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FS: House...yup a house


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Well our house is up for sale in Hilliard. I dunno if anyone here is in need of a house or anything, but I figured I'd throw it up regardless.


We're asking $299,900 for the house. I can give more details if needed but most info just through the Realtor.




It's been an awesome house for us but as its just me and my parents right now, we are looking into a bit of a smaller place.

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That's what parents do when they want their kids to move out. ;)


haha. well i have 2 older brothers who are gone already. we had 6 people in this house originally (my gma was also here). and now theirs just 3. so naturally smaller would help.


id be gone but i just cant afford it financially. after the hospital, too many bills.

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You need to fire your realtor. 3 pictures, seriously? Only 2 on the HER website (HER and Realtor are easily the two most popular sites for home buying in Ohio).


Everyone uses websites now to look for homes...it's all online. No one is going to take a second glance without inside pics, and you should have pics of the pool. Especially at a 300k price point; the price probably isn't out of line, but you need to be on your game to sell that house for that price.


If you want a good realtor that will get it sold, PM me. My realtor sold our condo that was only a couple miles from there, and has sold a number of homes in the area. She knows what she is doing...a lot don't.

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If it was recently listed they may not have all the photos up. Just went through the same thing with our house.


But I just clicked the link and look at "all 18 photos"



Okay... Im confused, where does the pool come into play in the back yard?



Yeah, I see 18 photos also. I think Joe and damreds are smoking crack.

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If it was recently listed they may not have all the photos up. Just went through the same thing with our house.


But I just clicked the link and look at "all 18 photos"



Okay... Im confused, where does the pool come into play in the back yard?


There were 3 initially and then they uploaded more. Hence why I just ignored the first couple posts. :p.


If you are on the back deck. The pool is on the left side and then theirs a big open part of the yard on the right side.

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