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Technology predictions from 1993


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This is pretty awesome.


Hard to believe that allot of the cool shit we have now we just a though back then. i seen the door opening to voice and it made me sad.


As soon as I buy a house I'm going to have facial recognition setup.

Edited by nurkvinny
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pretty cool


Predictions about the future, when viewed from the future, are often hilariously wrong, and nowhere is this more true than with product design. One need look no further than "futuristic" Hollywood movies/TV programs of yore or old Popular Science covers to see that would-be future designers can do no more than take the form factors of their day, alter the shape slightly and add some then-impossible technological function.


I was just thinking about this the other day when I was watching Back to the Future II. I mean did they really think that 2015 would be like that? lol

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Someone, somewhere already has technology generations ahead of what most of us know about and will release it slowly over the next 20 years instead of all at once. Tons more money to be made that way.


If that were true, AT&T would be in a much better financial position these days (seemingly).

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Pretty interesting how some of those are really common things that almost seem old now, makes you wonder what the future holds. I agree that there is much more technology that is in process of being developed that is not ready to be released to the public yet.
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Arthur C. Clarke predicted that we'd be living on the moon and exploring the outer planets of the solar system by 2001. We probably would've been on the moon at least if people had supported NASA a little more...


I'm guessing we easily have the technology to do it right now. There's just no money in it, so nobody has bothered :(

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i bet that they had those technologies back then just not as refined and out in the public, and who the heck really uses fax anymore?? lol mostly emails


Fax is highly used though internet faxing is just beginning to come into play here in Columbus.

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