try to manipulate and persuade you into doing wrong. "No you didnt see me "tapping" the center line, Officer!" As we have rights and privileges so do officers of the law, and they abuse them as well.

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