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To all the married guys

Guest mitsumodder

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No sir i dont....im sure someone here will pm you on that tho :lol:




maybe just find her some X....and dont tell her what it is..then watch her go balls deep..


in for the pm!


Mine is already a lil freak, just want to see what happens when it is inhanced. lol

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You two need to sit down and talk about it. Sex is a large part of a marriage. I have been married 7 years and have a 6 year old. Bringing in a friend is very bad. if there is issues the friend will make it worse. as suggested above, make a list of fantasies. if she has no drive seek a dr, however 30s is usually when they pick up. again, I can't stress how important communication is here. Just talk about it, get prefessional help if need be. this issue could be the start of major problems...
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Let me "talk" with her. It may take several meetings, but I'll come back with a full report on any issues and hopefully a changed woman for you :p


Seriously.....my wife started reading a shit-ton of vampire novels. Ever since that teenie bopper movie came out last year, she's been reading non-stop. Most are near porn material. Ever since, she's been a completely different woman in the bedroom....great room, kitchen, car, you name it :bangbang:

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Ive been maried for 5 years and the one thing Ive learned is that if they dont want to have sex "YOU AINT GETTING NONE" no matter what you say. Thats the one thing that they can hold over our heads to get what they want

Thats when you tell them they aint getting NO MONEY

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wife is just to smart she would remove me from our account. If your married you and I both know that they are master forgery artist. My wife can sign my name just as good as I do

So freaking true. All I know is she has credit cards in my name, several bank accounts, she cashes my checks, signs all my papers, and I couldnt tell you which bank our money is in. I hope at 16 years I can trust her by now. If not oh well.

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Thats why when divorces happen the woman always gets half of everything cause if you dont settle with half they will get it all. Cant tell your attorney you have mutual assets in a bank account if you dont know what bank your money is in. I dont even have a checkbook. My wife gives me a debit card and she has 3 different savings accounts In WHO KNOWS WHERE
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oh, i do...as long as its bald. she just doesnt give out the head like i think she should. unless ALL other guys blow things way out of preportion when talking about how much their ladies do it.


I havent read the other 2 pages but had to comment on this. In all seriousness Im not blowing anything out of proportion when I say I get head everytime we fuck which is basically everytime we see each other and that will not change. Its simple, I keep her happy and she keeps me happy.


note: Im not talking about my wife, just my gf just an fyi. Maybe things get different after you take the ball n chain? If they do then thats just bullshit.

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Ive been maried for 5 years and the one thing Ive learned is that if they dont want to have sex "YOU AINT GETTING NONE" no matter what you say. Thats the one thing that they can hold over our heads to get what they want


This is fucking bullshit. If the woman you are with is willing to use sex as some sort of pawn to dictate the relationship then you need to get rid of the selfish bitch! (Im not directly talking to you, simply stating a general fact)


As for you guys who are content sitting back letting your wives control your lives, to each his own but as for me I know there will never be a day i cut off my balls and hand them over to a woman (no matter how much love i have for her) in a nice shiny brass case and say "thankyou honey for taking care of everything". The man needs to be the man in the relationship, end of story. I've grown up half my life watching my step-dad pussy foot around my mom because he's too much of a bitch to stand up for himself and always said I would never end up like that.


As for the sex thing, someone had it right when they said you really need to open up the lines of communication and fast. I'll be honest in saying that after years of playing the game I've finally found a good decent women to stick with. We're not shy about saying what we both want and talking about everything, i mean EVERYTHING.

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Learn how to make her squirt.


and when youdo make her squirt dont ask if its pee....



this is the conversation you should have with your wife. Just talking about it should start something ask her what she likes then do it just have fun man also skirts are fun no panties................ ummm i got to go

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Guest mitsumodder
Honestly, suffering through this with my x-wife, there is usually an underlying issue. Hers was pot, mine was the fact she turned me down so much that I just didn't want her anymore.


That being said I feel the best way to try and get it back would be to reminisce with her about a time you guys had together that was hot and raw. Get a babysitter for the night, maybe grandparents? and get a hotel room. Get her some sexy lingere and TRY and be romantic the best you can.


About blow jobs... Have you told her (and i mean flat out told her) that you prefer blow jobs over sex? That means sit her down and tell her you want your dick sucked vs banging her (sometimes). Be prepared for her saying things like "Im a lady etc etc." Thats when you say something to the affect that you understand that but as odd as it sounds it means a lot to you and the relationship. Also be prepared to compromise on the issue, you may have to give something up.


As gay as it sounds, listen to her needs as well. Maybe there is something you are not doing for her that makes her not feel sexy, therefore creating a not-so-sexual atmosphere.


Not that I am a woman expert at all (Read: I am divorced) but the no sex subject is something I am very familiar with.


My girlfriend at the moment will usually blow me 4-5 times a week BECAUSE I told her that I am a very sexual person and I prefer recieving them over sex (generally). In exhange I try to be as romantic as possible as often as possible.


thanks T!

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