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Thinking of switching to DirecTV, worth it?


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I've been with Time Warner for many years, and as such have a good package with them. I get a ton of digital and HD channels, with 4 premium channels and turbo road runner for like 130 a month.


Over the past year or so tho I've been less than pleased with TW for my cable, with needing to replace my box twice and having movies stop playing half-way through or choppy reception even after having lines replaced, but I'm very pleased with my internet service. I'm wondering if keeping TW as my internet provider and switching to DirecTV will keep me in that same price bracket but offer me a better home entertainment experience?


I've never used satellite service, so I can't really compare it to TW, so I'm hoping you guys can chime in and help me make a good choice.



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I've always had tw as well, while building our house and living w the inlaws (they had direct tv) I experienced another provider, I hated it. took forever to change channels the reception sucked and seemed like it had to reboot it's self twice aday. It always had trouble searching for a signal and everytime it rained or had wind gusts it was a problem.


Ill never give up my TW, the few problems i have had theyve corrected them.

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FWIW I have been in the same situation for months now myself, and can't decide either. I have a hard time jumping ship because other than their DVR boxes being shit and occasionally poor quality video they have been great. I'm getting really tired of swapping boxes all the time and have also heard from most DirectTV customers that they love it.


Someone told me TW has a new HD-DVR box instead of the shitty Scientific Atlanta one they've had for years. If this is true I think I'd like to try it beofre I make the switch.

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Guest tbutera2112
I've always had tw as well, while building our house and living w the inlaws (they had direct tv) I experienced another provider, I hated it. took forever to change channels the reception sucked and seemed like it had to reboot it's self twice aday. It always had trouble searching for a signal and everytime it rained or had wind gusts it was a problem.


Ill never give up my TW, the few problems i have had theyve corrected them.


oh yea i forgot about that completely.... if theres a nasty storm, goodluck getting reception

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It's been awhile since I had DirectTV, but I'm switching back as soon as I get out of this apartment. I've got TW now and their cable has gotten worse over the past few years, damn remote is broken, box keeps resetting itself, customer service is lame, yeah I'm done with this crap. I bought all my direct tv equipment and never had problems. There's my 2 cents.
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We have DirecTV...


I used to be a hardcore TW fan, but we decided to switch to DirecTV for 2 reasons, 1)Setanta Sports 2)Assload of HD channels. I am having a hard time trying to think of a channel that is not available in HD...


When we first got it it, it took me some time to get used to the way the UI worked. I think it was mostly just because the channel numbers were different. I really didnt care for it at first, but now I think its the best.


We used to have satelite way back in the day too, and I hated satelite because when theres bad weather, youre not watching tv. This isnt the case anymore, it has to be REALLY bad out for you to not get reception, and it usually doesnt last for more than a few minutes.


Insight used to be my least favourite, it was far behind the rest. Its not too bad now, but I still prefer DirecTV over it. More channels, and a ton more HD channels.


Being able to watch movies in 1080p is nice too, and being able to watch recorded shows on any device connected to the network is also pretty nice.

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Watch the introductory rates, get written confirmation of all your transactions with customer service. Have them email what was discussed.


I love my direct TV but they actually tried to send my final bill to collections. I cancelled knowing I owed them like 60 bucks for my last month. They recaculated my contract start date based on the fact I got a new DVR because the original died. I had to kick and scream to get them to correct a 300 dollar final bill!


I switched to Dish.

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I have insight and want to switch. I would have to keep insight for home phone and RR, which isn't a big deal. I never had problems with those two services.


The cable sucks and the cable box sucks. I can't decide between Dish and DirecTV.


Anyone else here have Dish? How is it working for you?

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How does the signal and boxes compare to DirecTV? Do you have more or less digital channels?




HD quality and quantity are the same. I have a local customer service number I can call as well instead of the 800 number BS.


Price was also lower.


My HD DVR is duel mode as well. My Direct box was always needing rebooted. The Dish seems much more stable. Signal strength is a wash. They were both fine. However, I have ZERO obstructions.





I have to disagree with the above post about Cable HD being better. When I watch TW HD and then get home and turn on my tv, its like I got a better set of glasses. Everything is much sharper in my opinion.

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I have to disagree with the above post about Cable HD being better. When I watch TW HD and then get home and turn on my tv, its like I got a better set of glasses. Everything is much sharper in my opinion.

I am comparing Insight, WOW, and Warner. Seen on multiple TV's, and identical TV's. DirectTV isn't as clear, period. HDMI for all, normal view. LCD and DLP comparisons. My buddy with his DirectTV even commented how it isn't as clear as my other friend's WOW connection, with similar TV's. TV is setup correctly, and looks outstanding with Blu-Ray.

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I am comparing Insight, WOW, and Warner. Seen on multiple TV's, and identical TV's. DirectTV isn't as clear, period. HDMI for all, normal view. LCD and DLP comparisons. My buddy with his DirectTV even commented how it isn't as clear as my other friend's WOW connection, with similar TV's. TV is setup correctly, and looks outstanding with Blu-Ray.


I really don't see this. I had TW then switched to DirecTV. DTV's HD was not only more comprehensive, but clearer. Then the SD channels were 10 times better than TW's SD. TW was definitely borrowing bandwidth from their regular stations to feed their HD and On Demand. I had the *worst* service and channel selection with TW, and will never switch back. This isn't hearsay, but my actual experience.

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Yes I watch the "Sunday Ticket" every week at a friends house for a little bit each sunday, and NFL is crystal clear every sunday on his 50" LCD just like it is on my 52" LCD with Wow. And guess what he got to watch the Chi vs SF game last night. Saying DirecTv is not clear is such a lie, don't drink the Kool Aid.
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oh yea i forgot about that completely.... if theres a nasty storm, goodluck getting reception


Totally disagree....during that windstorm last year where everyone lost power. Our reception went out for 1 second and never had a problem again. I love directv and would never switch. 3 words as well NFL Sunday Ticket...greatest package to buy.

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"Rain Fade" is a myth now, really. I have perfect signal in all but the WORST storms. But they usually sweep past in a couple minutes. Worst I ever had was the big snow storm last year and I only had to restort to Recorded shows, DVDs, Games, and the Internet for maybe 40 minutes.. Since getting DirecTV here, I've had signal issues maybe 3 times.


Now TW on the other hand, I had signal issues all the time. Spotty pictures, dropped audio. HD On-Demand was painful to watch. And know what? It happened at ANY time, not just when the weather was bad. And no, the techs couldn't fix it. But I guess that's so much better than having a satellite signal drop once, maybe twice a year. :rolleyes:

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I have insight and want to switch. I would have to keep insight for home phone and RR, which isn't a big deal. I never had problems with those two services.


The cable sucks and the cable box sucks. I can't decide between Dish and DirecTV.



I've never had a problem. I've had the same HD DVR since the Steelers won the Super Bowl in 2006, it even moved with me.

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I've never had a problem. I've had the same HD DVR since the Steelers won the Super Bowl in 2006, it even moved with me.


I've been in this house and with Insight for 2 years and I'm on my 3rd box now. I have mentioned the shitty quality of the signal and they say "all of the lines are fine" then they leave. They don't care, they're getting paid.


I can't wait to see how quickly their attitude (and price) changes when I tell them I'm dropping them like a bad habit.

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