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Sarah Palin book signing in Columbus


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wow thats has to be the dumbest uninfromed group of people I have ever see


Wow those people knew nothing about her. Fucking retards.



Anyone that genuinely believes she is an intelligent person worthy of holding any political office needs to slowly die in a grease fire.

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Have you guys ever seen interviews with people from Obama rally's?


I'm not a Palin fan at all, but every politician has followers like this, especially if you seek them out and pick and choose in your editing.

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Have you guys ever seen interviews with people from Obama rally's?


I'm not a Palin fan at all, but every politician has followers like this, especially if you seek them out and pick and choose in your editing.


Thank you. I would love to take a video camera and mic to an Obama rally and ask the same questions. I would bet 9 out of 10 responses would be 'change'. Then, when I ask what change I would :lol: at the responses.


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There is nothing I hate more than people who think 1 group of voters is smarter than another.


I agree with you, but these videos you posted are a bit different compared to OP.


I bet you can trick 99% of people by shoving a camera in there face and asking a baited or misleading question and getting the response you already expect.

Its another thing entirely in the OP video to ask "what do you like about her" "which of her policies do you agree with" there is no lead in that question intending to deceive the interviewee, it's just letting them let their stupid out.


I just believe that most people you meet are stupid. doesn't matter what they believe in.

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I agree with you, but these videos you posted are a bit different compared to OP.


I bet you can trick 99% of people by shoving a camera in there face and asking a baited or misleading question and getting the response you already expect.

Its another thing entirely in the OP video to ask "what do you like about her" "which of her policies do you agree with" there is no lead in that question intending to deceive the interviewee, it's just letting them let their stupid out.


I just believe that most people you meet are stupid. doesn't matter what they believe in.


It's no different than selective editing that the orig. video used.

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This thread is about the Sarah Palin book signing. Please hate on Obama in a new thread.



No one is hating on Obama, just pointing out the stupidity of taking the video beyond face value that the people interviewed were stupid.

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Fair enough. This thread appeared to be turning political, and I just want to make fun of the retards that stood in that line. Sarah Palin has little to do with the comedy here; I wanted to ensure that our aim remains true. :)

Thank you.


The point is that this was in Columbus and people are idiots.

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Fair enough. This thread appeared to be turning political, and I just want to make fun of the retards that stood in that line. Sarah Palin has little to do with the comedy here; I wanted to ensure that our aim remains true. :)

i thought the same thing as i watch millions of people suck the dick of a socialist when he was inaugurated. Shut the fuck up with your bullshit Mensan, no one cares. (might i add, i just got a raging e-boner from electronically pwning you)


I like the videos, but all it does is reveal there are stupid people everywhere, whether they are some dumb bitches followers or some socialist weeners.

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i thought the same thing as i watch millions of people suck the dick of a socialist when he was inaugurated. Shut the fuck up with your bullshit Mensan, no one cares. (might i add, i just got a raging e-boner from electronically pwning you)


I like the videos, but all it does is reveal there are stupid people everywhere, whether they are some dumb bitches followers or some socialist weeners.


I am a registered independent voter that has been labeled a socialist. I am also an NRA member. This above post offends me. Hold on while I click the report button...

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