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Most expensive Pharmacy drug you've seen


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my fertility shit is retarded expensive.. 1100 for one epi-pen.


You mean self injector? An Epi-Pen contains Epinephrine hense the name "Epi-Pen" which is for Anaphylaxis. I don't think you are taking Epinephrine for Fertility. If you are you may want to switch clinics for being way overcharged for an Epi-Pen, my wife has one in her purse since the last time she had anaphylaxis and stopped breathing in the car from a allergic reaction to a drug she didn't know she was allergic too.

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we gave factor VII the other day...$20,000. Its an anti clotting drug for someone who is on asaprin and has confirmed that their brain has a bleed.


some critical care meds are stupid expensive.


didnt someone on here have a premi baby and had to get artificial surfactant(its like a lube the keeps the airsacks in your lungs from sticking together) thats another expensive med

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My mom recieved a shot that followed up her Chemo treatment. $6,800 for one poke of the needle in her arm. That was just the drug. Don't have the name here at the office, but I was amazed when I saw the bill.


One treatment of Chemo billed out at $38,000 plus the $6,800 above.


We all know the drug and oil companies are raping the American People. Insurance companies are evil too.

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You mean self injector? An Epi-Pen contains Epinephrine hense the name "Epi-Pen" which is for Anaphylaxis. I don't think you are taking Epinephrine for Fertility. If you are you may want to switch clinics for being way overcharged for an Epi-Pen, my wife has one in her purse since the last time she had anaphylaxis and stopped breathing in the car from a allergic reaction to a drug she didn't know she was allergic too.


Epi pens for my son. Has to have two with him at all times. $110ea. Thankfully insurance allows us to only pay $10 at Kroger. We buy them every year, 8 at a time so we/he has a set everywhere.

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You mean self injector? An Epi-Pen contains Epinephrine hense the name "Epi-Pen" which is for Anaphylaxis. I don't think you are taking Epinephrine for Fertility. If you are you may want to switch clinics for being way overcharged for an Epi-Pen, my wife has one in her purse since the last time she had anaphylaxis and stopped breathing in the car from a allergic reaction to a drug she didn't know she was allergic too.


its works just like an epi pen (to my understanding)

Its not an actual Epi Pen, i actualy dont know what the apparatus is called.


You dial in the doseage and basicly stab yourself with it.

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its works just like an epi pen (to my understanding)

Its not an actual Epi Pen, i actualy dont know what the apparatus is called.


You dial in the doseage and basicly stab yourself with it.



Confused I am but ok :)



I've seen some expensive IV's and such. I'm use the ambulin is going to be expensive but is the single most expensive take at home pill Iv'e seen.

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