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From Drill Sergeant school this weekend, and will be in ohio saturday afternoon, I'm looking for some awsome parties that i can celebrate at, mucho hot girl would be a plus!


Anyone interested in inviting me out?



P.S. to whoever remember;s my purple 1g talon, it is totaled, a drunk driver hit me on my way up here... sad day.

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First... Mr Sheeba, no, i have been to sonic, it is open invintation, and i drive a 09 civic now, not worthy of sonci meet... but i can yell and scream at you


Killjoy, that is too much for me to type drunk, but they are great stories... all training related...


Wnaplay, yes, i acctually had a 30 year old man, shaking in fear at the same range i got a rifle pointed at me...


no, i am not an asshole, i just have to act like one... it is all a freaking game and really the privates are so scared just being there, if you just look at them they freak a little... I am a drill sergeant not to yell and be an asshole, but because i feel that I can greatly help young soldier's learn what they need to do to survive in iraq and afganistan

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First... Mr Sheeba, no, i have been to sonic, it is open invintation, and i drive a 09 civic now, not worthy of sonci meet... but i can yell and scream at you


Killjoy, that is too much for me to type drunk, but they are great stories... all training related...


Wnaplay, yes, i acctually had a 30 year old man, shaking in fear at the same range i got a rifle pointed at me...


no, i am not an asshole, i just have to act like one... it is all a freaking game and really the privates are so scared just being there, if you just look at them they freak a little... I am a drill sergeant not to yell and be an asshole, but because i feel that I can greatly help young soldier's learn what they need to do to survive in iraq and afganistan









PS - Congrats! If / when we meet up, first drink is on me :bangbang:

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First... Mr Sheeba, no, i have been to sonic, it is open invintation, and i drive a 09 civic now, not worthy of sonci meet... but i can yell and scream at you


It's not about the car you drive, it's about coming out to see old friends and to make new ones. Hell, if it gets you out there, you can yell at me all you want.....not saying I'm going to do push ups though. ;)

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Wow, the Army is really stretching for drill sergeants. I don't know you but the asshole approach isn't going to work kid. You'll fare much better with the "good cop" approach, being the cool drill who's there to help out people with PT and maybe how to shoot. Don't try preaching life lessons and shit.. at 30 years old I wouldn't listen to a word you have to say with that, especially if you've never been overseas. But anyways, congratulations on the bump in pay and promotion points.


age =/= intelligence

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Wow, the Army is really stretching for drill sergeants. I don't know you but the asshole approach isn't going to work kid. You'll fare much better with the "good cop" approach, being the cool drill who's there to help out people with PT and maybe how to shoot. Don't try preaching life lessons and shit.. at 30 years old I wouldn't listen to a word you have to say with that, especially if you've never been overseas. But anyways, congratulations on the bump in pay and promotion points.


Dude... i am not that drill sergeant... that dude was just gay....


I take more of the expert approach, i know my shit, i know how to teach it, so the privates will be like wow, this dude know's his shit, we should listen to him... only time i have really yelled at a private, is when he pointed a fucking loaded weapon at me...


If you meet me, you'll get me

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No shit, but realistically nobody is going to respect a 21 year old unless he earns it with his brain opposed to acting like a hardass. We had a 25 year old captain in basic training who looked no older than 18. We respected him because he treated us like people, talked to us casually, listened to our concerns, and was an all around good guy.. not a loud mouth jerkoff hiding behind the rank on his collar.



Granted, as a drill sergeant, it is my job to be that guy, to raise his voice, and demand 50 million things at one time, knowing that a person can;t do it, it is all part of the game to put stress on the soldiers to teach them how to react in stress.. I am fair, and take care of my soldier's, that is why I am becoming a drill sergeant at the age of 21... Also why I am graduating at top of my class...

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Been to Fort Knox a couple times, my Dad spent time there when his father was in the Army. He told me about scavenging idiot grenades(some idiot forgot to pull the pin) from the grenade range and taking them to an old quarry to toss them in...


One piece of advice, don't stop to change a flat within sight of the Reserve.

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