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Billboard: "Don't Believe in God? You are not alone." in columbus.


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EDIT: Please move to parking lot




I've seen these boards going up around the country. I had wondered when ohio would get one.



It just hit dispatch today so I'm wondering what kinda uproar if any we will hear.

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I'm just atheist enough, to not attend atheist church.


Kidding aside, I would assume those interested enough in expanding their understanding of our universe, through science and exploration, would have enough motivation to seek out like-minded groups on their own. Of course that viewpoint is highly unscientific, relative to studies showing comparable favor to 'shiny objects' between humans and birds. So I guess the louder, the better ?


Did I say "Kidding aside ... " because balls. That's why, hairy balls.


Why rub it in everyones face? Just what the gay crowd did...draw a bunch of negative attention to themselves. I don't see the point I guess.


Kidding aside, it's not really rubbing anything in anyone's face per se. It's simply reaching out to a specific targeted demographic, like most adverts. Now if the board said "FUCK YOU GOD YOU FUCKING WHORE YOU DON'T EVEN EXIST !" Then I would agree with you.

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Kidding aside, it's not really rubbing anything in anyone's face per se. It's simply reaching out to a specific targeted demographic, like most adverts. Now if the board said "FUCK YOU GOD YOU FUCKING WHORE YOU DON'T EVEN EXIST !" Then I would agree with you.


I see your point....

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So anyone want to check out the "heathen chicks" get together tonight at 6:45pm?


Thank the absent-god in the sky, that I wasn't the only one that wanted to crash that shit.


"So you must be a godless slut right ?" will be my opener.

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Why rub it in everyones face? Just what the gay crowd did...draw a bunch of negative attention to themselves. I don't see the point I guess.


Agreed. I don't have a problem with any group that is kind enough to leave me alone. People that are wacky about religion (ANY religion) I find the be just as annoying as people that love telling the world about their atheism, which seems to have become a religion all of its own. The gay crowd is the same way, stop having marches in the streets and people will forget about the differences and stop hating.

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Agreed. I don't have a problem with any group that is kind enough to leave me alone. People that are wacky about religion (ANY religion) I find the be just as annoying as people that love telling the world about their atheism, which seems to have become a religion all of its own. The gay crowd is the same way, stop having marches in the streets and people will forget about the differences and stop hating.


I am inclined to disagree with you. Using the gay community as an example, it wasn't until the protests, marches, and populace education that gays began to gain more acceptance, or even basic tolerance amongst the general community.


Also, this billboard is hardly a proper analogue to say a billboard that states "You're going to hell, because you're a heathen !!!". I otherwise agree with you about being 'left alone', in a perfect world, spiritual belief, or lack thereof, would hold little to no consequence on a personal, professional, or even political level. Unfortunately this is not the case today. Statistics have shown that voters would be 2 times as likely to vote an openly gay man/woman into a political office than an openly atheist man/woman. Why is that ? It it simply because religious culture has permeated our sociological conscious so deeply that often the word 'atheist' is immediately confused with 'evil'.


I could write an essay on this and I won't, but I don't think the message of the billboard is to try and bombard someone with anti-religious rhetoric until they just give in. Rather than say, "Hey, if you have similar interests, please join".

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Why rub it in everyones face? Just what the gay crowd did...draw a bunch of negative attention to themselves. I don't see the point I guess.



The point is that lots of non believers are out and your not alone.

It's taboo in the united states to be a non believer. Thought in Sweden its the complete reverse.

There are lots of "thiest" who really don't buy into the story but feel obligated to still claim christian. Well this sign is for those people.


We even have public officials make statements degrading non believers.

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Don't care either way, but you can bet when some asshat decides to aproch me personally I'll tell them off just as quickly as every other group. You're free to agree or disagree with me, just keep the shit to yourself, I don't want to join your cause.


Personally I tell Atheists that I'm Catholic, and Christians that I'm Atheist. I just like to disagree with people and teel them to fuck off. My beleifs are not up for discussion.

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I think its hilarious.


As a child I was forced into going to all these catholic classes by my rents. I can't tell you a damn thing I learned other then how to recieve bread and drink the blood of christ. Am I a better person for it? Hell no, if anything i'm going to hell for the sins ive done.


I believe in god but I don't believe in going to church.

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HAHA!!! Another Thorne Religion Thread!




I like the Billboard. I also like the one:




I am all up for open discussion of religion, as long as ALL parties involved KNOW they will not change ANYONE else's opinion. Tolerence IS a good thing when it comes to religion.





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