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Carrie Underwood + Tight leather pants = win.


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My wife wanted to watch the Carrie special on right now. I thought, "that is LAME."


I stand corrected. Jeebus.


EDIT - before the "no pics, no win" comments find their way here...


MAYbe NWS? Didn't scan them all - http://www.watt-up.com/j_gallery/Carrie_Underwood%20_1/Carrie_Underwood_1.html



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about 2 years ago in the Newark NJ airport i was in the exec lounge waiting on a flight and she was in there with her puppy (i didnt know who she was at the time). I noticed her and she noticed me noticing her, so i get up and walk over to what i thought was a hot blonde 19 or 20 year old girl, to pet her puppy. We end up talking and laughing for a while and her puppy was really cute. Anyway at some point i noticed 2 very large black men sitting somewhat close to us and i begin to put 2 and 2 together and they are her bodyguards. I asked her what her name was, then realized she was the chick from american idol, which explained why the guys were there. All in all she thought it was funny/cute that i didnt know who she was and ultimately i felt like a fuckface not knowing right away. She is a sweetheart in person and also, she is TINY....which was sooo hot for some reason lol! i'll ask my sister if she can find the picture of me and her petting her puppy.
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