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Gas company deposits are bullshit


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$400 gas deposit here.X2 and no one else can supply this place:rolleyes:

$250 electric X2

$170 trash(that was a deposit and a month ahead):o

$$$ fucking at&t :mad:


commercial deposits suck...:o

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Do you have shitty credit or something?


First utilites I ever had in my name was in 2002, I was 23, never made a deposit for electric, water, or gas.


Just bought another house this year, no water deposit or electric deposit (no gas here). I just call and that's about it...nice and easy.

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Ha listen to this bullshit. I called in last wednesday to get service setup. They tell me I have to fax a copy of my lease to them and they would give me a call back in 24hours to tell me how much deposit is and when service would be started. Ok no problem, I get that faxed over to them Thursday morning. Well today is Monday and I still hadn't heard anything back from them, so I decide to give them a call since its been fucking cold in my house.


I get this lady on the other line that is a total bitch. I give her my phone number so she can bring up my account. She pulls it up and ask for my name so I give her my name, she ask if this is Ron. I was like no this is Josh, she was like is Ron available? I ask her who the hell is Ron, she tells me the lease holder. I say no, I am the lease holder, we go back and forth for 2-3 minutes over this. It then dawns on me that my landlords name is Ron, I tell her that and that the lease is under me and my fiance's name. We get past this finally after 10minutes.


I then explain that I had been waiting on a call back and was just calling in to check the status. She tells me "we don't call customers, unless there is an issue". I politely say ok, well thats just what I was told. The bitch has the balls to say "I highly doubt you were told that by one of our reps", wtf is this cunts deal? At this point im starting to get irritated and pretty sure she can hear it in my voice. We get past this and get to my deposit and time to set up service.


She tells me it won't be until Monday that they will be able to get here and turn my Gas on. I was like a week to come check a meter seems kinda long to me. She then tells me if I would've answered their phone call it would've been turned on sooner. Now stop right there and think about that last sentence "if you would've answered the phonce call your service would've been turned on sooner". Now read my previous paragraph and notice "we don't call customers back unless there is an issue". So point blank the bitch is lying her ass off. I have had enough of her and ask for a supervisor. She tells me there is none available, at this point I lose it lol. With the most polite voice I could have at the time I say "bitch get me a fucking supervisor, I have done call center work, I know there is one around there somewhere". The bitch still refuses to get me one, I finish up this whole ordeal very unhappy.


Get off the phone with her and onto the phone with my fiance, she is more pissed then I am for some reason lol. She calls back and ask for a supervisor right off the bat. Talks to them for a few and gets our turn on date moved up to Thursday.


Columbia Gas FTMFL!!!



That is fucking awesome!


Well here's my blown out issue.


I called CG to turn back on my service for this year. She asked for the service address, I gave it to her, she said there was no record of this address. We went back and forth on this for 10 minutes, I shit you not. After all this she tells me shes going to put me through to customer service...who the hell was I just talking to? Customer service...


So I get the next lady, and we start the process over again. Give her the address, she states well I dont have that as a service address but as a billing address. Mind you back in the 60's my building had 2 addresses. It sits on the corner of 2 roads. So we get past all this, and she's like umm....well hang on...get off hold. and she tells me there is a dispute on the meter from 2007, from before I was in the building. I said okay what can we do? She said, I had to pay the dispute amount from then. Being its a business, I told her Id pay it, because I need the heat in the building. I asked how much? She said they had to review it to figure that amount out. But Im scheduled for tomorrow(last week) to have the field tech turn it on.


Field tech comes out, test the feed line and building line for leaks before turning the gas on. On his notepad hes got meter readings, from previous reads. He tells me, there is a dispute on the meter, he will have to call his supervisor for approval to turn on the gas. So while Im sitting in the office, he comes in and tells me, because of this dispute from 2007 he has to take the meter, and I will have to call back into the service center to settle the dispute.


I called back in and talked to several people, finally getting an answer that an investigation has to be opened and it will take 48 hours. 48 hours puts us at Saturday of this past weekend. You know they wont be calling me on the weekend.


Yesterday, I get no call, today I got nothing. And of course I was too busy filling up my diesel heater to call them.

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That is fucking awesome!


Well here's my blown out issue.


I called CG to turn back on my service for this year. She asked for the service address, I gave it to her, she said there was no record of this address. We went back and forth on this for 10 minutes, I shit you not. After all this she tells me shes going to put me through to customer service...who the hell was I just talking to? Customer service...


So I get the next lady, and we start the process over again. Give her the address, she states well I dont have that as a service address but as a billing address. Mind you back in the 60's my building had 2 addresses. It sits on the corner of 2 roads. So we get past all this, and she's like umm....well hang on...get off hold. and she tells me there is a dispute on the meter from 2007, from before I was in the building. I said okay what can we do? She said, I had to pay the dispute amount from then. Being its a business, I told her Id pay it, because I need the heat in the building. I asked how much? She said they had to review it to figure that amount out. But Im scheduled for tomorrow(last week) to have the field tech turn it on.


Field tech comes out, test the feed line and building line for leaks before turning the gas on. On his notepad hes got meter readings, from previous reads. He tells me, there is a dispute on the meter, he will have to call his supervisor for approval to turn on the gas. So while Im sitting in the office, he comes in and tells me, because of this dispute from 2007 he has to take the meter, and I will have to call back into the service center to settle the dispute.


I called back in and talked to several people, finally getting an answer that an investigation has to be opened and it will take 48 hours. 48 hours puts us at Saturday of this past weekend. You know they wont be calling me on the weekend.


Yesterday, I get no call, today I got nothing. And of course I was too busy filling up my diesel heater to call them.


have you had heat at this location in 2008 before? any problsm then?

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No I don't have bad credit..read my previous post and you'll see my dad who owns his own business and a couple houses had to pay a damn deposit as well. Idk if its because I live in Newark but everyone I know has had to pay a deposit they range from 150-283 now I guess lol.
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have you had heat at this location in 2008 before? any problsm then?


Yeah thats what gets me..When I moved into the building, everything was transfered to me. I have used it since Ive been here.


Oh well, moving to 6k sf, at the end of the month. It has overhead radiant already installed. So Im happy about that at least.

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