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SWCS people, I think we've done it.


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The vote for the levy will go to an automatic recount, however I just did a little research on past elections. Currently the levy is PASSING by a margin of 449 votes NOT INCLUDING PROVISIONAL BALLOTS and this is a major reason most news outlets won't call it for SWCS.


South-Western School District Tax Levy


FOR THE TAX LEVY . . . . . . . . 19,579 50.58

AGAINST THE TAX LEVY. . . . . . . 19,130 49.42


Looking at the individual vote tallies from each ballot type (from the Franklin BoE) I think it will stay passed unless there’s a major anomaly (fraud, etc.). I looked up the 2008 general (presidential), 2009 primary (May), and 2009 special (August) election results on which a levy failed. In 2008 of 1,868 provisional ballots 1,016 were FOR and 852 AGAINST. In 2009 primary of 235, 155 FOR 80 AGAINST, in 2009 special of 431, 285 were FOR 146 AGAINST. All three elections the provisional ballots leaned significantly FOR and the difference between the totals suggest that if historical trends prove true, provisional ballots will in no way overturn the levy.


Almost time to celebrate a small victory for the kids.

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Almost time to celebrate a small victory for the kids.


Why anyone every votes against a school levy absolutely floors me. I don't think money will solve our educational 'problems', but lack of money will definitely create problems. I also have no problems spending as much money on education as possible.

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Why anyone every votes against a school levy absolutely floors me. I don't think money will solve our educational 'problems', but lack of money will definitely create problems. I also have no problems spending as much money on education as possible.


and seeing that its only $18 per 100k is even crazier. Hell people waste more than that a month.

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and seeing that its only $18 per 100k is even crazier. Hell people waste more than that a month.


No shit. I guarantee many of these no fuckers spend more than that a WEEK on cigarettes and beer. Hillbilly ass motherfuckers.

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Why anyone every votes against a school levy absolutely floors me. I don't think money will solve our educational 'problems', but lack of money will definitely create problems. I also have no problems spending as much money on education as possible.


+rep for you sir! If more peole thought like this our country would not be in the world of fuck it is in now and heading to soon.

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They'll have to count provisional's and then recount ballots, I'd say were at least a few days off from official certification.


God I hope they get it. There was an awesome 10 minute piece on this issue and the hardships it causes for the kids on "Real Sports with Bryant Gumble" yesterday.


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God I hope they get it. There was an awesome 10 minute piece on this issue and the hardships it causes for the kids on "Real Sports with Bryant Gumble" yesterday.



They've got it. Like I said, unless a significant anomaly is found, it's in the bag. Barely. But in the bag.


SWCS people, don't put your gear away just yet - projections indicate they'll be back for another levy in four years to try and get back into the "normal" funding zone for a system this size unless significant school funding reform is passed (and it needs passed!). I hope the economy is in better shape and it'll pass easy then because we clearly can't count on our legislature to fix the shit.

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If you didn't grow up in the district and see all of the bullshit that the administrators pulled to get more money for their raises and other mispending, then you guys can feel however you want. The reason people vote against it, is that the district has USED the kids as their means of getting more money for a district that can't seem to spend money wisely. I don't feel the need to give too many examples here, but just know that those of us who have seen the repeated stupid decisions out of this district aren't ready to fork over more money to people who don't have a damn clue. Kids could have played sports with pay to play, even the lower income family kids. They have fund raisers for a reason.
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If you didn't grow up in the district and see all of the bullshit that the administrators pulled to get more money for their raises and other mispending, then you guys can feel however you want. The reason people vote against it, is that the district has USED the kids as their means of getting more money for a district that can't seem to spend money wisely. I don't feel the need to give too many examples here, but just know that those of us who have seen the repeated stupid decisions out of this district aren't ready to fork over more money to people who don't have a damn clue. Kids could have played sports with pay to play, even the lower income family kids. They have fund raisers for a reason.



Please note some examples.

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Please note some examples.


When I was younger the district "needed money so badly that there would be huge cuts if the levy didn't pass". Levy passes and an administrator magically finds $500,000 in a closet. Weird. When I was a senior in high school the dicks used us by going to split sessions, saying that without more money to build more buildings we would have to continue with this b.s. Levy passes and magically split sessions ends without any additional buildings at the time. Enrollment was still the same. The districts bullshit tactics are ridiculous. Tell the damn truth and people will be more willing to pay higher taxes. Also, remember what schools are a part of SWCS. A lot of these people are lower income and truly can't afford this. How about all of the people in the district who don't own property and won't have to pay an extra dime, but have kids in the system? Why not let them pay some more too? The fact that these asswipes used the kids again to tug at the heart strings of everyone is bullshit. They could have let fall sports happen with pay to play, but didn't because then their precious bullshit levy would have failed. This is why I HATE this district and would never wish it's backwards ass ways on anyones offspring.

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Schools are for learning. If they have to make sports and music pay to play, thats fine with me. School is for learning.


Ohio schools get enough money as it is, more money isn't the answer here.


