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Our cards have a name associated to them, we swipe it in the system and fill in a name for the card. I hate to say it but if someone knows they lost it all they have to do is go to the store and have them look it up on the system and see it hasn't been used yet. Then the store voids the card and issues a new card to the customer.


That is what we do.


You trying to pay with a card that could be deactivated might look bad.

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A gift card in middle of road. Not a street or neighborhood. Value $350 I should state this is not my dilemma. Owners contact info found with card. Owner lives in a $400,000 home, has very nice vehicles ect... throwing in to see if views are waivered.


If the owner is known, no matter the value of the house, it should be returned.


If the owner is unknown , turn it into the police. I think after 30 days it becomes yours. (if not claimed)

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If the owner is known, no matter the value of the house, it should be returned.


If the owner is unknown , turn it into the police. I think after 30 days it becomes yours. (if not claimed)


+1, If you know who's it is return it, Who cares where he lives or what car he drives.

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A gift card in middle of road. Not a street or neighborhood. Value $350 I should state this is not my dilemma. Owners contact info found with card. Owner lives in a $400,000 home, has very nice vehicles ect... throwing in to see if views are waivered.


IMO.....if it's a gift card, and you found and use it, it's no different to me than if you found my credit card and tried to use it. Remember, if you use it at the store, there are cameras. If they recall losing it and go to the store and they show it was used and have you on video using it, you could end up on NBC4i at 6pm. That would make a fun/heck of a story, especially around the holidays.


I would give it back. No different than if you found a credit card. Cash.....different story....unless it was in a wallet, etc....that "should" be the same, however, I've found money with no wallet and there's nothing you can do but keep it. Oh...and their house, cars, etc....don't matter really.


Just my two cents. Not 100% sure on the legal stuff related to the above, but IMO, it's not worth the risk. Besides, Karma is a bitch. Just walk your ass over there with a huge limp and wince in pain, etc...maybe they'll give you $20 for going out of your way with a bum foot :D


FWIW, I lost my Subway card, but have it registered online in case it's lost or stolen. I got online after realizing I lost it and they not only deactivated it, but sent me a new card with the points back on it.

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I have mixed opinions on this. on one hand ide hate to lose something like that but on the other if there is no phone number to call them at then why should u do the work to try to track these people down. I know it's bad karma but why should you go out of your way an do work trying to find these people.


an I don’t see how you people think its steeling. you found a gift card … if u go to use it they will cash it an bam it's your lucky day that you found that. a credit card is another story but a gift card really come on be realistic.


Jason if there was a # to call with the gift card then give them a call tell them to come pick it up as u have found it


if no # then just keep it

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I am trying to convince him that he should return it. He went to the house several times and no answer. Hes called several times and no answer. He refuses to leave it on the porch for obvious reasons, and also partly if he returns it he wants the acknowledgement of the owners when its returned with at least a thank you. His next thought was to give it to the police who would deduce like we did who the owner is and would rob him of his chance to get his thank you. Plus the house is a decent way away and he was tired of running over there several times today.
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I am trying to convince him that he should return it. He went to the house several times and no answer. Hes called several times and no answer. He refuses to leave it on the porch for obvious reasons, and also partly if he returns it he wants the acknowledgement of the owners when its returned with at least a thank you. His next thought was to give it to the police who would deduce like we did who the owner is and would rob him of his chance to get his thank you. Plus the house is a decent way away and he was tired of running over there several times today.


US Mail with a short note and holiday wishes. /thread.



I lost my wallet once, and got everything but the wallet back via US Mail. There was no return addy, but then I think it's because they may have thought I'd go after for potential ill-doing. Nothing bad ever came from anything, but I was glad that someone out there did a good deed.

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I am trying to convince him that he should return it. He went to the house several times and no answer. Hes called several times and no answer. He refuses to leave it on the porch for obvious reasons, and also partly if he returns it he wants the acknowledgement of the owners when its returned with at least a thank you. His next thought was to give it to the police who would deduce like we did who the owner is and would rob him of his chance to get his thank you. Plus the house is a decent way away and he was tired of running over there several times today.


Leave a message, If they don't reply, fuck it keep it.

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I made him call the police dept and found it odd that the dispatcher that answered told him and I quote "gift cards are like cash finders keepers". They did confirm that if its turned in that it would become his after 30 days. But it wont be there for 30 days.
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