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Econ people...risk premium vs yield question


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How can the risk premium increase greater than the yield?


Lets say you have a 0 risk bond @ 2%, a risky bond @ 5% and the risk premium is therefore 3%.


Risk increases on the risky bond by 1%, yet the risk premium increases by 1.5%. Why does it increase more than 1%?


I know its a long shot, but oh well.


Thanks guys.

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ah i took macro econ last year at ohio state. damn i hated it. couldnt understand my professor as he was from the middle yeast or something.






This is Econ 520 Money and Banking. I am taking Econ 502 (Macro) also. I took 201 (intro macro) about 5 years ago.

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I took macro and micro. Ugghhhh, I hate business classes.


Why does the risk only increase 1%?

If you're doing average than it would increase by 1.5% to 3.5 instead of 3.


I don't know what you figured out and what info was given to you.


All of this was given. The question was why does risk premium increase more than the increased risk?


Answer is that when risk of the risky bonds increases, money is shifted from risky bonds to riskless bonds. In doing so, the interest rate of the risky bonds increases, and because more people want riskless bonds, their rate decreases.


Risk premium is the difference between the 2 assets. So if one increases by 1%, and the risk premium is 1.5%, the other asset decreased by 0.5%.

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