This is no doubt a tough issue.

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Schools are for learning. If they have to make sports and music pay to play, thats fine with me. School is for learning.


Ohio schools get enough money as it is, more money isn't the answer here.


This is no doubt a tough issue.


School is about more than scholastic learning. Building character and developing social and leadership skills are equally important. Sports, music, and art programs do just that and are absolutely necessary to a quality education.

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Schools are for learning. If they have to make sports and music pay to play, thats fine with me. School is for learning.


Ohio schools get enough money as it is, more money isn't the answer here.


This is no doubt a tough issue.


Yeah, alot of "learning" goes on in the classroom. Learning about the pilgrams for 12 straight years is real learning experiance. But the team building/ problem solving/ social skills/ drive to want to be the best, was just a watse of time.

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Schools are for learning. If they have to make sports and music pay to play, thats fine with me. School is for learning.


A school without sports, arts, competition, meaningful social engagement, and extra curricular activities is called prison. You're aware at how successful those are at teaching.

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Schools are for learning. If they have to make sports and music pay to play, thats fine with me. School is for learning.

What about the kids that would get at least a partial ride to college next year from sports or band or art or whatever, now they either have to pay or not go. They should have made it pay to play, but it wouldnt have hurt the kids enough, then the levy wouldnt have passed cause there wasnt enough suffering. I was also in school for split sessions you know how shitty it was to go to school at noon and get out home at 7pm? Cant do have extra activities after school cause they gotta be out of the buildings, cant do it before school cause there are other kids there having class.


Hurt the kids enough and people will pay.

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School is about more than scholastic learning. Building character and developing social and leadership skills are equally important. Sports, music, and art programs do just that and are absolutely necessary to a quality education.


I wasn't a part of any organized sports, music or art through my high school. I am currently going to OSU for Finance and will be graduating in 6 weeks. Doesn't sound like it is absolutely necessary to me. It wasn't for me to succeed. I will have about 48k in student loans because I am regular White Male whose parents make too much money for any scholarships. It can be done if you really want it.


A school without sports, arts, competition, meaningful social engagement, and extra curricular activities is called prison. You're aware at how successful those are at teaching.


English please. Remember, I didn't play sports in High school, so please explain this statement.


What about the kids that would get at least a partial ride to college next year from sports or band or art or whatever, now they either have to pay or not go. They should have made it pay to play, but it wouldnt have hurt the kids enough, then the levy wouldnt have passed cause there wasnt enough suffering. I was also in school for split sessions you know how shitty it was to go to school at noon and get out home at 7pm? Cant do have extra activities after school cause they gotta be out of the buildings, cant do it before school cause there are other kids there having class.


Hurt the kids enough and people will pay.


Not my concern. Fund-raising is always available for those that want to play bad enough.


I can't imagine a schedule split that much, that would suck. Westerville North was split 1-7 periods for Freshman and sophs, 2-8 periods for junior and seniors. Got out at 2:15 and 3:05 I think.






Here is a question guys. When will the school systems stop asking for more money? Just because they threaten to drop programs, stop busing etc does that mean that they need more money? Go read the Westerville school thread and get some of the information they have. It talks about all of the misappropriation of school dollars, how they can get more if they did certain things correctly and on time etc. Throwing money at the situation is not the problem, Ohio gets plenty of money for its schools, but it uses it completely backwards.

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I wasn't a part of any organized sports, music or art through my high school. I am currently going to OSU for Finance and will be graduating in 6 weeks. Doesn't sound like it is absolutely necessary to me. It wasn't for me to succeed. I will have about 48k in student loans because I am regular White Male whose parents make too much money for any scholarships. It can be done if you really want it.




English please. Remember, I didn't play sports in High school, so please explain this statement.




Not my concern. Fund-raising is always available for those that want to play bad enough.


I can't imagine a schedule split that much, that would suck. Westerville North was split 1-7 periods for Freshman and sophs, 2-8 periods for junior and seniors. Got out at 2:15 and 3:05 I think.






Here is a question guys. When will the school systems stop asking for more money? Just because they threaten to drop programs, stop busing etc does that mean that they need more money? Go read the Westerville school thread and get some of the information they have. It talks about all of the misappropriation of school dollars, how they can get more if they did certain things correctly and on time etc. Throwing money at the situation is not the problem, Ohio gets plenty of money for its schools, but it uses it completely backwards.


Congratulations. My uncle Ned ran a marathon with a fake leg, they "graduated" 4 retarded kids from my high school, and

Nicholas Cage stars in movies without a stitch of talent. There are exceptions in every normal distribution curve.


Point 2: Graduating from college is not the only metric for success. Who's to say that you wouldn't have garnered better leadership skills in a sport or school musical that would have translated to an even better life lot for you right now?


By and large, sports encourage the development of assets that are fundamental to social development and could even have been good for you.


PS. I was only involved in one non-team "sport" myself, so I am not on some self-validating tirade. I too have excellent social and leadership skills. Maybe they would be even better had I not waited until my mid 20s to get involved in the world.

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