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Work Issues


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Ok so here is my issue. I went from a contractor to a Full Timer at my job back in Nov 08. I was offered about 14k less a year to come on full time. I turned it down so they gave me a counter offer as follows.


100% paid benifits work 8k a year at their estimate. This is a Berkshire Hataway standard. They just informed us that as of Dec 09 we will have to pay for our benefits now.


Pay Raise in March of up to 15%. This did not happen for anyone.


Bonus of 15% of salary for the year. This is not happening for at least 2 years now.


Oh and I was told I can go anywhere I want after 1 year. My year is up in Nov and I was already told this has been put on hold indefinitly.


So needless to say I feel like I am getting screwed royaly. Non of the promises they made me are happening or going to happen and I am making about 10k less a year now than I was. And I am gonna have to start paying for my benefits.


Here is the flip side.


My company just laid off 250 people a couple weeks ago with more comming. But I still have my job.

Should I be happy to just have a job or should I be pissed?

Right now I'm pissed and I am having a hard time not telling them to shove it and walk out.

Honestly I would be kinda screwed without my job and I have a family to take care of. I know how tuff the job market is so I have that in my mind also.


Whats your take?

What would you guys do?

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stay and be happy you have a job. Keep your eyes open for a new job, but do not do anything to burn this bridge or effect a good reference. They could easly let you go and higher someone for half what your making (i dont know what your making) but what it seems companies are offering new employees now verse a few years ago is insaine.
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Having gone through something similar (promised raise when hired that didn't happen, etc.)


unless you have all that in writing there is nothing that you can do as far as suing them to get it. And even if you did they would find a way to get rid of you.


Best bet is to ride it out or find another job and then go after them (if you have it in writing)

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Stay and weather the economic storm. Take on some higher visibility projects and build up your resume (or CV) . Make it so they can't live without you. Then when the job market gets better, go looking for a better paying job. The high visibility projects you did are going to make you a stronger candidate.
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Thats one of my big issues is that I already do way more work than the rest of the people in my dept. Most of them dont have a clue, so tbutera2112 you would probably fit in pretty well here. They are not laying off in IT. It was only the business that was effected but the entire company is making other cuts as well. I'm just so damned mad.
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