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Health Insurance


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I am graduating in a couple weeks and can't be on my parents health insurance anymore. Can anyone recommend a company or a plan? I have no clue what I really need. Below are a few plans from Aetna.


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0% after deductible? lol i would think that should say 100%, otherwise, its not covering anything


are you not working or dont have access to insurance thru a job? remember with those, you need to cover AT LEAST 3k out of pocket before they cover anything.


at my old job, it was 80something every 2 weeks for medical, so i ended up going without for a couple years...im pretty healthy person, so i took the risk.


but if the 0% is what you will pay, and they pay 100% after deductible, if thats a monthly premium ($55) or even biweekly, thats not too bad. my employer based is $33 or so biweekly

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Those Aetna plans are expensive, but you need to research the actual number of people that have had Aetna cover anything on those plans. Everything can fall under pre-existing condition.


You need an associated plan, like with a job or some group that has negotiated a rate.

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I have an Aetna high deductible (1800) with HSA. In my experience they've covered everything 100% after the $1800. Had a hospital visit three years ago, $9000 and I paid $1300 (had $500 already). Didn't pay another dime.
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