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Issue 2


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Hope you all have read up on issue 2. It is very important to farmers in Ohio that issue 2 passes.




OSU's ag school and the Vet school both support issue 2. The Humane Society of the United States (not to be confused with actual humane societys, they are a PETA type organization) opposes it.


Ohio is trying to be proactive in preventing in what happened in California from happening here.

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Cliff's on what happened in California that they dont want happening here?


HSUS's goal is that animals in the U.S. are no longer raised for consumption. They got a bill passed with ridiculous laws on the housing of animals that are impossible to follow. It is shutting farmers down left and right. They set their eyes on Ohio next, and Ohio farmers said "no way"


Some facts about HSUS



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Why would I vote to pass this? If it passes, they can come and tell me my chickens aren't happy and fine me.


Not really. They are going to establish the already in place and accepted standards. Otherwise you will have the HSUS coming in and telling you that your chickens aren't happy.


Like I said, OSU's Ag school supports this.

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I am an actual farmer, live out in farm country, I am not an AG student. HSUS can try to come onto my property if they like, uninvited guests aren't received well around here. I don't need someone to tell me the standards, I know what my livestock needs and take care of it without being told.


I think everyone needs to stay out of my business, its the reason why the farmers will say no. Liberals in colleges can say what they want, don't try to speak for me.

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I am an actual farmer, live out in farm country, I am not an AG student. HSUS can try to come onto my property if they like, uninvited guests aren't received well around here. I don't need someone to tell me the standards, I know what my livestock needs and take care of it without being told.


I think everyone needs to stay out of my business, its the reason why the farmers will say no. Liberals in colleges can say what they want, don't try to speak for me.




HSUS got a law passed in Cali. This is prevent that from happening. The board is made up of veterinarians, farmers, and 1 Ag school dean.


Liberals in college? WTF are you talking about?


I'm not having this inane discussion. Just about every ACTUAL farmer in the state is for this, as the bill was written by Agribusiness in the state. Why do you think HSUS is AGAINST it?

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If you don't want to have a discussion, I would refrain from posting things on online forums and then responding to comments on the posts....


Do you know what "inane" means? You are making ridiculous comments and you are not even in agribusiness, nor does it seem you know anything about the bill or what happened in Cali.


Not wanting to have an "inane" discussion means I don't want want to respond to your ridiculous trolling comments anymore.

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True I don't have a huge operation, I raise about 150 chickens per year for sale and personal consumption. I also only work 8 acres of land for heirloom produce that I sell at local restaurants and farmers markets.


What I am saying is issue 2 is a knee jerk reaction because the HSUS "might" try to get a different bill passed. It is a simple blocking tactic that will just waste state money. If the HSUS tried to pass a bill for larger breeding pens or banning veal crates (what they did in California) it wont work. We don't need the commission that issue 2 forms or the HSUS's bill they have yet to bring forward.


I guess your station within agribusiness is such that your opinion differs from the small family farmer that I am.

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True I don't have a huge operation, I raise about 150 chickens per year for sale and personal consumption. I also only work 8 acres of land for heirloom produce that I sell at local restaurants and farmers markets.


What I am saying is issue 2 is a knee jerk reaction because the HSUS "might" try to get a different bill passed. It is a simple blocking tactic that will just waste state money. If the HSUS tried to pass a bill for larger breeding pens or banning veal crates (what they did in California) it wont work. We don't need the commission that issue 2 forms or the HSUS's bill they have yet to bring forward.


I guess your station within agribusiness is such that your opinion differs from the small family farmer that I am.


I am a small family farmer too. We have about 200 head of cattle in Coshocton county and farm 150 acres. We want this bill, just as everyone in the same area does.

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The Ohio Farm Bureau is Issue 2 and being a part type farmer I agree. I dont want a non local local organization like PETA coming into my farm and tell me what we can do. We farmers in Ohio can make our decisions without someone from another state telling us what we can or cant do.
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The Ohio Farm Bureau is Issue 2 and being a part type farmer I agree. I dont want a non local local organization like PETA coming into my farm and tell me what we can do. We farmers in Ohio can make our decisions without someone from another state telling us what we can or cant do.


Exactly, the board is made up of local farmers, farm businesses, vets, the OSU Ag School dean (most likely) and a local humane society director. The likelihood of the board changing anything is very small.


I was at a meeting in Coshocton county of about 25 farmers, and no one was against this, from large corporate contracted farms, to small farmers.

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