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Springsteen in Michigan - "Hello, Ohio!"


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with power comes responsibility, gentlemen. When a celebrity gets in front of their sheep to spew hatred and nonsense because they can, i have NO respect for them. I witnessed Bruce do just that last summer on the south Oval at OSU. It was tasteless and uncalled for. He is a mindless follower.
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Or yourself for that matter? As if something you post an an Internet Forum matters?








absolutely right, thats why i dont have a billion post and spend all my time in a computer. I get out and want to discover this world we live in and want to make it my own with my own ideas.

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absolutely right, thats why i dont have a billion post and spend all my time in a computer. I get out and want to discover this world we live in and want to make it my own with my own ideas.



Yet you still post your mindless drivel on an Internet Forum?


Atta girl Rex!





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with power comes responsibility, gentlemen. When a celebrity gets in front of their sheep to spew hatred and nonsense because they can, i have NO respect for them. I witnessed Bruce do just that last summer on the south Oval at OSU. It was tasteless and uncalled for. He is a mindless follower.


Something tells me you watch a lot of Glenn Beck.


Best of luck to you and your children.

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absolutely right, thats why i dont have a billion post and spend all my time in a computer. I get out and want to discover this world we live in and want to make it my own with my own ideas.


I just saw this on the news... supposedly he had a concert in Cleveland couple days after maybe he got confused?


BTW you have way more post per year than he does lol

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absolutely right, thats why i dont have a billion post and spend all my time in a computer. I get out and want to discover this world we live in and want to make it my own with my own ideas.


I find the fact that you can't form a sentence correctly, but want to 'make the world your own with your own ideas' entertaining.

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Given the quote in your sig id assume someone like yourself would prove to be more than a one-side minded fool.


I can go link to the post where you made your asinine correlation between the two. Please do not try the sophist approach; your lack of a higher functioning memory and logic filled thought process is painfully apparent.



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Easy to sound smart on the internet isn't it?:D


Yeah, he's a dipshit. I remember the liberal tard started that crap at Farm-Aid and got his stupid ass booed off stage. He eventually came back and just played, and it was okay.


I'm sure this happens at concerts every now and then- I bet his assistant gets yelled at. When he makes things political he just irritates his conservative listeners. When he gets the state wrong he just sounds clueless.

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