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Gahanna Police just shot my buddies dog


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jallen100, Grow up (pun intended).


Get the sand out of your vagina. Its the internet, not a personal attack. If you can't be a member of an online forum without flipping the fuck out every time someone talks shit, you shouldn't be on the internet.


Internet tough guy acting all bad ass because someone called him.............get this........stupid.

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By the way what are your qualifications? What makes you an expert in Self Defense or even Dog Training? I have experience in both of these things so I am not just running off at the mouth. Your entiltled to your opinion but insulting me, because you dont agree with me, is not gonna get you anywhere.


the internet is serious business

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jallen100, Grow up (pun intended).


Get the sand out of your vagina. Its the internet, not a personal attack. If you can't be a member of an online forum without flipping the fuck out every time someone talks shit, you shouldn't be on the internet.


Internet tough guy acting all bad ass because someone called him.............get this........stupid.


Hey how about you eat a dick you little bitch. Oh wait its ok its only the internet. And I never acted like a tough guy. I just said he was barking up the wrong tree by insulting me. That was it. I guess since that was what you got out of it then that must be what it is.

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"I thought you were smart enough that I didn't have to spell it out"




I know your not trying to turn this personal. You better eat ur fucking wheaties if you wanna go that route with me bud. And I suggest you get some age and knowledge on you 22 year old ass before you start calling people stupid. I went through the police academy and did that route bud so I am not anti cop at all. I get pissed when that appointment get s abused, just like many other people do. If you cant have a decent conversation without insulting people then you have some issues of your own.


Well, intelligence (or lack thereof) is personal I guess. I suggest you start showing intelligence before you get defensive about me calling you stupid. Come on "bud", you can't even figure out how to use the quote button properly on here.


How am I supposed to get some age on my ass? What does age have to do with me being smarter than you? Did you fail out of the academy? People who go through the academy can't be anti-cop?


You have presented no facts, just opinion. You are acting like you were there when the officer shot the dog. You don't seem to be able to have a decent conversation. I thought with your talk about age and knowledge, you would be the bigger man and not stoop to my level. (oddly enough my level is far above yours so I guess that sentence makes no sense)

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By the way what are your qualifications? What makes you an expert in Self Defense or even Dog Training? I have experience in both of these things so I am not just running off at the mouth. Your entiltled to your opinion but insulting me, because you dont agree with me, is not gonna get you anywhere.


I went through the police academy and I have experience in self defense and dog training.


See, it's believable because I typed it. I mean, that's the same as what you did.

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Hey how about you eat a dick you little bitch. Oh wait its ok its only the internet. And I never acted like a tough guy. I just said he was barking up the wrong tree by insulting me. That was it. I guess since that was what you got out of it then that must be what it is.


You're a fucking retard. I'm pretty sure my neighbor with Down Syndrome is smarter than you. At least he would know how to take an e-punch.


I don't think I'm barking up the wrong tree. I'm better than you.


It's ok if you want to cry now. You have been insulted too many times.

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Well, intelligence (or lack thereof) is personal I guess. I suggest you start showing intelligence before you get defensive about me calling you stupid. Come on "bud", you can't even figure out how to use the quote button properly on here.


How am I supposed to get some age on my ass? What does age have to do with me being smarter than you? Did you fail out of the academy? People who go through the academy can't be anti-cop?


You have presented no facts, just opinion. You are acting like you were there when the officer shot the dog. You don't seem to be able to have a decent conversation. I thought with your talk about age and knowledge, you would be the bigger man and not stoop to my level. (oddly enough my level is far above yours so I guess that sentence makes no sense)



First off I put the quote like that on purpose so here ya go again showing your immaturity.

I was pretty much saying you better do some growing up first since your obviously immature.

No I made it through the academy and decided not to go forward with a career there since I was making more than they paid anyways. Did you go to the academy? I do have facts from the Police dept and how that guy is a flake anyways. There was more than one person in my academy class so I know a few people around in law enforcement. You on the other hand continue to talk out of the side of your mouth with what? NO FACTS.

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You're a fucking retard. I'm pretty sure my neighbor with Down Syndrome is smarter than you. At least he would know how to take an e-punch.


I don't think I'm barking up the wrong tree. I'm better than you.


It's ok if you want to cry now. You have been insulted too many times.


E-Punch? For what reason? Well its obvious that is all you have so my point about you has proven itself. Your better than me? How is that? I was debating something and all you have been able to come up with is insults because you dont know what the fuck your talking about. You have not said anything of any value through this entire thread. I'm amazed that I am even wasting my time arguing with you.

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First off I put the quote like that on purpose so here ya go again showing your immaturity.

I was pretty much saying you better do some growing up first since your obviously immature.

No I made it through the academy and decided not to go forward with a career there since I was making more than they paid anyways. Did you go to the academy? I do have facts from the Police dept and how that guy is a flake anyways. There was more than one person in my academy class so I know a few people around in law enforcement. You on the other hand continue to talk out of the side of your mouth with what? NO FACTS.

How does that make sense in your world? Using the quote function wrong doesn't show anything about maturity on either end.


So you fail? You're a waste of time?


Interesting how I can claim whatever I want on here and someone will always believe it. Did I go to the academy?


It's hard to state much fact when all I'm doing is asking questions. Questions which you haven't been able to answer.


So, you know that this guy shot the dog just to do it? He wrote that in his report that your friends read?

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E-Punch? For what reason? Well its obvious that is all you have so my point about you has proven itself. Your better than me? How is that? I was debating something and all you have been able to come up with is insults because you dont know what the fuck your talking about. You have not said anything of any value through this entire thread. I'm amazed that I am even wasting my time arguing with you.


E-punch is not a question. For what reason? What are you talking about? You haven't asked a real question.


Yes, I'm better than you. You don't need to know how, just accept it.


You didn't debate shit. You just spouted off a ton of opinions based on bullshit. Anytime I asked a question, you didn't provide a real answer. I've come up with more than insults, if you could read better you would know that.


You're not arguing, you're failing.

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i would have gone to his house and shot his dog three times, and made him leave a not saying it might have been coming at me because that is what dogs do.


Hell, i just returned a dog that got loose 2 days ago. A very big german shepard was out running around. It came charging at me stopped and ran back, it repeated it several times. Finally i got the animal in my backyard and shut the fence. Went inside got some biscuits and distracted the dog while i read its collar.


Was this dogs name Murphy? Does it live down that first court in your parents neighborhood? If so, I took that dog home probably a dozen times when I lived over there. The owner has about 3 or 4 others that get loose too.


Sorry about the off topic and sorry for your friends loss.

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Hey how about you eat a dick you little bitch. Oh wait its ok its only the internet. And I never acted like a tough guy. I just said he was barking up the wrong tree by insulting me. That was it. I guess since that was what you got out of it then that must be what it is.


WA WA WA WA!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:




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