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just a little ranting


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you know, i'm just a little irritated today. before i started riding, people would tell me how drivers don't pay attention to motorcyclists. i figured, yeah yeah, typical drivers, whatever. today, it's just really gotten to me. when you're on the bike, it's really annoying the stupid things you see. i think i'm almost hit atleast once every time i go out if i'm in the city area.

today, i was going straight across route 4 to get some gas. my light was green. the people across the street didn't have turn arrows, just a green light too, meaning i had the right away to go straight. i pull out, and half way through the intersection a lady (coming from the opposite direction) decides to just turn left right in front of me! she about blasts me because she was too busy talking on her phone! then the guy in the truck behind her acts like he doesn't see me either! i pulled my clutch in and revved my bike to the moon. i was just furious at the time. he had realized what he was about to do and layed on the brakes quick.

later on that day, about an hour or so later, i'm behind this truck with harley davidson stickers on it. i know the guy saw me. i switch lanes to the left of him, just putting along. i see him look at me in his side mirror, and he flicks his lit cigarette out the window towards me. do harley guys really have that big of an issue with sport bikes? or could this have been an accident?



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Proper response is to promptly remove the offender's mirror with either your carbon fiber knuckled gloves or your foot. :grin:

I feel you though man. Next time somebody merges into my lane they are going to get a boot kick to the door! :fucksticks:

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you know, i'm just a little irritated today. before i started riding, people would tell me how drivers don't pay attention to motorcyclists. i figured, yeah yeah, typical drivers, whatever. today, it's just really gotten to me. when you're on the bike, it's really annoying the stupid things you see. i think i'm almost hit atleast once every time i go out if i'm in the city area.

today, i was going straight across route 4 to get some gas. my light was green. the people across the street didn't have turn arrows, just a green light too, meaning i had the right away to go straight. i pull out, and half way through the intersection a lady (coming from the opposite direction) decides to just turn left right in front of me! she about blasts me because she was too busy talking on her phone! then the guy in the truck behind her acts like he doesn't see me either! i pulled my clutch in and revved my bike to the moon. i was just furious at the time. he had realized what he was about to do and layed on the brakes quick.

later on that day, about an hour or so later, i'm behind this truck with harley davidson stickers on it. i know the guy saw me. i switch lanes to the left of him, just putting along. i see him look at me in his side mirror, and he flicks his lit cigarette out the window towards me. do harley guys really have that big of an issue with sport bikes? or could this have been an accident?



carry a pocket full of rocks, next time someone cuts you off, or flips their trash in your face, they get a windshield full of rocks. I've seen this technique work first hand, and it does work. People will start thinking twice about nearly killing us.

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People will start thinking twice about nearly killing us.

i dunno man, they probably dont even realize they fucked up in the first place. to them some crazy biker appeared out of nowhere and threw rocks at them.

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Proper response is to promptly remove the offender's mirror with either your carbon fiber knuckled gloves or your foot. :grin:

I feel you though man. Next time somebody merges into my lane they are going to get a boot kick to the door! :fucksticks:

I can't count the number of times I've wanted to do that to people who I know have deliberately fucked with me while riding. People changing lanes to try to keep me from passing, people flicking shit out windows, etc etc. I wonder how hard it is to actually punch off a mirror...

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Yep, drop back and then crack it wide open and kick the mirror off.

Or carry some marbles and toss them up as you pass them.

That dude knew his cigarette may hit you. He's an ass. Some smokers have no common sense. I'd love to be a cop because I'd bust a lot for littering...lol. They can if they wanted too, because it is. :lol:

The best thing to do though is....NOTHING. It's not worth it, unless it made you crash. Just let the shithead go on and drive out of your life. You'll never see him again.:)

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carry a pocket full of rocks, next time someone cuts you off, or flips their trash in your face, they get a windshield full of rocks. I've seen this technique work first hand, and it does work. People will start thinking twice about nearly killing us.

