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Anyone Winterizing their homes?


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I am afraid of what the heating bill is going to be in our house this year (first winter for the house).


All electric. :( Electric hit $250 one time this summer. Was $136 the last billing cycle, and I only had the heat pump on maybe 4 days of that, and we were gone with everything off for 4 days that cycle too.


I inticipate $300-350 electric bills this winter once I have to kick off the heat pump and go full electric furnace.


Reynoldsburg house is set to 45 degrees (lowest the thermostat goes), so I see the bills there being pretty cheap. :) But paying a mortagage on an empty house isn't. :(

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Joe, welcome to the coldest winter in your first all electric house. I will highly reccmmend a kerosene heater. The problem with electric heat is its not "heat" its ambient air, so despite the house being 68-70 degrees, it wont feel warm. I hate it. We will never buy another house with out gas heat.

We block off all rooms with magnet covers and have tension rod curtains boocking rooms into sections to lessen the stress of the pump, but electric is still pricey. I know you are a frugal guy so iassume you have a programmable thermostat. ;)

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My bill got up to $275/month twice last year and my house is small/and I don't keep it too warm. 1500sqft and never above 70*. But the price of natural gas has come down quite a bit so I'm hoping that will help my bill plus we put all new windows in the house and insulated doorways, etc which have definitely helped.


I haven't gotten a programmable thermostat yet only because our schedule's are so crazy that I don't think it makes sense.

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I use plastic wrap on my windows but it is so drafty the plastic comes off. What I use now is styrofoam sheets you can buy at lowes. Put those in front of your window then plastic wrap the window in the room. Works well for us.
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