Pennies are safer....you can at least claim "No Intention"....

"Really officer? I thought I might have had some change in my pocket, but I'm not certain...it could have fallen out."

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Proper response is to promptly remove the offender's mirror with either your carbon fiber knuckled gloves or your foot. :grin:

I feel you though man. Next time somebody merges into my lane they are going to get a boot kick to the door! :fucksticks:

Exacly what I do. I also carry old batteries in my left jacket pocket get infront and let them fly !! & I will kick your mirror off, follow you home and kick your screen door in !! I have friends that have 3lb. sledge hammers on the left side mounted to thier bikes !!! :eek:

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Exacly what I do. I also carry old batteries in my left jacket pocket get infront and let them fly !! & I will kick your mirror off, follow you home and kick your screen door in !! I have friends that have 3lb. sledge hammers on the left side mounted to thier bikes !!! :eek:

Holy hell, you guys are nuts! I hope I never piss off any of your friends!:eek:

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Yep, drop back and then crack it wide open and kick the mirror off.

Or carry some marbles and toss them up as you pass them.

That dude knew his cigarette may hit you. He's an ass. Some smokers have no common sense. I'd love to be a cop because I'd bust a lot for littering...lol. They can if they wanted too, because it is. :lol:

The best thing to do though is....NOTHING. It's not worth it, unless it made you crash. Just let the shithead go on and drive out of your life. You'll never see him again.:)

Nick you sound like you got your head screwed on right, wish I had that kind of restraint !!

( springfield township ) I got into alot of shit over the cigarette tossing bout 5 or 6 years ago. I got pulled over , I lit a cig while he was writing my ticket. He asked me to get rid of the cig. so I flicked it. He grabbed me off my bike in a head lock with my bike 0n my leg, he accused me of flicking it at his head, as soon as he grabbed me it turned into a wrestling match wich I was furrious,and at the time didn't know why he was tryin to woop my ass so I defined rage for them realy quick. My back is still fucked up from them jumping on me, lesson learned !!!!!

Dropped the littering and I plead guilty for resisting attack, or arrest something like that !! :mad:

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Wow, I hope this is just all talk or hypotheticals..

I can't imagine carrying articles in my pocket to throw at absentminded drivers......

Or mounting things to my bike.... seriously??

I've settled down alot in the past 10 - 15 years

Only when they do it then flip me off after almost killing me. I will do all of the above.

the fella's with the sledges are oldschool horseman that i used to party with.

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I"ve had cars full of guys push me off the road laughing late at night, throw drinks at the bikes and me. Am I the only one who has been targeted before.

if you put more that 2 decades of 10,000 miles or more evey year , the crazy things cages do start to add up to alot of close calls that in CERTAIN situations demand a lesson to be learned.

Oh and I hate bully's too. bwahahahahah

I'll take a 10minuite ass woopin to get one shot in at a bully !!

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Billy Lane put a little metal loop on the frame of one of his custom choppers to hold a ball-peen hammer in case people cut him off while he was riding. He said it was called a 'traffic cop'.

Yea some mount ball peans, cuz they cant lift a sledge.

That's verry common and only the oldschoolers know bout it.

Dana in Northside makes custom forged and carved sledges for this, but he will only sell them to a select few !

Tell him CAT sent ya ! :D

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I"ve had cars full of guys push me off the road laughing late at night, throw drinks at the bikes and me. Am I the only one who has been targeted before.

if you put more that 2 decades of 10,000 miles or more evey year , the crazy things cages do start to add up to alot of close calls that in CERTAIN situations demand a lesson to be learned.

Oh and I hate bully's too. bwahahahahah

I'll take a 10minuite ass woopin to get one shot in at a bully !!

I haven't had anything that crazy happen to me. I avoid a lot of bad situations with a generous use of the throttle....I find it safest to keep a pace faster than the rest of traffic.

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